Orono VjOLUME 31, NUMBER 44 Weekly Tines1 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIIURSDAY, NOVEMBER l4th, 1968 Leaving Cler ship To K ir y S'. c1ITo l rch The Clfarke Township Public S-ehool Board beld thieir Novemn- ber meeting lu) the Kendlal Public Seh1ool wý,ith ail mnembers present. A-t the meeting the Board ap- Proveil the holding cf the Offie- tal Opening of the nelw Kirby ,2enteuia Sebool on Friday, MYarch 28th. For this purpose the baord allottedl a sum cof $100.00 te cover expenses connected with The local Board have decided te 1et the lnew incoming:County Býoard hfandle the disposal cf un- -used r hol in.the area. It was pontd ut that at this time it ~vimpossible e give a clear Jeed te some of the property. 'Anintrse greup in Starkville aire ajparently interested in se- -'uring te Strvile sehool. In thsmatter the Board took no0 acio ad somte feit tihat the' buligceuld easily become a iiability' vte the cemmcnity when ineetdied deown la the matter efusg the sechool as a commun- ty bilding forth(at area. Ne action was taken by the B3oardinii the matter cf entering ïintl a contract w1th Mr. R. Simp- son for the cuttiug of grass et the varieu,;scsheols in the ýarea. It Wlas felt that as a new -Bord wo1'uld be taking over lu the aew vear that it would net be f air te Mr. Simpson to enter into an a- greement at thir time. The secret ary, Mr. B est, pre- setda 1nmber cf estùnates for -work which lias been requested et the Orono Sehool by the Pria- ,eipal, Mr. Moffat. In the matter of installing sinks ln a numiber cf ýc1assroûrms it was stated "iit es- tiîmates per unit were $150. 00 the cost of cupboards under the sinks. Mr. Best felt that the cost would rcn areund $200.00. Messrs J. Lowery aad J. Stutt were ap-, p)ointed te visit the school ln this .2oniinection. In the request te renovate the present lunch room at the Oreno- Sebool into a Resource Library, he board gave approval for pýaiutîng the walls and seeuring the necessary slielving. Au, esti- mate cf around $1,000 0lid been obtained for a carpet fer the floor', tiling the ceilinig and paInting. The çgost cf shelviug would be extra te, this eoist, The BGoard feit thuat by going aliead with the shlelving and painting that at least à start was being madie in setting Up the, library. Mý,oney was net available at this dîme unless the Board cojd use an amrount of $15,000 which liad been set aride for a capital pay- ment for the General Purpore ron at Orone. The Board felt that if the Township Council ,would now allow the Board te debenture the full cost cf the General Purpose rom- that tlie $15,00 could now be used for other work iu the area as well as, completing the library. Thiis is to be taken up with the Council vfhen the Board meets with tliem oyver the General Purpose reom. The seeretary was :authorized teo cnatMr. MacLeod, -Area Sup- erinitenideuit, ili the matter cf of giving assirtance te Miss Rose et the Kendal Sehool. Miss Rose bhas a total cf thirty-auine studients in 'ler clars at the school which the Board felt war far teer many.. Assistance jr te be given iuuued- iatelyý followving the contact cf' the area superintendeut. The interim Committee lias asked that ail Boards sublit a budgcet fo)r the cong year carly in January. T'hey bave aire arked -that the bud-get not be ijýreased over tliatcf 1968 ether than for an increase in enroliment. In the matter of rerouUtng a bus for the pick-up of a grade twostudent.in theSiih Churcli arca, the Board toek np action feeling that- the condition was normal. Th'e student lias a half- mile te, walk te, catch the bus. The ,Board adhered te the ir poicy of ne chocolate milk in the sehoos'. The Kendal Guides and Brown- ies were given ý approval te use the Kendal General Purpose room for card parties on Nevember 29 and December l3th, previding it did not interfere witli the school pregram. Enrolment during thf month of October incrcascd ten te a total cf 915. Alter seme discussion the board approved the _purchase of five record players te be distrib- uted teo varlous sehols in the area. Moules fer thir purebare te, be taken oct of the instruction- l funds. PlaningFestiva ForAugst1969 The B3oard of Directors of the Great Pine Ridge Festival cf the Arts have pleasure la anneuncing that the 1969 Season productions will' take place during Augu1st from 5th te, 23rd inclusive. De- tails etc., will be aaaounced as 50011 as plans have been complet- cd. Wins Recital Prize A Reital by the Prize Winn- ing Students of the Oshawa Bi"ancli & the O.R.M.T.A. (On- tarieo Rcgirtcrcd Music Teachers' Association) was ýheld recently at the Oshawa Public Library Audi- torium, ýat which Miss Karen Lowery of Kirby, playcd two numbers. Karen, wînningthie prize given for Grade VII Piano. Congratulations." (Karen is a pupil of Mrs.,M. H. Staple s). W l,.Cra Ano ce Candidac Fr S lor The score joard for the nomin- ation of candidates for the of- ficeeof cfehool trestees la the new chairman of the Board. tien rests at this time for Clarke Towuship a eue definite and e possible. The nosuinýatioin me et- ing for Clarke Tewuýship, HoeIe, Town.ship and Newcastle will bce held la the Township Hall, Orono on Monday, Novemher 18th. The nomination cf candidates will commence at )one o'ciock and continue foreue heur. Inn'the election two members te the board will be elected from the three municipelities and edcc- tors - mey vote 'for two on the ballot,. Mr. Wm. Carman, Orono, has stated -that he will rua forer cc- tien to the new Board. Mr. Car- man lias been a mesuber cf the Durham Çounty District Sehool Board for several and in 1968 was clected chiarmen cf the Board. Higli years vice- Mr. Lawrence Greenwood,, a mem-ber cf the 'Clhrkc Township Public Sehlool Board, in, a state- ment at their meeting last Mon- day raid that lie was cenridering running- for election. This, arose whcn the chairman cf the Board, Mrs. H. Barlow, ýasked f any member cf the Area Beard was considëriag runuing for office in the new County Board. Mrs. Bar- low and Mr. Turansky stated they were not eonridering rua- ning. Messrs. James Lowery and James Stutt made ne statemeat in the matter. The Clarke Township Rate- alone". payers' Association held their :' monthly meeting cn Tuesday ev- Mr. R. D. Menton in a cloring ening la the basement ofthe Or- address aise pointed eut that a ono nite Chuch wth sme report from Mr. Robartr, Premier twenty jpreseat. Mr, Tiay Bennett of Ontario stated that the govern- of Toronto was te, address the ment was te make a rtudy of meeting but happarcntly was un- lan d use policier lu Ontario. He able to attend due te wcather pointed eut, that this ir what the and driving conditions. Mr,. Ben- Clarke Towaship Ratepayers' Ar- ,actt ir Outdoors Editor for 'he sociation has been advocating and Toroto Tleýgam.that perhaps in some measure Torete Tlegrm.have ýbeca successful. The study Mr.Gen Butco-chairman, lie raid war te sec that land ývas Mr. Gen Buttuseil for wliat it was bert suiteýd. stated that nothing futher had "TIf it is agricultural land then it been beard la coaneetion with -ol b sd ssc, csad the bcaring -of Clarke Township Mr. Morton ralid we should want By-laws 1592 -and 1602. Mr. Butt to eliegood stewards cf thc land did refer hewever te a consider- l u ossin ation by Nortliern ,Ontario te norpossin make a feas ibility rtudy cii breaking away from the rcst cf Ontario. The uerth ir angered by In the absence cf Mr. Bennett, Goverament negleet and exploi- Mr. Butt spoke te the gathering, tation cf the region, it was raid, on (a recent two-day convention It was rtated that Northern On- lie had atteuded la connectien tarie lumuler iadustry lias beea with school guidance and couni- destro~,Ted by Government action, seiling. This, lie raid, is' aow a and alseo that mines have been very important partcf education. exploited. The people aire pay Hie dispelled some of the falicies higlier hydre electrie costs even of available work. lHe raid there thougli hydre is produced-lu the i5 10w lietween 3000 and 4000 noeth.defiaite occupations and thro(ugh study and researchi there mas ne Mr.- Butt raid that lie poiated this move eut to acte that others indication cf a decline la wonld were net satisfied with thegev- work. He raid that the key-note ernmnent policier. "We are net speaker had made tbis point and Mr. H. E. Milîson of Orono has purchased Lycett Insurane of Orono and it is presumed will take over the business sometime carly in the New Year. Ar a result cf the purchase Mr. Milîson has tendered bis resigna- tion .as Clerk-Treasurer of the Townmship of Clarke. His resigna- tioni was presenteil to Gouncil at a special meeting on Friday even- ing of last week. Mr. Milison has been clerk-treasurer, of the mun- icîpality of Clarke for the part 20 years. Mr. Millsoa's resigna- tion takes affect December 9th. Mr. M1,llson's purchase cf Ly- cett Lnsurance was announced last week. The Insurance Com- pany jr (vell establishcd ln the district having been operated by Mr,. Tom Smith. Following this the Company was purchased and operated by Mr. N. F. Porter un- tii the spring cf 1960 wlien-the business :was purcliased by Mr. F. E. Lycett. couid net sec that day wben, the majority Would work only a few hours a week. Occupations may change but net world work. lie raid. Mr. Butt outlined the scope cf the rtudy made by the Hall- Dennis greup and raid thet if recommendations were implemen- ted it would briag about one cf the greatest changes lu the field, of education. The report was de- signcd te place the chiid as the focal point r ather than plecing the impetus on the administra- tion, the teachers or the Depart- ment. Mr. Butt approved the dropping cf exams and aise ap- proved the Dennis report lu that the school would become ungrad- cd where studeats would advance at their individuai piace. He raid the convention also noted that.the sebools lied done a poor job of ceunselling girls. He pointed eut that young female students liai to compete with the eilder womnen, who, after raisiag a family were returuing andt stay- lng la the labeur force. These wemeni are a great potentiel, lie raid. Mlen, lie raid, on retire- ment ge inte another field cf en- deavour. Mau used te work te sur-vive, ncw lie works te buy the kind of life lie wants to live, OPI Mnaio A change lias been made in the by-law establishing the nomina- tion and electien cf Police Trus-7 tees for the Police Village of Oroac. The Nomination for tliree Pol- ice Trustees, wilJl sthi li ee leuton Moaday, November 25th but the time bhas been set et the heur of on1e e'clock in ithe afternoen. Nominations ruay lie made frcm one o'clocek te two o'elock in the(, aftcrnoon cf November 25th. If an clection ir necessary it will li e leu on Wedncsday, Dcc- ember 4th wlien poils 'wilÎ ýpen at 10.00O o'clock and remain ope-- until 7:00 la the afteraoon,. Wants Pay-Phone GreterAttndaceIn Orono November meeting had a smal- 1er number of parents present than usual ýand )an atinpt is te bc miade te increase attendence. The wckrk ccomplished benefits evcryene's chidren se Jlet us fil the gymnasium for the December meeting. Membership fees were canceli- ed iand repiaced with the'require- ment thuat anyone can vote or ho'ld office who ýattends 75% of the meetings during ia ycar. GCard. parties, to commence af- ter the New Year. P>enny Sale with the theme, "Chrisitmias Shiop Mt the, Penny 7. Proceedr te, go towards tuibl- liug -mats for use cf the children in the gym. President, Treasuvri(aend Sec- retary were returned te office by acclamation. Eleetion for VieeýPresIdeurt and Lunch Convenor will be he]d at the December Meeting. Several Girl, Guides . are te belp serve lunch etý the Penny Sale toecara, their "Hostess Badge." Messrs. Arthur Thomipsen and (Continued on Page 4) The Orone Chamber of Com-, merce held their November ý meeting on Tuesday evening ini the New Dutel Oven Restaurant Only one new piece of business came befere the meeting. A rmotion was passed âuthorîz- ing the secretary to write to the Cotimunity Telephone, Company Limited requesting that 'the Cern- pany place n pay telephone in the business section of the Villag,7, It was noted at the meeting that nowhere in Orono was thelir a pay phone'and that such a servicýe is often warranted. The.next meeting of the Cham- ber is to bc held on the second Monday of the month. Mr. M.ý Downs, reported that theý new coloured decorativeý lights aeto arrive in, Orono on Nýov.- ember l19th. This date had beent assured by the manufactcrer, lie said., 1 t was reported that the Me- Kenzie store is available for Santa prior to Christmnas. A discussion' centred on culi- bing and scoutfing in Orono. The lack of leaders for this work bas reached a point where neith- er group now._ functions in the Village., As considerable equip- ment is in storage for these groups it was decided te see if it could be used by present church groups who do now oper- ate in this age group of boys. said Mr; Butt. Mr. Butt also raid that it war pointed ýout at the conferenýce that some ýchildren were being kept in school for too long and that man,- jobs being done today do not relquire even a secondary educa- tion and that some faction of lu- dustry lias admitted this. In closing the speaker said that if and when the Hall-Dci- nis report is brought into exis- ance it will have far-reaching af- fects. ilcather Rebekah Lodge op)fened6 their meeting with NobleGrn Sister Violet D'unlop and Vice Grand Sister Hlazel Stap)leton lin their chairs. Roll eall shosved several offieý- ers absent, Sister ýCarol Boyd, read a Jet.- ter from the littie Korean foster child and lier picture was pa,.ssed around for the members to sec. The Sisters wecnt early to eut up fruit for Christnmas cakes anid were to make them the n.ext day Se. don't forget te get yaur order (Continued page 4) Gene B uttOulines Features5 In ducation