~<4 , 4~ T 4$ ~ >~4O t ~, ~ ORONO WEEKLV TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31st, 1968 U. C.W. Asked To Sponsor Orono Day Nursery The General- U.C.W. Meeting was held Thursday, October 17 in the main auditorium cf the churcli The ipresident, Mrs., Challice, wel- comed ail in attendance and read a Thanksgiving poem and lead in prayer. A short business period includ- ed minutes- of previous meeting. Volunteers- were asked for help at the Co-op Medical banquet for Tuesday, October 22. Mrs. Joyce Rosseau, the new President for the day nursery, ad- dressed the U.C.W. and asked ýor their sponsorshlp of the group. She also mentioned the need for a used rug for the floor. Several ladies present volunteer- cd to donate sucli. The President stated the need for used lothing for the, Scott Mission in Toronto, particularly childrens and mens. The treasurer's report was given and the president reminded the ladies of the Tupperware Party October 3th, sponsored by Unit 4. Mrs. 0. Chatterton, chairman for Noininating Committee, ask- ed that anyone Wishing to retire froni present office on executive please notify her, in writing by November lst. Mrs. V. Robinson and Mrs. C. Taylor presented a very beautiful devotion on the "Thanksgiving Themç". .Mrs. Bob Iiancock and Mrs. Quinton rendered a lovely duet. Our guest speaker for the even- ing was Mrs. J. T. Cook, Orono. Having been born and raised ln China, she gave us a very inter- esting and informative talk on tthat country. ;Zany lovely things were on display, embroîdery, disheg, jewellery and paintings. Mrs. Challice expressed thanks te Mrs. Cook from the group. The ladies fromn Unit 1 served a tasty lunch. The meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction. Farm Policy Change At -a pollcy meeting at the home of Gerry Olthof on Monday, Octobèr 21 delegates te the New Democr.atic Party Provincial %con- vention worked eut proposais to become part of the policy of the Party. The delegates, elected by party members at the last membership meeting are: Donald Archer, Janetville; Frank MeLellani, Courtice; Henr-y Veenhof, 'Courtice; Doug Moffat, Elizabethville, Fran Mofnat, El- izabethville;, Gerry Olthof, Cour- tice. Alternates: Wilmer Hill, Hamp- ton, Tina Olthof; Marg Veenhof. Thre delegates will attempt teý have the party, adopt poicies wvhich caîl for the implementa- tien of guaranteed prices for farin produets at the beginning of each crop year. The policy conrmittee will caîl for government assist- ance in setting up "direct-to-con- sumer"ý marketing outiets for farm products. Another resolution icalîs for legisiation banning nen-return- able beverage bottles. A third resolution, if adopted, xvould require "SErvice-Cenýres" on limîted access highways' to provide facilities for overnight camping and because of, the ex- clusive nature of their franchise, these, establishments sh'ouldý be required te honour credit docu- ments of other gasoline compan- les. The delegates also intend te press for legisilation which will guarantee that Ontario's Provin- cial Parks be reserved as wilder-ý ness areas by prohibiting the cutting cf timber, mining of min-ý erais or removal of, water in these territories. The last proposai from Durham dalls for legislation requiring in- dustries to train apprentices in a fair ratio te the number of tradesmen employed. It was feit that far tee olften tradesmen are trained in technical courses at public expense and are then de- nied jobs, because they lack ex- perience. The N.D.P. convention will be Oro.no, Ontario Phone 983-5 009 Big Step In Budget Balance REPORT FROM OTTAWA Russel C. Honey, M.P., Northumberland-Durlhami The first budget for freshman Finance Minister Edgar Beruon was a big step to bringing the budget into balance. H1e took a healthy stride also toaimlement sanme, f the recommendations of the Carter Royal Commission on Taxation. Placing Life Insurance companies in the samie tax posi- tion as other- corporations was one of ýthe reconimendatý.ons of the Carter Commission. Cobourg can have some justifi- able pride in the rise of gtardjom of one of its native sons. The Minister of Finance was born in Cobourg 45 years ago and was ed- ucated in Cobourg's public and high schools. After serving in1 the Army during World War II Mr. Benson and his Duich war bride settled in Kingston where hie attended Queen's University. Mr. Benson has represented King- ston in the House of Commons since 1962. "Edgar" as his Co- bourg and district friends know him, is one of the top two or three Canadian Misters in abil- ity and influence. T here were bright spots in the budget for industry in Port Hope and Çobourg. The future of the Holland-Suco operation in Porit Hope depended on certain tariff changes. In Cobourg other chang- es were required to enable local industries to expand. Mr. Benson agreed with sulimissions made to himi and very advantageous changes were made ia the budget. The IHouliandSuo cornpany dan aow go right ahead with con- struction of its plant in Port Hope. Mr. Trudeau continuesto han- die himself in the House with confidence and ease. There lias been urging in and eut of the House of Commons that Canada sbould intervene directly or indirectly in the Ni- gerian civil war. The Prime Min- ister re-stated Canada's position succinctly this week when lie said "I think it is a great miistake ,to leave with the Canadian people the feeling that there is an easy solution Vo (the. Nigerian-War) '_ or that we should in any sense intervene in a civil war la Africa. If we were to do that we should be faced with the consequense siilar to that faced by other white nations whiceh are interven- ing in Viet Nain. Those white na- tions are being accused of telling the yellow races what to do. We shîould be in the samne plosition in Africa if we went in there and told them how to settle their civ- il war." Receilves Grant Alex Carruthers, M.P.P., Dur- hanm, anaounced recently that the Ontario Heritage Foundation bas made a grant Vo the Port Hope Board cf Trade ia the amount of $750.00. 1The Foundation was requested sOmetime ago ta providt assist- ance for a survey of eanly down- town buildings in Port Hope. It is the feeling of the Foundation's tirectoirs that such a study miglit well serve as a Pilot projecit for other Ontario conimunities. The funds are being provided on la matChing grant basis on con- NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER 0F the winding up of. COMMUNITY TELEPHONE COMPANY LIMITED TAKE NOTICE that on July l3th, 1968, a notice was published in the Ontario Gazette that the sharehold- ers of Community Telephone Company Limited pass- ed a resolution requiring the said company to be wound up voluntarily under the provisions of The Corporations Act and appointed Kervan L. Miller of Dunnville, Ontario, as liquidator. AND FURTIIER TAKE NOTICE that if you have any dlaim against the said company, proof of' such dlaim must be filed with the liquidater within ten (10) days of the date of this notice after wbich time the property of theý above company will be distribu- ted amongst the persons entitled thereto having re- gard to the dlaims of which the liquidator has then notice. DATED at Dumnville, Ontario, this 28th day of Octo- ber, 1968. KER VAN L. MILLER, Liquidator Townshipa of ClaGrkeG deorks Noticýýeof First Posting of Votîers' List Voters' List, 1968, Township of Clarke, ln thre County of Durham. Notice is hereby given trait I have cern- piled with Section 9 of thre Voters' List Act, and that I have posted Up at my office ait Orono on thre 3th day of October, 1908, thre list of all per- sons entitled to, vote in thee P"inicipality at munici- pal elections and that- sucir list remains there for inspection. And I hereby eall upc-i ail voters te take immediate proceedmngs to have any onmissions or errors corrected according to Iiaw, the last day for appeal being thre- 3th day cf November, 1968. IlAted tis Stir day of October, 1968. H. E. MILLSON,- Clerk cf thre Township cf Clarkre. j Township of Clar-ke 1968 Tax Demand Second instalment due November 1, 1968. Payýable at the Branch Offices of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce at Orono and Newcastle. LARGE SIZE VITAMIN -LAST WEEK SAVE Z20 On Ail Large Sizes SUPERVALUE SAVINGS 250',Halibut Liver 99c-I 011 Capsules 300 A.S.A. Tablets 49c SUT'S PHA1 kRMAC y The Co bourg Oper a & Drama Guild presents , 'y ROY HIGpilN'S production of "UR TOWN" by Thernton Wilder VICTORIA OPERA HOIJSE, COBOURG Curtain 8:15 p.. NOVMBER 7 - 8 - 9 Ail Seats reserved - $1.50 - $1.75 - $2.00 Mail Order Reservations - Cobourg Opera & Drama Guild Box 483, Cobourg Please enclose cheque with reservations