ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIIURSDAY,, NOVEMBER 14t1, 1968 Kendal News A freak accident took place on Wednesday afternoon, Novemnber 6th when -Mr. Doug Cathcart turned around to see if- the man- ure spreader wvas empty. A stone was thrown from the revolving machine hitting hlm in the eye brow. It required six stitches to close the wound. Farmers would be wise ta wear safety helmets at this task., The United Church Woaien met at the home of Mrs. R. El- KENDAL P.T.A. (continued fraim page, 1) Garland Csthcart gave ai inter- esting talk on the early !fA and h(pipeanings around, the Kendal area. Lunch was served. Heather Lodge (Continued from page 1) in for your cake. It also wias decided to have our Christmas Party on Decemh- ber 1th. After' the meeting ail enjoyed a goo d cup of tea and lunch. Keep in mmnd our Bazaar. Hope to see ail our friends there. Dec- ember 7th. liott on Wednesday evening, Nov. 6. There was a fine attendance in spite of the heavy ramn which was falling. The president open- ed the meeting with a hymn suit- able for Remembrance Day. Mrs. A. Swarbricý- was at the Piano. Mrs. W. Mercer led -the devo- tional Part of the meeting. It wvas de.-Ided to pack a bale for o\ ersea s the coming week-. Three do'lars was voted towards the Cost of sending the bale over- seas. Then Mrs. Elliott 'showed her beautifully coloured sldes of her tour up the Rhine Valley and inta the Austrian Alps. The bc~auty of cities like Vien'na is beyond description. Engla4nd and Scot1and have a charm ahl their vn. A vote of thanks was ex- tended to our hostess an~d to Miss C. W. Stewart and Mrs. H. Foster who' provided a delicious lunch. We are Io bring a Christmas gift for an old person in the C a'den Plow Lodge ta, our C',iristmas meeting at the home of Mrs. K. Wood on ýDecemjber tune fourth. Miss Clara Seens of Peterboro spent last weekend 'with ber sister Mrs. R. Elliott. Two local lads met with simi- lar accidents. Paul Newton broke his wrist and has been wearing a cast. This happened at school. Don Wood broke a finger and injured another while pillng wood last week. Mr. James Roy attended the wedding of his grandson, Ralph Hoy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Hoy to Evelyn Brown, daughter of Mrs. Howard Brown and the late Mr. Brown of Pontypool. The wedding took place in the Ballyduf Preibyterian Church on Navember 9th. The reception was hlid in the former Ballyduff sehool. Other guests fromn Ken- dal were Mr. anld Mrs. Wm. Hoy, Mr. and Mrs. K. Wood and Mr. R. L. Hoy. Local News Mrs. Ken Gamshy spent the holiday weekend with Mr. ànd Mrs. Douglas Gamsby and f am- ily, Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kimmett, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bailey and Mrs. Harry Bailey spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Win. Railey in North Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Alan' Shields of Toronto visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Billings. The winner of the 50-50 draw held hy the Saracens Car Club of O0rono- on Novembeiq 154h was Harold'Lindsay of Bowinanvîlle. The $150.00O winning ticket was drawn by Mr. Len Pears. Ray Lunn, a 38-year-old 'Gen- eral Motors Office worker and a former resident of Orono north and son of Mr, and Mrs, A. Lunn has announced his decision to contest one of the 12 aldermanic postio'ns on Oshawa council. Ray has been a resident of Oshawa since 1948. HIcQGINS DIRECTS BOWMANVILLE PLAY Roy Higgins, past director of the Great Pine Ridge Festival of the Arts, has agreed to direct the Bowmanville Drama Workshop in its prodluction of "The Boy Eriend." The Drama Workshop and the Bowtman Ville Rotary Cub have corabined to produce this musical. Casting dates for the produc- tion will be held in the BoWman- ville Town- Hall on Novembeïr 17th from 1 to 4, November 18 from 7 to 10 p.m. and Novembèr UNITED CHURCH Oron. Pastoral Charge Minister Rev. B. E. Long SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1968 Orono United Church S&nday Sdhool at 10:00 Service at 11:15 a.m. Krby- Morning Service at 9:45 Sunday School at 11:00 Albert's Texaco GENERAL REPAIRS Phone 983-5249 Orono l9th between 7 and 10 p.m. Anyone interested is invited to attend the casting. Music for the play will be under the directi on of Ross Meteaif. SCIIOOL NOMINATIONS MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18th Nomination of candidates, hopeful of serving on the new Northumberland - Durham Board of Education for the municipali- ties of the Townships of Hope and Clarke and the Village of Newcastle, will be held on Mon- day, November l8th in the Town- ship Hall, Orono. Nominations commence at the hour of one o'clock and continue until two o'clock. Two trustees will serve on the Board from.the abave three mun- ieipalities. PLANETARIUM (Continued frorn page 3) dome high above is the, $150,000 Zeiss Planetariurn Projector. Spe- cial auxiliary projectors can re- produce cornets, eclipses, sky- lines and other affects. The pro- gram lasts about 50 minutes. Shows in the Star Theatre are presented daily except Mondays. On Tuesday ta Frîday, public per- formances are at 3:30 p.in. and 8p.m. There are five perform- ances on. Saturday: il a.m.; 2 p.m.; 3:30 p.m.; 5 p.m.; and 8 p.m. On Sundays, show. times are at 2 p.m.; 3:30 p.m. and;-5 p.m. Those who wish to sce only the exhihits and the Royal On- taI-io Museum pay '25 cents.,,(Ac- companied children are admnitted free.) There is an additional charge to the Star Theatreý of .75 cents for aduits and 50 cents' for childre». Children under eight are not admitted to the, Star Theatre and children under 14 must becncompanied by an aditit. O0rono Building Contractor Brick -Block -Concrete Stone Work Carpentry Cabinet Work Flôors Tile 983-5441 ORONO 1DX-DX -DX-DX -DX-DX -DX-DX ECONOMIZE! $ $ $ DXFUEL $ $ phone 668-3341 $ DX -DX -DX -DX -DX -DX -DX-DX ON SALE Iqt10,7 REGULAR 60c. Save 10e. over Regular Price PHRONE 623-5444 FOR HOME DELIVERY Glen iRae BOWMANVILLE mon pour M.D. trusts to fi his Rxs Just as you trust your doctor, you cau trust your regist- ered phgu-macist to f iii ail prescriptions wlth profes- sional precision. Prompt service always. Just eall STUTT'S PHARMACY, ORONO, ONT. PHONE 983-5009 SALE 0F. 25l %oeOFF Ail Ladies' Fali andi 1Winter Dresses ARKMSTRONG'S Imm 1