Six Sekiglection Six nmne are contesting e wo positions allotted te -lark- Township, Hope Township- .nd the Vllgeof Nwatefor leNortliumnbe.rland - Durham Hotard )ofEduc"ation,. 0f Ltir six, .»ur are resident of Clarke Town- ýhpwth anc freoin Poýrt Hope and Theotr fromn the Village of \ecatl.One noiiinee, Mr*' Georg -e Finnie of Hape Township did flot qualif y for the election, whýichý will be held in the flire m-nunicipalities on Monday, Dec- ember 2nd. Those qualifying for, the dcIc- tion frorn Clarke Townsjhip) are: Me.lrs. La-wrence Greenwo ý;od, CaisTamblyn, W. H. Carman a -. Jamies Stutt. Mrs. Margaret r.E. G". Withcrspoon, lpiinc- Miss Marilyn Hamm on his riglit 1p-a' dof Clarkýe High School is and Mrs. Suzanne Megit (Eyden) ' ýo ith graduating studens, n his left. Both students were 'VOLUME 31, NUMBER 45 B'erc ton qualified from the vil- lage of Newcastle and Mr. W. C. Keyes from flic Town of Port Hope. In tlic clection the six naines w1'I appear on the ballots beîag used in ail tlirce municipalities and electors in the threc munici- palities may vote for any two o-f flic candidates. Onitario S,-li,,,lars . Miss Hamm was flic Va~iLcf ar)tian on Friday lasi t J t'lc ý :chcoýl Commence- ment. ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIIURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21st,.1968 luC*e ate(St IbratTo LilNo Com uns But uman isery Mr. W. F. Thom, BA., Provînc- Area Superintendent for Pet- erborjougli, NorfhumbNûland and Durhiam, speaking a flic Com- mnencement at Clarke Higli Sehool ýcoi Friday evening cxtended many vîews te lis audience of bof h stu- -dents and parents. To flic graduates lie sfafed fliat nrda iomarked flic end of de- pendenec on parents te flic same legre-c as ini former years. 'You areý going ouf int-o flic world of cý-ompietifionwliere you will make yo(,ur e-wn decisions and accept your e-wn consequences." He said, "Employer5 today are seeking employees With higlier and higlier educational qualifica- tions - scrcening officers w.fli special training -arc engaged tb test and assess your suîtability for various types of pgositions."ý "A good academie record alone is nef sufficient te ýobtain a good position - your appearance., your manner, your alertness and your general demeanour ail come un- der lis scrufiny". And wlicn you have obtained your position, give an honest day's work for a good day's pay. Do' nof wastc your em.ployer's time - for,'ifyeu do, you are,,in %,flect, stcaling money Ire-m lis pocket. Don't lie easily led. If necessary, seek advice - prefer- ably fromn af lcasf two sources - weigl iti critically, balance ît xitli your own judgmenf then came te a decision. Wliaf arc your standards? Are yo keeplng alireasi a--flie times? Are you rcading g.-od books ind good magazines? Do you read flic cditariais linflic paper? Do you listen te) gcod music? - If you, the gradiusJtes, dont do fliese tliings, then wlio wili? If is probable fliat flic greafcest (continued on page 6i) At o ïrnlicetet Greenwood pointe-louftfliat ie- liad been a member off fli ISOC commiffee.1 Mr. Carlos Tamblyn sfated that flic Durham iC ounfy District Higli School Board had made repre-- sentation against flic fwo county (contînued on page 5) The Port Hope Pari-sBor xiii contribufcte tflicedecoration of flic fown this Christmas wifh a "sparkling trcc" floating on flic Ganaraska River. Candidates Who were nominat- cd at fthc nomination meeting on Monday affernoon for the Nortli- rimberland-Durham. Board of Ed-ý ucation presented their vie-ws and' feelings before some fhirty ratepayers who were in attend- ance. Mr. W. C. Keyes of Port Hope stated that he had been on fthc Durhamn County District Higli Sehool B3oard for some years and feit is ýwas not fair to just drop ouf at this time. He had hee'n on thec Board for a period of 12 ycars and bis experience, lie feit, would be worfliwhilc. He feif if an obligation to carry on and was thus running for office with flic lie Board. He felithfli problems would bie gîganfie for the first two ycars. The cosf of education, lie said, would not decrease but bic stafed fliat educafion cosf s should nof increase to the point of exclusion of ýother municipal services. lie'said educational cosfs must lie.kept within a reasonable ïevel and that a firmn stand shiauld lie taken -in such as salary riegofiations. Mr. Lawrence Greenwood stat- cd fliaf le was disap.pointed in flic smali turnout of parents at at flic meeting, wlio if would ap- pear, were not taking enougli in- teresf in educafion. Hie said he was acccpfing lis nomination. "Over the past te-n years I hope 1 bave learned somnething about education," lie said. He said lie would accepf a position on flic ncw Board as a challenge and thaf if lie could contribute anythîing lie woLd cdo so. lifepoinited ouf flhaf flic new sehol bdget woîuldlie somwliri.roi!nd $151 million wif h an. enrolment of 23,000 in the variGus sehools . . . this is big. One of flic main objecetives, lie staf cd, was 'equality off cdu- caticn froin Kindergarfen fo Grade thirfeen. We have fo keep in mind, lie saîd,- "If good for me then if is good for you.", "In big- ilcss lef's nof forgef flic child," lie said. Furf*ler Mr. Greenwood stafed fliat wc must fie "the two leivcls of education together. Mr. Gree-nwood spoke on flic costs of busing which lie saîd took a large suin of money. He quesfioned spending money for bsn for a child that could walk, this money can lie spent to better advantage in flic classroom. Hie said money b.oulýd be spent wiere if docs flic bc-st fo(r educafion, not style. Mr. recent- neces. sheet- Hol.îs Arnold. who is in charge of flic proje-ct, said it woul'd lie appr.oximafeiy 15-feef liigh and wouid lie ancliored toe icledî of ic Ganar'aska River near flic Rotary Park foofbridgc. The movement 'f flic alumim- um, lie said, wouid reflcet on the nioving waters of flic river. The, board memli,-rs discussed, flic possibility eof lighfing flic free, but decided this woruldcos tra mueli money, n. budb tabled until nexf year. Oro0no0'Ydi'f9llyows Instal Offie The officers cfOrono Ldg I.0.0.F. No. 436 wcrc înstallcd o October 16. by flic inistallationz,, tcam from district No. 41. Bro-, Dan Hall was insfalled as Noble Grand and Bro. Alex Ritehie wias presenfed with a Past Grand's Jewel. On November 7th flic Sisters of Heaflier Rebekali Lodge servedý a banquet fo Oddfellows, Reli- ekalis and friends of District No. 42 te 'lonour tfl icvsif of Bro,ý Jolin Calvcrt, ýGrand Master o-f tlic Grand Lodge of Ontario. We were favoured witli several vocal sciections from Mrs . Everetf Broxxn. Bro. -Calvert thon spoke te us on being a goodOdclo. He also spoke on flic new ins-ur- ance programme. Overwintering Nursery Stock B efrigeration At Or n J. .C. Breen Several weeks ago, Orono Nurs- 'er Saff eomimenccd pre-para- ftions for litlc refrigerafed ovýer- -infer sterag<e of a proportion of next sprig's shippiîig stock. Th-is viii lic flicfirsf time any Deprfientnursery lias sfored seelin fres ver winfer under refrgerfedconditions. Spuc nd pinesceding stock wec iffcd from flic secd lieds, ti;Ciýl nfobundies of 25, and trans- potc t the caid' storage build1- ingý. Tlie bundlles of frees were tHen iplacý,ed ini broad1yv U-shaped wooen racesroots te fOic cenrexxilia layeur of meoss lie- neafh lich uofta fic 'bott e i-an a laehcvr egflcroots af flic top andl ends. A standard quant- îfy ,jer cai 45" long, 18" higli ,and 22" wide is 2,000 frees. Tht-e loaded cradles were stack- cd in flic cooler, 5 or 6 higli. In- spection alîcys 2 ff. wide were leff lictwccn ecdi olumn of cradies. Tliermosfafically con- frollcd ceoling units, maintained flic storage building af a temper- afure of 32-34'F. Air within flic building was constant ly circulat- cd by fans' in ecd cooling unit. Tlie succecss of refrigeratcd sf orage is affeced by fwo impor- tant, facters.ý, lumidify and mould. Howcvcrliofli can lie rcasonably confrolied when flic femicrafure is mainfai.ned close te frcezing peint and inferior air is constant- ly- circulatied around flic frees. This pilot projeef af Orono wlil provide tieeus ccili-'r ini the -spring for flic carly planting sites and, perhaps, best e-f ail, maint ain frees in a dormant state for, a longer perîýod, flicrcby ex- fending flic spring plant ing sea- son. Last Tliursday evcning flice Kendil Brcr.wnie Troo-plic1d ifs installation when f,3u' teen m cmn- bers of flic gro îP u ere installed info Boie.Mrs. G. Cark of Orono conducted flic ceremenies. The Kendal Brownics (ftop raw) ivaen îlknsLucy Reyyakkcrs, Susie Davies, Cliristine, Dennis, BvryCaswell, Jane-t Lapngstaff, Marie Praosek, Marilyn Ogden; (bottoïn ro w) Shelley Farro)w, Cathierine Brennan, Marieý Lapen- ski, Gail Youngman, Lynn Cour- ux, Crrln Cooper and Shiel- ley Langstaff. The investiture wasý held irn Kendial School. Appýroval was given at a ineeting, te purcliase flic sary am ount of aluminuin ing fa c onstruet flic free.