ORN~W~KL T sT JUB N VZ Ri4th, .194b 2Iaken from a secrn1reae,âhed iy ~Rev. Rasil E. Long. The aancient nian of religion weearusand hbm, filiow imari, thec animrais, the mnoon and the stars and the atosphjiere declar- ed, the earth is the Lo-)rd's, and the fulness thereof." t is the gift of God. One bas only to walk a short distance until confronited by a sign "private prpry" tis the mark~ of modern man a nd is som e- what justified because of the a- buse inflicted upon the propierty, of Cthers by persons who are in- sensitive to the holdings of oth- er. ut when man's attitude imfplies, "This is mine aTone - what I dIo is nu one eLse's busin- ess, and whep mnan forgets that the earth is thc Gift of God, he becomes an arrogant, isý,inform- ed and selfish person.TPh e study buuk, MAN ALIVE, points eut, "'lawyers become f amilia), w i th the family disagreemnents which arise when ýýomeone dies and bis possessions are divîded among the relatives. Families who have got along well together, who had a sense of loyality to each other, suddenly find their relationships disintegrating an-d whatever legal conclusions are drawn, perman- ent scars are left. t is strange that lu matters uf inheritance peuple so often talk about their rights. Money is bequteathed ,by a parent or a relative because hie wills it to them. The receiver fddnýot earn it, probably did nothing to cdeserve iL t),,but it cornes as a gift. 11e may simiply take it for granted or instead of showing gratitude and being pleased that lie should receive anything at ail, lie questions w.hy lie has not been given more and ~maJkcs an indiginant plea fox bis rights. This gues beyond family and local affairs, to our attitude to- ward possýessions in the whole of life. We did not ýcreate the earth with its fertility an.jd its store of wealithý we inherited it. We are toý lie gn twrsof bnc earth withl itsq store of treasures." An old s;ong bas the ines, the mcoon belongs to ev-eryone". t is also truc that the air and the water and many other things be- longs to ail. t is not our right because we own a bit of proper- ty, or pay taxes in ýorder to drive the hîghways, to pollute the air and wtecrways, burn down forest by being. careless with camp fires or cigfarette butts. If it is true that we do pollute thc air and the water-ways and destroy great treasures in forests., it is also truc that careless and selfish liv- ing can turn out peuople who pol- lute society. Another question to be ans- wered in one way or anther is the' miatter of whethier we will' share our vast land with others from eongcested areas in bhc world. Unless wc do, rite are sow- igto the wind and in the end will reap the wilid lun lebrew tradition the hold- ing of property was not just a' matter of econo.-iie arrangement, it was pa,,rt of their religious faith. "The earth is the Lord's" was the premise from which they worked and from this basis the idea of stewvardshjp developed. The Chiristian viewpoint causes one to sec himself and ail hîs possessions in a new light. H1e is no longer simnply a servant of God, he is in a parbnership. and sharing a divine enterprise. In bbc past ecd man reg-arded what lie had as bis own because lie had earnied and deserved it, an-d if others wanted siilar ad- van)tag"es they should work, for them too. Now we sec that on ership. of property is not Just a. OverhelingCr-owds A MltcLaughlin Planetari'umÎ An ovýerwhehnîng crowd of 3,3M9 flocked to the R'oya l ou- tarlo Msu' caglnPlan- etarium, during ils first twýo days on Sat., Nvme 2 and Sunday, November -3. Th? f'Lgur- e pre- sents paid .admissions only' ýand does not include stuents who are admibed free, nor hiundreds who had to he tumned awýay. Every performance in the 360- seiat Star Theatre was filled to overflowing for thc Planiedaium's çurrent show, "Venture' into gpace." Aithougli eighb shows were offered on tbbc opening weekend,, there was, at one,-point on Sunclay afternioon, o double line exbending frombbc Plarset- arlunBox Officebo bhc sulbway entrance oubsicle on Quee's ParIs. However, most were ad- mitted to the astronomical dis- plays wbere 'hey marvelled es-; pecially at, the recreation of Ed- ward White's space-walk-, the an- imated exhibits -of our solar syvs- tem and bbc dramatie Hall of Because of the Planetarium's success, now procedures bave been introduced to allow adrance res- ervations f or small pailties as well as large groups. If you tel- epihone 928-8550, tickets will be held for you until onie4bialf hour before hwc ie Or, you ean puruitase tickýets in advance in bbc Pianetanium lobby. The MCLaughlin Planeitarium hand its officiai ceremoiies Saut- urday, October 26 wh-en Prime Mînister ý',bn Robarts nd C. S. Belformier Dominion -Astron- orner paid ribute to donor, R. S. McLaugblin of Oshawa niho fin- anced tbc building and also Pro- vided one million dollars in trust for its continuing development. Af\ier four eveings of previews for Memibers andStaff of bhc Royal Ontario MuseLum, bbc public was admitted on Satuirday, Nov- ember 2. In the first public show, "Ven- bure ýinto Space" w.ich us un- tii Deceinher 31, visitors sec, the earth as just' one member of our personal matter but that we bave a responsibility bo one another. This, à-ense of responsibîlity un-' derlies our laws relating tLo pub- lice welfare. Family allowances, old age pensions, 'unemploymient insurance and hospitalization, m edical lhealth insurance are onlyý a few of the ways that our laws refleet bhc teacbing of the Bible, "W'e Chat are strong ouglt to. bear the infirmibies of bbc w%ýeak." The carth wibh its stores of treasures is bbc Gift of God to mankind, and in return lie cx-_ peets us býo be good stewards. sun'Wfs iiaf paesand our solar systýýe-ri s a inyprtof une, galaxy am-ong mlin.R epro- ducinrg the sun, mooni, planiets end thousands ofA s aun the (Cointrnued agel), SUPER SWORD EDGE Sugg. Iist 75C STUTT'S'PI-IAîRMAC,(-.Y PHONE 983-5009 ORONO, ONT. 19" RECTANGU LAR TUBE Fresh, Clean-line styling contrib- utes quiet appeal to this deluxe WATCHF Tab,-e-Top T.V. Vinyl covered 74w metal cabinet in two-tone finish., Costumia Go1d with .Executive m wý Walnut grain. G.M.A.C. PLAN at rOOEEIC PHONE 983-5108 ORONO, ONT. r-aily,.-6ven! tzibltested! SEE THE ALL NEW 69 Cff0-SCi Li NE NOWI 1l MODÉ] FRQM WHICH TO CRQOSEJ ROLPH DOMINION HRWR ORONQ ONTARIO TELEPHONE 983.5207 The Gift 0f God NOTICE NOMINATION & ELECTION POLICE VILLAGE 0F ORONO Pursuant to the provision1s of the Municipal Act public notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Municipal El- e(t.ý of the Police Village of Orono in the Township of Clarke will take place in the Orono Municipal- Building in the said Police Village of Orono on mon., Novemgber 2,16 Comimenchiig at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon and coithiuinigutil twvo o'clock in the afternoon of that day, for the purpose of noinatig fit ind proper persons for the office of for the Police Vi-lage of Orono; of which all Elcrýf$rsare hereby required to take notice and govern themnselves ac- cordily, and if a greater number of candidates than re- quired to' fi11 the siid offices are nominated and make the requiired deelarations polîs will be open in the fpllowing places Orono Municipal Build'ing iii the said Police Village of Orono on Wedn»esday, Deàcember 4 and will be open fromi 10 o'clock in the forenoon until 7 o'clock la the afterànoon of that day and no longer. Given under my band this l2th day of November 1968. Il. E. MILLSON, Returnitng Officer TELEPHONE ý983-5207, ORONO, ONTARIO