OJIONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIURSDAY, DECEMBER 5th, 1968 Regional Government Coming Voters miay be electiii,,ng em- besto a: Metro Oshaswa counil iýn two years as a resuit of a mnai- orOntario government policy ~-ttemient recetIy on regional Municipal Aff airs Mnister Darcy MeKeough, told the Leg- 4sature ",within 12 months I ,cpe to) be able to present speC- .,fie proposais on regional goveril- mýîent to the municipalities" in Oýntaria County and the extreme wý,estern portions of Durhiam '1o01nty. ' Athougli MAr. MeKeougli did uïot carry the timetable further, aýf his proposais were presented wýithin- 12 months it wouid leave ixto eight months for area ,Iiiuniipaities to discuss and pos- ibiy alter them prior to ai Metro O)shawa regional counceil elecetion in December, 1970. TbI-e miister wil m ieet Fri- dlay wth repireseýntaltives from Oshawa anld area counils to dis- ,cuss regionial goýverninent. Mr. IcKeougli said in the legisiature 7he Oshawa and Area Develop- maent Study noW underway wil meinost useful in the framing of -regional govertImetbt proposais ,-or the area. Changes-in municipal boundar- ,es of the area wili be sujuiitted 110o a special review wile the gov- ,frnment is pushing a policy that mUeans the ultimate disappear- ance of ail Ontario miuicipalities, ,-,f fewer than 8,000 population. The review of bouhidary Chang- esand the consolidation of small anunicipalities are forerunners to ~aegraduai impilementation Of :ecgional gcovernment in the prov- nce, Mr. 4cKeoughi told the lýegisiatunle. "Coeyrclathmd to the pro- gýrain of regcional governiment is our program to encourage the iconsolidationi of existing munic- apal units,"I Mr. McKeough said. Motlocal mnunicipalities are -,ow far too sinail to be viable units oaf local coveri-ient even at the lower tier of a regional Mr. MeKeougli said representa- -tioti by population is the oniy ac-. ,ceptabie principle that can be ,appliied to regional governinents as they are formed. The regions, as they are fori- Ae wili show variations in popu- lation and size because of prob- lemns of acess in langer areas, but the governmienit's objective is a set of regions with a popu- lation of at least 150,000 to 200,- 000. Mr. McKeough's statemett was ai rejection of a proposal by the Smith taxation coinmittee and a select legisiatune committee on taxation that negional govern- îxents be adopted on an inflex- ible date basis. ~Mr. McKeougli said there inay be twotiered systerns ýof local governiment in somne regions, atid for these the governrnent lias ac- ýepted the Smith commii-ittee's recommendations on1 division of gowers. The new regional g«overnuients will be responsible for propenty .assessmii~t, taxation biiling, and co]Ejeýtion, capital borrowing, Callyour licensed Plumnbing & Whoselisas PLUMINGAND HREATING Ploe983-5207 Oro planning the broad physical and econcnic framework, police pro- tection, arterial roads, public transit planning, water intake an-d purificâtion and primary trunkç distribution, health and wefare, some elemients of conservation. Thie two tiers cf governient, lie said, shouid share parks ad- ministration, conservation, plan-* ning and financing of hospitais, sewage and garbage collection and disposai and fire protectioIi. Each Bolens Husky (5 models] handies a power- fui snow caster (up to 42" wide). Also handies heavy duty blade as wide as 54". Bolens Artic 70 - new, 2-stage snow.thrower with 7 hp engine casts snow Up, ...... to 30 feet away. 0 Box 86, Oronoà uMP DO WMAN VILLE Choose a, PIONEER Saw for any farm use Holiday econornicaligUhtwihtsaw- 1100 the full power, economiy farm saw 1130 besi for general farm use ..proven in thefield by professional woodcutters 1160 big brother of the 1130, with autoicling CHAIN SAWS ROLPH D0àMM1NINHRWR ORONO, ONTARIO PHONE 983-5,97 LI1MI1TE PRfONE 623-7071. This store wilI be open for evening _shopping as follows from December 9th to Deceniber 28th. Open until 9 p.m-., Mondays through FAldays. O)pen Saturdays and December 24th until 6 p.m. Closed December 25th and 26th MODERN HI-BACK RELA-VER Diamond tufted foam back;smooth positive action; two-way TV-O-mnatie Rocker-relaver; foam padded foot rest. as shown$Iq ' BIG 1 Brass Record, Stands $9.95 Magazine Racks $4.95 T V Tray s $10.95 up Tea Wagons with Sheppagrd Casters $19.95 up Telephone Benches $19'.95 up Stac,-king Stocols - set of 3, vinyl cves$11.95 Sewîng Baskets $9.95 up Bridge Set, Desks Pole La, Table T . . ... ..... ... . ....... . . -.;à. r