ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5th, 1968 s-. INSURANCEý-, OFFICE- MAIN ST., ORONO Finie 983-5032 Res. 983-5142 CHARLES REID Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuatoz Specialize in Farni and Furniture Sales Consu1t me for termýý anddts PHONE 0ORONO 8391 »Ur qujality and service leaves nothing to be desired Ask the person who bought front us, a îeighibour, friend or relative The RIJTTER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE #'Largest display in Souithern Ontario" and cycle Orelooüno983-5343 Me£CULLOCII BOATS & MOTORS CHAIN 8SAWSV Repaira to al makes o)f Lawn Mowers and 2 and -1 cycle OTACO PLOW POINTS AND MACHINERY PUMlPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS Bert Tonupkins Building A New Home? Romodeling? Cal JOE BECKER Ns-5713Oreno iLYeCETT SPlumnbing <&àHeýating g B-A FINANCING Low Ipterest Rates I Tyrone 263-2650 Hampton 263-2288 IOrville Chatterton Electrical Contracting Electric Heating and Service PHONE 983-5546 or 983-5940 Orolno, OntarlO Herb a;nd Gerry Duvaîl * 983-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRA'ýCTING ELECTRIC HEATING ELECTRICAL APPLIAýNCES T.V. - COLOUR T. RADIO - HI-I FRIGIDAIRE - R.C.A. DOMINION ELECTROHOME INGLIS. - THOR -GUARANTEED SERVICE- amilton Package Policies Fldellty Bond, f Q, Lite 1]First Mrtgage Leang Bex 133 Phone 698-3552 Stafford Brothers Limited 318 Dundas St- E. Whltby, Ont. Manufacturer. of C'emetery Memnorials Deales in Domestie & Foreign Granites and Marbies . Inscriptions Cut and Cenxetery Repair Work Buldig a House? or rentodelling your Present one, then contact BENEFI-T FOR Euchre ad 'ok-in'eîKirbý7 Centennial School, Saturday,, De- cemnber 14th at 8 -p.m.. Aduits lbe. Ladies please bring lunch. b-p FOR SALE Dressed Geese for sial-, ready for the oven. 65 cents per pound. Mrs. John Koropatwa, phone 983-5387. a-c FOR SALE One pair of girl's Figure Skates size 3: also one pair of boy's Hockey Skates, size 5. Phoûne 983-5689. a-c FOR SALE Inglis Liberator Oas Dryer,' used 15 hours, reasonabie. Also 1962 Corvair, good shape. Mvr. V. Harris, phone 983-5524. a-p BOY SCOUT PAPER COLLECTION SAý-TURDAYV, DECEMBER lt Hav"e papers by curbsideý by 9:00 n b-48-p STRAYED Promn Lot 6, Con. 7, abiout Nov- ember 15, one aýmnimal, about 300 lbs., red colouir, Rewar7d for information as to whereabouts. J. A. Carscadden, phione Orono 983-5769. b-48-p ACREAGE 1EQUIRED W1ýanted by Large 1-lu nting Group Acreage with Wat.er ]Fon- tage, Road] or at %,-Xcess liy- er or Lake pls 11ack1and. Caîl Mr Zgemn 1071 idlap A ýv enue, Scarb'o o 7,51 6333 NOTICE "Christmnas Arouind the World" wiil beý the themie ôcf te U.C.W. Getiera1 Meeting on Tlhursday December 12 at 8 p.m. i the Upper C.E. Roomi Unit 4 will give the Deývoti:Qnal. An invita- tion is extended to) ail ladies in the commiuniity. b-48-c Gord Simlpsen Phone Orono 983-581)8 g Oreno, Ontario CARPENTRY a 1WR4ODELLENG GENERAL tREPAIRS g lterior , Exterior D. ROGÉ'(ER SOffN ORONO, ONTARIO ANM TIQBauEs WE BUY AND SELL Old Glass, China, Pmne Articles Toys and Oddities IF IT'S OLD .. . FRED'S 'F'RUIT 31ARIKET South cf Orono on Highway 115 Fresh Apple Cider and Ice Cream for sale, also, a wide variety -of apples and pears. tf Contractor Brick -Block - Concr ete Stone Work Carpentry - Cabinet Work Fluors .Tile 983-5441 ORONO W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED Realtor 21 King St. W. Bowmanville 623-3393 Toronto 923-9174 Port Hope Office 885-4548 For 'prompt, courteous, effici- ent service when buying or selig and for the Iargest sel- ection of properties in the area Contact Orono Area Representatives Roy Foster Ross Gilbart Andy Sutch ROY StriOnlg 983-5801 983-5533 983-91191 52 r il Bethany ACRES FREE ACRES One dinrer tei a lady accompan- ied by1 a gentleman having dinneir Sunday, Dccember the 8th at the Acres Resta-urant, Taunton Road., Open every weekend, Fniday,, Saturdiay anid Sunday. Corne anýd sýec Santa at the- Acres, Decem-berlthac COMJING EVENT Hleather. Social Club Bazaar- and Tea Saturdy, December 7th., I.O.O.F. Commnunity Hall. The- Rebekahs are mnaking, deicious Christmas cake,7; anyoene wishing ta erder ahead please phone Mrs. Gordon Watson, 983-5343 orMrs- Jim Major, 983-5842. a-c- Orono United Church CHURCHSCHOOL SKATING PARTY at thé Orono Rink on Saturday, December 7th at 1:30" COMING EVENT *The annual u r meutîing andi Chnisyls Shlow CÀ theOon Juniior. Gardieners w!i be helId in, the Church Auditoriumi on Thurs- day Deèem'ber 12. Entries for the show (be sure you check your Jr. Gardeners' Year Book!) musi be in prier to the supper time ef 6 ip.m. and the show will be open to the public from 7:47 to 8:15. b-48-e. NOTICE' An lnteresting meeting is plan- ned by' the Iforticultural Society for Thursday, Deceiyber 5th at 8 p.m. in. the Main Hll,,!cf the, Orono United Church. Mr. WmV.11 Bunting wl show some hjterest- ing fý,ims andl this; is also the ight 'of the Christmas Show. Class 1 - "White Christmas", a mnantel arrangement with white predominating., Some natural ma- teniais to be used. ýClass 2 - Dining Table Centre, Piece, dressed ail around. Not to exceed 10" in height and 14" in- length. Candies may be higher. ýClass 3 - Christmas Gift Box,, wrapped, not to exceed 16" Class 4 - Christmas Table FaV- our, not over 4" in height. Class 5 - 11H appy New Year", ans arrangement te rwelcoine the Newi Year. Class 6 - ý'Weleome", a door- decoration. Ail entries receîved 7:301 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. 1>47-e, DIED ARMSTRONG, Pauline-At St-, Mary's Hospital, Tinymins, Ont. on Satin-day, November 30th, 1968, Pauline Armstrong, beloved wife of the late John Armstrong, Or- ono, Ont., dear mother 01 GeoT'ge, Timmins, Ont. and survived by four grandchildren, three sisters and one brothier of Dickinson, North Dakota.' Age 81 years, Mass was from, St. Joseph's Cath- ýolic Church, Bowmnanville, at 11:00 a.m. Tuýesýday mnorùing-. Interment, Orono C emetery. CARD 0F THANKS I would 1like te, thank ail my- neighbours, friends and relatives for ail their kindness, flowers, gifts, cards and visits; also Heath- er Rebekah Lodge No. 334 and. St. Paui's Church U.C.W. Speciat thanks to ýRev. Turner, Dr. Sprouli, Dr. Westgarth and ahl the nurses and staff of 5th Floor and F Wing at Oshawa General Hoslpital. a-P' Kathleen Ba1l CARD 0F THANKS 1 woid l ikLe to thank, the voters that supportedie on Deemiber thie 2n-d aid I is the elected Candiates very suceses onth New oar ofEducation. CarlosTaby JACK 99 King St., E. 80 WMAN VILLE When Buying or Selling eall WILF HAWKE YOIJR ORONO AIREA R EP ,E 8E NTA TIVEfi 983-5274 vimesof )shaw;,qaand -Dis- triet Real Estate Board i2m