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Orono Weekly Times, 21 Nov 1968, p. 4

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;IMES, TIIURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2lst, 1968 Carlos Taniblys oýf their abiiity. 1I think great deal of the ideas cation are based or the jea that a chi'd knows ,f, best for him." Creighton, chairman of the lni County District fligli iBoard, extended congrat- Sfrom the Board and ~that the B3ard was proud nesuccess of the school. fhe fol] awards, and ,resentations were then made: For Highest Scholastic Stan)d- .g in the Five Vear Arts anid cience Course, the Durham )unty District High School ard Awards te Grade 9 - Gina -eypresented by: Mr. J. R. ,ght: Grade 10- to Barbara rdas presented by Mr. C. Tam- n; Grade 11 to Donald Mc- pzie presented by Mr. M. Pat- ,n; Grade 12 to Keith Allun ented by Mr. W. Carman; le 13 to Marilyn Hamm pre- d by Mr. E. M. Creighton. Highest Scholastic Stand- thie Four Year Business ýmmierce Course: Grade 9 aei Aiken presented by 1amblyn; Grade- 10 to Ar- ehison presented by, Mr. rson; Grade il to Diane presented by Mr. J. R. ,âncaster Award for pro- in Grade 12 Science to ,:lin presented by Mr, S. orsAwards for profic- Gae13 Latin to Gary r proficiency ini Grade Ici Cornie van der Werf by Mrs. Wm. Storks. wvcastle Lions Club A- highest stand in Grade "Iemiatics to Keith Allun; T'6lË highest standing in Grade il Hlistory to Donald MeKenzie; for highest standing in grade 12 Ge- ography to Chyrreli Coatham; presentations being made by Mr. Howard Quinney. The St. Joseph's Parish Council of the Catholie Women's League Award for hî:ghest standing in Gr ade 10 Latin to Barbara Kordas presented by Mrs. Stewart Chis- holm. The Ladies Auxiliary of the Bowmanville Brandi of the Roy- al ýCanadian Legion Award for the highest standing in Grade 12 Englîsih and enroiment in Grade- 13 to Lynda Lowery presented by Mrs. R. Bathgate. The Goode's Hardware Award for proficiency in Lower School History to Philip Nîchols present- ed by Mr. R. Goode. Thc Bowmanville Rotary Club Award for proficiency in Grade 13 and enrolinent in a Canadian University to Tina Kozub present- ed by Mr. Wm. Thiesburger. The Bowmanville g3ranch of the Royal Canadian Legion Award for proficiency in Lower Sehool English to Glenda Tennant pres- ent£d by Mr. George Dunlop. Th:ý Frank Ifoar Award for proficiency in Grade 13 French to Tove Jorgensen presented by Mr]» . F. ar. The, Orono Wceekly Times A- ward for iigiest standing> in Gr. 13 English to Marilyn Hamm and Fuzanne Megit Prcsented by Mn. R. Firrester. The Prof. John Squa-ir Award f,2r higlhest standing in Grade 12 Frencrh to Cornie van der Werf prescnted by Mrs. R. Carlson. The Women's, Auxiliary of the Bowsnanville Memorfal Hospital Aw,ýard to the student or stu dents taking approved courses leading to a nursing career to Naney Low- ery, Margar'N- Ann Thompson, Sharma Ferguson presented by Mrs, Lloyd Ayre. The Armstrong Store Award for profieîency in Grade 12 Home Ee- onomies to Janice Riekard pre- sented by Mrs. Wm. Armstrong Sr. The Tios. Montague Seholar- ship to Gary- Forget presented by Mr. E. CreigIrton. The Vickery El eetrie Trophy for proficieney in IIndustrial Arts to Keith Aluin presented by Mr. Ron Wells. The Johnson Drug Store A- wvard for profieîency in Grade 13 Biology to Marilyn Hamm pres- ented by Mrs, L. Johnson. The ýCanadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Award for profici- ency in the Commercial Course to Diane Partridge presented by MXr. R. Dickson. The Curvply Wo.-d Prodrc Ltd, Award for proficienc7 Grade 13 Mathemratics and Scienli ard eirolmernt in a Canrdian iversity to Heather Best presert- by Mr. S. Mather. The UAKU. Loca! 222 Scýnl shin to Richard Black present _ by Mr. D. Vandersto9)p, The R. B. Riekard Award highest standing in Grade 1Î:î History to Suzanne Megit pres-eat- ed by Mr. R. B. Riekard. ln memory of the late Fred Lycett for proficiency in Gradeý 13 -and enrolment in a Canadian University to Marilyn Hamm pm- sented by Mrs. E. Lycett. The Toms and Sons Ltd. AwarS of Menit for acadamie achieve. ment and to encourage furthei- education to EleanQr McCrackeil presented by Mn. M. Paterson. The Stutt Piarmaey Award foir academle achievement and talc- ing an approved, caurse leading to a Hospital careerý to Margaret Ann Thompson presented by Mný J. Stutt. The Bob Best Memorial Awar6 to Gordon Allun presented by Mr, R. Best. The 0. W. Rolpi Awand f c- higli standing in Grade 13 t Nancy Lowery presented by M, 0.O. Roiph. The Matihematic -Association oe_ Amferica Award for hih est stand- ing -in Clarke High School in the Senior 'Matiematics Contest to, (Continued on page 5) rally-iô'iven! tiâil1-tested-! SEE THE ALL NEW 69 6Vto-SkJLNE NOWI 1 IMODE] FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE,---- O'#RO4NO HOMý,E AND SCHOOL, CLU5 REGULAR EàIýTING United Chureh Auditorium 8:00 p.. TusdyNovemý,ber 26 -OPIEN11FORUM Ail parents,-and ratepayers of Clarke, Hope and Newcastle are cordially invited to hear candidates for election te County Board of Education state their views. NOMINATION& EETO POLICE VILLAGE 0F O'RONO Pursuant te the pro visions of the Municipal Act public noice is hereby given that a meeting of the Municipal El- ectors of the Police Village of Orono i the Township of Clarke wlll take place in the Orono Municipal Building in the said Police Village of Orono on Mon., November 25,r1968 Commnencing at the heur of one o'clock i the afterneon an~d continuing until two 'clock in the afternoen of that day, for the purpose of neminating fit and proper persons for the office of 3Police Trustees for the Police Village of Ofeno; of which ail Eleçtprs are herehy required te take notice and govern themseives ac- cordingly, and if a greater number ef candidates than re- quired to fi11 the said offices are nominated and make the required declarations poils will be open in the f.pllewing places Orono MncplBuilding in the said Plc Village of Oreno on Wednesday-ý, December 4 and will be open fromý 10 o'clock in the ferenoon until 7 o'clock in the afterenoîon of that day and no lenger. Given under my fhaad this lt dayv of November 1968. H.--E--M------- I il ORONO, ONTARIO TELEPRONE 983-5207

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