ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAV, NOVEMBER 21st, 1968 (cotrnedfriim prage 1) lretu to - )1wy life tfiday mlfor sorne y;ears in the future ,s not Cenmunis 'but 'human niry.Sixty 1percent of the IEatbs peplatondo not have -eleno1ugi tje cat. If the under- -norisedstarted to line up et ,the dor f this sehool, the lice (vul eteýnd around, the eartli's ý-ireumnferenice (25,000O miles) net i~c, nt twice but ten timres. ~ThI proldmis so grave that ne "uecoturn his back and pre- 'tend thatî it does not cxist. Eacli ýtof uis is an individual and Society lisariglit to cxpect each mndi- 'iulto do bis best. Learning is a continuing pro-' ,cess. One's education is some- -thing, that can aiways be beýgun olut should neyer bc ended. Hecnce ~Graduation isï not an end to iearn- ing but is simpiy a step along he wy It lias been said that people 't-an quite readiiy be divided loto tltiree categories. In the first we ifind those who can add, subtract, ,ýuuliply and dividýe and carry out 'other routine tasiks. In the sec- -tond, are those who can do ail of 'these_ jrnerations, but, in addition 1 ave the qualities of leadership and the ability to make dýecisions. In he third we find those who ,ean perform, ail the procedures of -which the first and second are -'capable, but as well have that ~priceless gift pýossessed ,by so -ýem - the gift of vision - the .ï.flity to sec beyoind man's nor- -îna1 seope. 1 feel sure that most of you ýa1ready know or wiil soon lie- corne aware that many of the really worthwhilc things in this world are indestructible -, you nnapy hurn a book, but you cannot the truth tliat -is in it- -ïout may destroy the dreamer, 1ut you cannot destroy bis dreàm -- you may imprison the philos- opher, but you cannot imprison ibis plhulosophy - you may en- tc'omb a mnan's body, but you can- mtentomb bis seul. 1 believe that students must re-discover the dignity of work. In our seh!ools we need great teachers. Our graduates necd gre at professoýrs, and great lu- astruictors. We need coacbes and tecesto make our chiîdren ~etrthan they know and en- 'cocage themn to strive beyond al Yïou are going out loto3 a.world 'mstngwitb challenge" - a -Iord in whicb 37 of the 126 onmer f the United Nations 3bave aper capita income of less ùthan $100 per yedr and lhave an ,agregarý poapulation in excess -of one-third of ail persons on the arh- a world with tooa few ,skilled and too many uins-kîlled Viel - a world that desp-erately ý,.eoc1s skilful people to sov he ý1rcblems of living as well as the pro;blems oef building larger fac- ,torieýs and ,speedier .automobiles - a world dividcd into two soci- eties, the one practising toler- .ane, the other the elimination -,)f al, discenting ýelements, - a riorld where educational e.xcel- lý,ncu is 'no longer an emnament to uýociety, but is essiential to the preservation of our Way of Lif e. The4se are some of the, problems î hat youj will lobenit -te your 'geertinthese will be your ,rcballengie. 'And finally, you would wisb -me to say a few words of appre- ~cainto your teacliers. I be- Lieve witb the man wlio said that 1tcaching is for eternity - that mui (,ne hnows-the point at which ;le'nfluence, of the good teaclier ý,2eases. ýNor does the teacher hlm- -ýself know the moment, in bis ,daily contact witli bis classes, wlien ie, may strike a responsive Free Film Show Libraries are urged to use other means than books to in- form, entertain' and interest. the community. One medium is films. Obtainfig suitable films is no problem, as the National Film Board boans excellent filmns irom its varied collection. Sueli a program will be spon- sored by the Clarke PuLblie Lib- rary Board on Wednesday, Nov- -ember 27th at the Township Hall, Orono. The showing wili begin around 7:0 . p.m. The program, described as "very lively" by the Film Board representative, will be a real treat for those who at tend. Here is a brief preview of the four films (one hour's show- ing tiine). KENOJUAK Those with artistie leanings and-those interested in the Esk- imo people will want to see this color film essay. We see how an Eskimo woman is, inspired by the Arctic landseape to make beauti- fully simple drawings. Then, at the co-operative Art Centre in Dorset, we learn how lier original stoneprints are reproduced on fine rice ýpaper for sale in south- ern Ontario galleries. CORRAL This aetion-packed winner of five international film awards, will win favour with the 'horsey' set. A musical arrangement of western baliads for guitar pro- vides a fitting background for this- story of a piains-running, western pony whieh is cut off fromn the herd and corralled. We thrill to the drama of the wrang- 1er breaking a high-spirited horse not breaking his spirit, but gain- ing the trust of the hiorse. WHAT ON EARTH No film show is complete with- out an animated colour cartoon. Thiis one is appropriate to our auto-dominated area. It amusing-, ly shows how the auto has taken over to become- almnost another, form of life on earth. CANADIANS CAN DANCE This colour film, the featurc of the show, promises to be gay and exciting. A folk dance festival shows the dance groups in their traditional ûostumes performing w~ith skill and verve. The groups are: The Butler Irish Dancers The Tarentella Italian Dancers Royal -Scottish Dancers Candidates Speak-- Continued from page 5 new Board and system is progress she would be one of the first to sing its praises. "if I arn eleected I cao promise only to do my best on bhbaîf of ail at ail times, to ponder wisely, to judge fairily problems I may enceounter and to lie always miodful of the fact I arn on this Board acting for you. Mr. James Stutt stated that-we were ail aware of the current p)roblems under the new system prcblems. 11e said one of the main problemns under the new system ilîl bo the matter of communica- tion. "t will be the job of the new Board aod its members to get this new law transcribed to the local oeed. Each of us nom- inated today have served, on a Board at one time or another. "We wiîl ail have to broaden our thinking as there will be many new problemns coming befome us. Hie emphiasized the need for ev- emyone to get out and vote for those wlio can make decisions. Mr. George Fionie of Hope Township stated that lie had not made up lis mind on whether or not lie would, be r1.;;-ning. H1e said lie lied had municipal exper- berce and was well aware of cdu- Estonian Folk Group Netherlands Folklore Circe Spanish Dancers Siovenia Nageli Group Danube Swabian Youth Hawaian Dancers Macedonian Foiki3rists Moravian and Slovak Dancers Polish St. Stanisiaus Youth L'Ia L'BonVent Ensemble Kalyna Ukranian Dancers. NEW BOOKS- Aduit: Wuthering Heiglits -Bronte Myra Breckinridge Vidai I Resign You, Staliion- Wil- liams. The Rolling Years . Turnbuii The' Miracle Healers - Worrall Our Crowd - Birmingham Tobacco in Canada Daybreak - Baez Young Aduit: The Fabulous Year - Ogîlvie Two-Wheeied Thunder - Gault Durango Street Bon'ham Jenny Kimura Cavanna Fair Exchange Nielsen Paintbox Surmmer Cavanna Sister of the Bride Cleary Juvenile: Hobby Horse Hil1l El Blanco - The Legend of the White Stallion Blue Rilibons for Meg Tumble - The Story of a Mus. tang Star of Wiid Horse Canyon. SEWAGE SYSTEM DISCUSSED At a recent speciai meeting of Newcastle Council, represen*tativ- es of Kilborn Engineering Limit- ed diseussed their survey of the sewage system for Newcastle with municipal officiais, includ- ing information on the entire project. Information was aiso ïreceived from the Ontario Water Resourc- es Commission on the same mat- ter, indicating that their estimat- es of the cost over a 40-year per- iod of an adequate sewage sys- tem for the village would be ap- proximately $87,000 per year, or an average annual èost per býouse using the service of $208 , year. After considerable discussion, Reeve Cunningham eypressed council's appreciation of the in- formation and adviee DISEASES Sponsored by The Northumberland-Durham Tuberculosis and Health Association CAMPAIGN OPENED NOVEMBER 15 If you have neot reccived your Christmas, Seals Phone Cobourg 372-7266 or write Box 39Q, Cobourg use Christutas Seals on youi* Holiday Mal It's A Matter of Life and Breath FIGUT TUBERCIJTjSIS EMPHYSEMA AND. OTIIER RESPIRATORY Up Ai Down The Book Stocks N&D Board of Education DECEMBER 2 electSTUTT As Your Trustee Toms and SnsMtd H DQU1TE . USE OUR CONVENIENT LAY-AWAY PLAN GIFIS FOR ALL THE FAMILY S Tow OnIy 6 Weeks To Christmas ENJOY OUR GOOD SELECTIONS