ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5ffl, 1968 Report From Queegn's Park Alex Carruthers, M.P.P. Design for D)evelopmient and Regional Govermni ent In April, 1966, the Prime Min- ister of Ontario, the Honourabie John P. llobarts, introduced lis Governnient's policy on regional development, known as "Design for Developmnent." The aim of the policy 'was to achieve for aîl ec- onomic regions of the province an equitable share in a provincial development prograin. Ijhere has beeýn econsidierable change in public attitude towards planning since the introduction of the policy. The most signif i- cant of these changes include- (a) A general realization that society is actually livig on a regional scale 110w. (b) A greater willingness on the part of the public to study development problems. (c) A realization that the shar- ing of assessment and other mun- icipal expenditures will bring a- bout regional budgeting quicker than any ther influence. (d) A knowledge that urban areas should not be separated from rural ýareas in any program of regional development or re- gional governm.eht. (e) The conclusion that annex- ation as an adjustmnent factor in urban growth bas littie value to- day. Regional economie development abd the structure of local govern- ment are interrelated and in the future must be carried forward together in a unified policy. The objectives of this unified policy must be- - L. Provision of the best possible environment for the people of COME IN AND SEE O U"R "CHMRIST" MMAS GIF T S AT MA T TS Confectionery-Billiards DOLL RADIO OLD CAR RADIO ) -~ PHILIPS CARRY PLAYER KODAK CAMERAS PHILI SIIAVERS - LADIES' SHAVERS GIFT CIGAR BOXES, FAMOUS BRANDS LADIES' MEN'S, BOY'S and GIRLS TIMEX WATCHES NECKLES WATCHES BENTLEY and ZIPPO WATCHES A, fine'selection of Pipes, Cigarettes, Cigars, Tobacco and Boxed Chocolates NO0TI1cEll CLARKE TOWNSHIP. PLANNING BOARDS FUTURE MEETING DATES will be the Ontario. 1 2. The creation of' an atmos, pliere which will elicourage ec- onomic growth and development throughout the province. A study of eeonomic trends in the province reveals a grouping of regional potential into the fol- lowing three categories. 1. Regions of sustained growth where the major problem.s are those of urban ýexpansion. 2'. Regions of inconsistent or fluctuating growth where some Provincial assistance wîll be nec- essary in order that the -region may achieve its full potetitial. 3. Regions of slowv growth where major assistance may be necessary to enable the region to develop fully. The study of regional poten- (Continued page 5) H.S. REPORT SHOWS READINGý PROGRAM NEED (continued from page 1) separate ehtity. Based on the program,' which has been conducted o'ver the last tbree years, Mr. Witty recoin- mended that the board should encourage the establishment of reading programns in higli schools by off ering both moral and fin- ancial encouragement ta interest- ed teachers within the system. He said that thoauglit should be given to furnishing reading laboratories and hirinig reading specialists to deal with remedial cases and that there should be efforts made to co-ordinate n(et- ivities in the field between cie- nientary and secondary schools. Mr. Wftty stated that the Pilot Project in reading arose out of a series of tests given to Grade 9 students of Durham County, in 1965. The tests showed there was an alarming problem in reading in certain parts of the county. Mr. Witty said the picture was flot quite as. black as was sug- gested by the reports of the tests, ibecause it turned out that Durham County was 'flot mucli different fromn other areas. It' was decided to establish, an experimental centre at Port Hope 111gb Scbool with students in Grade 9 who were 'taking the fîve- year program. The report' stated that the teachers who have been working with the experimental classes were enthusiastic about the re- suits and agreed tbat the efforts wýere not in vain. Testing of the students- re- vealed a wide range of reading ahilities lu classes wbich were supposed to contaiti the best stu- dents. The implications of the tests for students in iess thatn five-year programs were not en- couraging. PROPOSALS MADE (contînued from, page 1) Providing the area with a full- time phyciatrist and other spec- ialized staff to work with Iun- fortunate students with learni:ng problems. The co-ordinatipg committee re- solved that it is in favour of geo- graphic areas, and that they be taken into 'consideration with a view to providing effective co- ordi-natiovn in education. The new board' will also be askcd to :consider comput.?rized student progress and attendance- report forms for ai]. schools, t,> reduce the clerical work and p)ro- vide information for feedbak NOTICE TO M oTORISTrS Your 1969 licence plates are now available and must be on your car no later than midnight, FRIOAY FEBRUARY 28TH. PASSENGER CARS, DUAL PURPOSE VEHICLES, AND MOTORCYCLES 1968 plates expire midnight, Friday, f ,ebruary 28th. SCHEDULE 0F FEES Passenger cars and dual purpose motor vehicles 8 cylinders.............................. $35.00 6 cylinders .......................... .$27.50 4 cylinders or less manufactured in or before 1933........ $ 8.00 manufactured after 1933.............. $20.00 Motorcycles ............. .............. $10.00 A CERTIFICATE OF MECHANICAL FITNESS 1969 plates cannot be issued when ownership of a used motor vehicle* is being transferred unless the prescribed certificate of mechanical fitness is produced. REMEMBER: Vour 1969 licence application is on the 1968 permit. Make sure you complete fully the application for renewal and insurance questionnaire. Those who do flot have motor vehicle liability insurance must pay in addition to the registration fee.a further $25. to the Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Fund. Payment cf this fee does flot provide insurance coverage of any kind. COMMERCIAL VEHICLES For registration dates and fees for trucks, buses and trailers, consult your'local licence issuing agent. Licence plates and permits may be obtained BY MAIL. ISend your completed application form and, fee to the jOntario Department of Transport, Ferguson Block, Queen's Park, Toronto 5. DO NOT SEND CASH. ONTARIO DEPARTMENT 0F TRANSPORT Hon. Irwin HaskettMlnister r-ally-piô'ven! tzâil-tested! SEE THE ALL, NEW 69 C54fot-SkiLIN ENOW!T iMODE' FRQM WHICH TO CHOOSE RDW E TELEPHONE -983-5207 k ONTARIO 1