ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2lst, 1968 Local News rcF Truli visited last week w4hM.anld AMs. RU. Stonehouse and fmilyat their Chinchilla Yanch near Uxbridge and also a1t thi hme in Toronto. A t the Sunday morning service in the Orono United Church the Sacrament of Baptism was ad- ministered by Rev. Basil Long to the following children: William James, and Pamela ]Iynn, chilren of Mr. and Mrs. William Adams; Jane. Ann, dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moffey Earns More With these terrfic interest rates. SWING UP TO (minimum SAVINGS ACCOUNTS monthly bal.) 4'o CHEQUING (Low service charge minimum 1/2 yearly bal.) 74% 1-M~-4-5 G.I.C.'s Minimnum $100.00 YEARS SWING DOWN TO ... iower cost PERSONAL LOANS and MORTGAGES Swing Your Account 1Now Into Central Ontario Trust and Savings 1Corporatrion FOUNTÂINHEAD 0OF SERVICE 23 Kin-g W. Bowamnviile 623-2527 19 ShncSe N. Oshawa 723-5221 HOURS: mon. to Thurs 9 to 5:30 Fni. 9 to 8 Sat. 9 to 4 Bowmanville Closed Weds. Member of Canada Deposit ON SALE l qtIo0% 5W, REGULAR 60c. Save lftc. over Regular Price PHONE 623-5444 FOR HOME DELIVERY Gylen Rae Armstrong; Penny Leigli, Sheila Margaret and Tammiara Jane, daughters of Mr. and Mvrs. Ed- wa1",d ±J"ughen; Ena Marie, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Cob- b!edick; Jclin Cccii, son of Mr. cn. 's. Francis Cowan; Dianne Mi.eý diugh.er of Mr. and Nia-. Miî.r ey îioss Farrow; Steipl- anie An., daughter of Mr. and MrDavid dioid; Wayne Todd, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ross Mercer; Kenneth J'ohn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Munneke; L,ýri Leýe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donglas Simpson; Nancy Ann, daugliter of Mr. and Mrs. William Tamblyn. Word was received this week of the death of Mr. Fred Stapies, formerly of Orono, and lately a resident of Stevensvilie, Ontario. Mr. Staples was 82 years of age. The funeral service is being heid ýfl Stevensvilie on Friday after- noon with interment in the Orono Cemetery. Mr. Peter Loucks, formerly of Leskard is presently in Brusseils covering the NATO meeting for the CBC. 1Awards (Continued from Page 4) ilugli Allun prýesented by Mr. P. MeMaekin. The D. J. Murray Associates Ltd. Award for proficîency in Grade 13 to Tina Kozuli prcsented by D?. J. Murray. Clarke Higl Sehýool Field Day Awards. 1967-1968: Senior Boy Chamniobn Frank Sawyeï: Senior Boy Runner-up Robert Simpson; Intermediate Boy Chamaion Lar- ry Jolinston: Intermediate Boy Runncr-'up Erie- Duvali; Junior Boy Champion Paul' Parry; Jun- ior Boy Runner-up Jerry Murphy; Presented by Mr. L. Carlson. Senior- Girl Champion June Robinson; Senior Girl Runner-up Darlene West; Intermediate Girl Champion Ruth- Scott; Interined- iate Girl Runncr-up Lee Ann Hbar'and Joan Kimbaîl tied; Jun- ior Girl Champion Angela Chard; Junior Girl Runner-un Caroline Johnson. Presented by Miss J. Williams. ýTri-Sehool Trick and Field A- wards: Senior Boy Runner-up Frank Sawyer; Intermeédiate Boy Runne'r-up Larry Johnstbrn and Eric Duvail tied; Junior Boy Champion Paul Parry. Presented by Mr. L. Carlson. Senior' Girl Champion June Robinson; Senior Girl Runner-up Darlene West; Junior Girl Run- ner-up Caroline Johinson; Inter- meriate Girl Champion Lee Ann, Hoar anl Joan Kimbali. Present- cd by Miss J. Williams. The Trophycraft Award for sportsmanship, among girls, Gr. 12 Marjorie Murphy presentcd by Miss J. Williams. . The Lyons and Keenan Award fior sportsinianship among boys, Gr. 12 GQordon Allin prescented by Mr. L. Carlson.,, The Student Council Pin to the Past President of the Students' Council Keitli Allun presýented by Mr. S. B. Rutherford. Miss Marilyn Hamim, a graduate student of Clarke High School gave the valedictory addreýss in Albet'sTexaco GENERAL REPAIES Phone 983-5249 1 Orono Cnradi ates Speak (conitinued from page 1) Board 'rxhen the province passed bill 44. This was refuse*d and we naw have to' look at :this in a positive manner and get on with the job. He stated that lie and Mr, C arman had attended the semainar in connection with the new cformation in Belleville which conference, lie said, had proven worthwhile. Hie said lie could not sec educý%i1on becoming cheaper and ail that cou'd -lie, donc was to tr- and keep costs down as much as possible. Mr. Tamblyn feit there could be a saving in busing as one bus route w iil pick up both primary and secondary students. 11e noted the dupliça- tion of buses now running over the same roads. H1e said on the other side of the ledger equal ed- ucation £rom Kindergarten. to Grade 13 could bring about in- creaàsed costs. "Wýhy shouldn't they have equai opportunity," lie said, "and why not ail go to Kindergarten?" H1e also pointed out that one of the thernes at the seminar was that the new Board should hold baek on the 'ha(ves' untîl the 'have nots' have rcached the proper level. Mr. Tamblyn spoke on the part parents could play in education by being more which she recal]ed the ycars at Clarke Higl Sehool. She present- cd the thanks oyf the graduating class to the staff of the sehool as well as to their parents. She pointcd to the importance of ed- ucation which also included the fellowship of man and becomaing a part of society. UNITED CHURCH Orono Pastoral Charge Minister 11ev. B. E. Long SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1968 Orono United Church Sunday School at '10:00 Service at 11:15 a.m. Kirby- Morning Service' at 9:45 Sunday Sehool at 11:00 LADIES' DUSTERS For Chirstmas, choose now from a good selection of Dusters and long Robes. Several attractive styles in brushed rayon and nylon, orlon pile, also quilted nylon and rayon satin. Beautiful shades in prints and plains. Sizes Small, Mediumn and Large. Priced front $9.95 to $24.5« Lacdies' Slippers by 'Lyons' SNUGGLE BUGS-Luxurious orlon fleece Slippers, wash- able. Beautiful shades of pink, bine, American Beauty, canary anid red. Sizes 5 to 9. Priýce, per pair- $4.00 JEWELS 0F PARAI»SE-Rjch velvet Slippers with Metallie trim, foan iined. Attractiveiy boxed for gifts. Shades of bine, gold, green, red, gold and black. Sizes 6 to 9. Pricied per pair- $4.50 METALLIC SLIPPERS-Folding Slippers in goid and silver Metallie, packed in vinyl pouch. Sizes 6 to 9. J Piced per pair - $.ý LADIES' GOWNSSAE0 DRESSES See our new Nylon Gowns ini both S L short and long iengths. Attractive styles in pink, bine, green and yeiiow. An ideai gf.Priced-front $4.0.0 to $6.95 C N IN E