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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Dec 1968, p. 5

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ORONO Wl REPORT FROM QUEEN'S PARK (Coninued on P'age 4) tiiais lias shown that a restructur- ing of 'local government is a necessit-, and the best methoil of carrying out this restructuriïig appears to be the establishment Q. of regional governments in which local goverument is guarantced. 111 the restructuring of regional government the Provincial admin- istrationlias established certain guide lines which are made up of the following criteria: (a) A région should have a sense of coi~unity life. (b) A region should have a balance of interest. (c) A region Éhould have an Money Earns More With these terrfic interest rates SWING UP TO' S1%7 SAVINGS .52 ()ACCOUNTS (minimum monthly bal.) 4'~% CHEQUING (Low service charge mi nimum 1/ yearly bal.) G.1.C's 7 % inium l«2-3-4-5 VEARS SWING DOWN TO ... Iower cost PERSONAL LOANS and MORTGAGl3S Swig Vour Account Now Into Central Ontario Trust and Savings Corporation 23 King W. îBowamnvjlle 623-2527 c 19 Simcoe N. Oshawa 723-5221 HOURS: Mon. to Thurs FOUNTAINHEAD 9 to 5:30 OF SERVICE «Fl. 9 to 8 Sat. 9 bu 4 Bowmanville Closed Weds. Member of Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation RO TARY CHRISÉIAS TREES Pick up your Rotary Christmas Tree at the Rotary Plantation; fol- low signs north of Ty- rone.,$1.50 a tree. Make it a f amily 'pro- jetCompliments of Gîleàn Rae BUOWMANVILLE adequate ffiancial base. (d) A rergion should be large enough so that local responsibil- ities can be performed efficiently. (e) Regionai, boundaries should assure maximum co-operation be- twecn regions. C ým,winitv participation and acceDtability by the citizens in realizig the objectives of reg- onal government is a necessity an.d every effort must be made tD encourage such participation. In the weeks and months ahead, regional goverument and region- ai developmnent involving the UJnited Counties of Northumber- lanil-Durliamu wilI be ati issue wvhich should command the in- terest and consideration of al citizens. THE 1968 DEER HUNT WEEK ENDING NOV. 25 Enougli figures are now avail- able to, give a preliminary report on the 1968 deer hunit. Il is esti- mated that about 22,000 deer hunters hunt in the Lindsay Dis- trict during the two week season. There are two main groups: camp huhters and casual hunters. There are approximately 8,000 camp hunters. Reports from 157 camps that hunted in both, 1967 and 1968 show the following resuits: 1967 1,642 men; 701 deer 42.7% - success 1968 1,611 men; 549 deer, 43.1% success Altijough this year's success figure is the lowest in years, one camp 'hunter in three is getting his deer and a kili of more than 3,000 deer is estimated. Many camps are stili getting their -count." Checking station resuits show that casual hunter success. re- mains unchanged from last year: Oriono Rink SUNDAY- 12-2 - Figure Skating 24- Public Skating TUESDAY- 3.30-6.30O - Figure Skating WEDNESDAY- 6.00-6.45- Tykes Practise 6.45-7.30- Atoms Practice 7.30-8.30- Pee Wee Pract- 8.30-9.15- Battams Pract- 9.15-10.00- Midýget Pract. THURSDAY- 4.30-7.30- Figure Skaters FRIDAY- 6.30-7.30- Atom Practice 7.30-8.30 Pee Wee Practice 8.30--9.30 -Bantam Practice 9.30-1. 0.30 Midget Pract. 10.30-11.30- Juvenle Pract. SATURDAY- 8.00ý-9.00- Midget Practice 9.00-10.00 -Bantam Pract. 10.00-11.00- Atom & Tyke Practice 11.00-12.00- Pee Wee Prac, 12.00-1.00- Pee Wee Prac. 7.00-9.006 Public Skating Hockey Nite in Orono -Fri- days- 25e per person. BEJ4U CNOO64Y V A#lert's Texaco VEEKLV TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER Sth, 1968 A Soldier's Diary - Dayan The Lion, The Witch and the- Up And Down The Once Upon An Island - Conover Wardirobe The In-timate Casebook of a The New World of Copper n. . e iHypnýobist - Ellen Cardhoard and Carpentrv COOK 3BUK An evening of poetry was en- joyed at the Clarke Public Lih- rary on Tuesday evening. Con- cluding a year's study of Ameri- can authors, the Reading Club memnbers discussed these Ameni- can ýpoets:. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Edgar Allen Poe, Joyce Kilmer, Robent Frost. On January 3th, 1969, the Club will begi its third year. Contemporary b.est-sellers will lie chosen for 1969. New members are welcomed. If anyone would like 10 attend a monthly meeting for discussion of writers anld books, contact the Libraniap for details.- The meetings are very informalihi tone; learned critical analysis are nul our object, and book-4overs will enjoy these get- togethers. NEW BOOKS Aduit The 'Red Box - Stout The Courtesy of Death - buse- hold Kinfolk - Buck 1967- 1,179- men, 52 deer; 4% success 1968- 992 men, 43. deer 4% sfuccess There is some indication that the number of casuai hunters lias deciined. Sin.ce the deer kill was stili substantial and the ratios of fawns to aduits -and 1%' year-olds to ýolde;r deer stili indicate a healthy deer population, il ap- pears that poor weather was re- sponsible for most of the decline in hunter success. Perhaps the weatherman will be more sym- pathetic next year! j<% UNITED CHURCH Orono Pastoral Charge Minister Rev. B. E. Long SUNDAY, DECEMBER 8th, 1968 Orono United Church Sunday School aI 10:00 Service at 11:15 a.m. Kirby- Morning Service at 9:45 Sunday Schooi at 11:00 Juvenile Pippi -Longstoceking Miss Pickerill on Ithe Moon The Story of Winston Church-r Dorothy Robinsomr rt~tma~ 4~tft êu~e~tton~ I Lace Tablecloths ImPOrted fromt Great Britain,- beauti- fui lace tablecloths to grace, a table. Woven ini different designs, scalloped hemns. Ecru and white, Price: size 50 x 70 - $8.50 to $10.5Ô Size 68 x 88 - $10.50 bu $16.50 Sheet and Pillow Case Sets Fine white cotton sheet and pilluw cases to match, delicately embroidered i blue or white. Price per set - $9-.50 Christmias Tablecloths Genuine linen, tablecloth in white with Christmas design i red and green. Size 60" x 90". Price - $7.50 Bedspreads Cotton hedspreads including -heirIom type and needlewoven, ail with rounded corners, some wîth fringe., Shades of gold, pink, beige and white. Double bed size. Priced froin $11.95 tu $1650- Bath Mat Sets Two-piece bath mat sets i thiekly tufted cotton chenille. Shades of curai, green, yeilow, blue, beige and white. Priced from $5.50 to $5.95 Blankets Beautiful shades in blankets includ- ing wool and viscose, pure wool and thermal weave viscose and nylon blend. Priced froin $4.95 to $15.00. Towel Sets Attracbively boxed' towel sets contain- ing bath towels, hand towels 'and face cloths. Pink, bine, brown and guld. Priced from $2.75 to $4.75 Pillow Cases, Place Mats, Bridge Sets, Teýa Towels. with "COUNTRY POUR"V Organist LIÂonel Vachon, Thomas House of Music "Forrester Orchestra", Entertainment, Dancing, Lunch, $2.00 couple Orono Town Hall Friloday, mDec. 6tb 9:00 p.m.. Sponsored by Clarke Citizens Committee and Ratepayers. mc.,

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