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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Dec 1968, p. 1

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-~ -~r---r-~~~ -~ - -~ Orono VOLUME 31, NUMBER 49 Weekly Times Retires As Junior Gardener Director ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER l9th, 1968 Inteesti Chrstma Dislay perainguliltme At Junior Gardener Show The Orono Junior Gardeners tedtheir Chri'stmas Show on'De- 'c-ember 12Lh, 1968 at the Orono United Churcli. A good crowd en- joyed a deliclous pot-luek sup- per.. Head table guests încluded Rev. and Mrs. B. Long, Mrs C. Billings and Mr. and Mrs. T. Stevens of Harwood. Mrs. T. Fa,,.irbrother welcoymed everyone present and thanked the ladies who helped to prepare and serve e supper. She also expressed the appreciation of -the Orono ,Junior Gardeners to thc United Church for thc use of -he Christian Educatiýon Building for monthly meetings and three ,hows. Following the supper Mrs. T. Fair-rother was presentedi with a pot of beautiful yellow muins and a gift in appreciation of lier nine years as director of the Or- ono Junior Gardeners. Pour members of the Bowman- ville Kiwanis Club judged the -iany entries. The results are as folbows: lass 1 - Dinîng Table Arrange- inent: Juniors- Kathy- Lycett, Karen Atkins, Janet Seliocamaker Seniors- Yvonne Scihoenmak- -er, Carol Rarnett, Laurie-Schmid. Class 2 - Door Decoration: Jun- Jors- Brenda Vander Spruit, ~Janet Schoenmaker, Karen At- kins. Seniors - Laurie Schmid, Yv- ýOnne Schoenmaker, Dale Evans. lass 3 - Mantle Arraiigemfent JTunioýrs - Katiy Liycett, Cathy Milîson, Jennifer De Vos. Seniors - Carol Barnett, Donna 'Challice, Laurie Sclmid.ý ,Classe 4 - Christmas Wreatli - -Juniors - Stephen Barnett, Ricky -De Vos, Janet Schoenmaker. Setiors - Dale Evans, Diane BÉarnett, Carol. Barnett. Glass '5 - Gift Box: Juniors- IÇathy Lycett, Cathy Milîson, Janet Schoenmaker. Seniors - Yvonne Schoenmaker, Donna Cliallice, Dale Evans. Class 6 - Christmas Corsage- Junior - Janiet Schoenmaker, Kar- en Atkins, Cathy Milîson. Seniors - Yvonne Schoenunaker, Laurie Schmid, Dale Evans. lass 7 - Animal made of cones -Juniors - Janet Sclioenmaker, Jeu- -nifer De Vos, Karen Atkins. Seniors - Carol Barnett, Yvon- ne Sclioenmaker, Laurie Schnsid. lass 8 - Christmas Cards: -Juniors - Cathy Mfilîson, Janet Schoemnmaker,' Kathy Tycett. Senior~s - Dale Evans, Yvonne ýSehoeninaker, Diane Barnett. Best kept year book with col- ,Oured cover - Dale Evans. Most original arrangement us- ing natural materials - Yvonne Schoenmaker. Mrs. T. Fairbrother congratu- lated ail the meinbers on'the fine work shown in their entries. Mrs. T. Stevens presented ",Service Diplomas" to Donna Challice and Wayne Couvier' for their out- standing work in the Orono Jr. Gardeners. Trophies donated by the Bowmianville Kiwanis Club were presented as follows: Best Gardens for 1968 - Diane Barnett, Carol ýBarnett. Most points in Annual Show, - Dale Evans. The Four C'c Award - Cathy .Milison. The Junior Gardeners exterd their sincere thanks .' to the fol- lowitg for donations: Bowiman- ville ýKiwanis Club, Mrs. E. Mili- son, Glen Rae Daîry, Gibson Or- chards and Cornish's Red and White Store. Several wreaths and decora- tions from the Show were given bythe children to St. John's Con- valescent Home, Toronto. Mrs. D. Evans took these gifts to the Home and reports that the staff and patients were thrilled by this kind gesture. Fifty iMail 9Boxes Torn Off -Posts Reports have reached this of- fice that some fifty mail boxes on a Newcastle Rural route were broken off theïr posts.' Part of the route affected was along the, third line of Clarke. Thle boxes were found in a ditch near New- It was a nostalgie event for the members of the Durham County District Higli Sehool Board, on Wednesda y evening, December Il at their last annual Christmas dinnier and their Iast official board meeting inm Clarke High Schlool. The new Northumberland and Durham County Board of Edipca- tion lias already taken control of educational policy in the- two counties. The dinner was attended by memnbers of the board, principals InOrono District Dr. Peter Johnston, veterinar- ian, is now practicing in 'Orono on a fulI-time basis. His office is on Park Street, Orono, in the former office of Dr. R. J. Tag- gart, opposite the Orono rink. Dr. Jolinston' is a graduate of Ontario Veterianry College in 1964. Since graduation heélias been in ýgeneral practice in Luck- now, Equine practice in Th orn- hili and recently in Equine and Mrs. T. Fairbrothel Whio lias been direetor of the Orono Jun- ior Gardeners for the past ciglit years was presented with'a pat of musus on Thursday last. Miss Yvonne Schoenmaker, is, above, shown with Mrs. Fairlirother who hias retired as director of the Or- ono group. Sanl a Coming To Orono For Three Days general practice in Peterborough. Hc was born and educate d in Peterborouigl where lie also be- came interested in harness hors- es. Since the age of sixteen Dr. Jolinston lias drîven harness lior- ses in races at Montreal, Toronto, Windson and Ottawa. I As soon as a house is available in Orono Dr. Johnston with lis family expect to miove to thc Village. castle. The incident ig being in- vestigated. Most of. the mail boxes have been returned through the New- castle Post Office. Santa arrives in Orono this weekend and will take up resi- dence at the, McKenzie Store in the business section of Orono. The store has been gaily decorat- ed for lis arrival in a Christmas theme and it will be at hs lo- cation that Santa will greet lis younig admirers. Santa opens his sliop on Fni- day and will be present from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. and from 7 p.m. to 8:30 On Saturday Santa will be in lis shop from 3:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. Agaîn on Monday Santa will greet lis young friends from 3 to 5 pmr. and from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Santa's arrival in Orono is lie- ing sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce. Rea'ding Increase s At Clarke- Library The circulation of books from the Clarke Public Library con- tinues to increase and the month of November was ho exception, During the month a total of 1582 books were on boan to readers with juvenile circulation accountinig for 876. This total compares to 1331 in November of 1967. Mrs.- Robinson, librarian, stat- ed that the Saturday m.orning op- ening of the library for the cir- culation of books was being well accepted by members. Mrs. Rob- inson also reported that thirty had attended the film showing last month sponsored by the Li- braryadtt the films were of an excellent calibre. In'the matter of showing filins it was decided to agaîn hold a shoWing in Janupry. The date will be set within a few days and made public. Mrs. Robinson also informed the board that she had put up two book displays and that inter- est had been generated from these showings. Nancy Greene To Visit Kirby Ski Hili A news letter from the Osh- awa Ski Club notes that the ski hli east of Kirby is in readiness for a bumper year of skiing. It notes that with cold weather the snow makinlg equipanent on the east property will be brought in- to operation, and this no doubt n'ow exîsts. There have been some fantas- tic changes at the hili with new ski runs and. grooming of exist- ing runs both for the novice and the expert. A new pro 'shop lias also been constructed alongwith expahded sundeçkingý benches, picenic tables, Bar B-Q and a new paiking lot at the' bottom of the T-Bar hli. The club hopes to have Can- adas World Champion skier at the club sometime, in February. A good liumber of the club's meùnbership are either t.aking in- structions in racing or are teacli- Üig instructors. This notes amost active em of thc higlit schools in, Durhiam County, teachers and represent- atives from ecdl municipality. Concern was voiced by several sýpeakers about the remoteness of the new county board with the schools in sncb a ýlarge area under its control. Reeve R. A. Foster of- Clarke Township said the new board was a trend of the times. He hoped it would not get away from "the grass rooýts.1' Reeve D. Lang of Cavan, Town-, slip feit the new board was too The Bo,%wmanvillc Kiwanis Clubl achievesuents lin the club. Shown' of the Kiwanis. (Front row) Juni- has 'for a nunmbcr of years beeu above (back row) Messrs. S. ior Gardener trophy wînners, a supporter of the Orono. Junior Presôn, JackAMoston, Lloyd Har- Dale Evans, Dianne Barnett, Gardener's Club. Again this year the club provided trophies for mer, Harry Gruyters, membersCathy Milîson and Carol Barnett. 'fan away frons the grass roots. "But perhaps we are a little old fashioned. We have to, learn to move with the times," le saîd. Reeve Ruth Clanke of Port H-Iope congratulated the members of the Durliam board wlio oafler- ed their names for election Vo the new board. WiVh their- exper- ience, she said, the future of edu- cation in the United Countie§ was in good liands. Tlianks were extended to-board mesnbers for their services to cd- ucation through the years. A. A. H. Strike n3ade a pres- entation to Alex MaeGregpr, the only serving meimiber who has been on the boafrd since its in- ception 28 years ago. A presentation was also, made to M. A. MacLeod, adýiministrator, by E. -M. Creiglitot, clairman of the board. Mr. MacLeod was con- graduated from ýhaving been ap- pointed adiministrator of the new board. Thanks were expressed to VIe staff of the Durliam board lead- quarters in Bowmanville. During a board meeting after the. dinner, Mr. MacLeod ;ýmoun- ced that the board would con- tinue to serve the new board in an advisory çapacity until Feb-' ruary. Each memnber said lis "good- byes" and reminisced about the early days of the, board. Congratulations were cxtcnded to the five board members who were elected Vo the new board. Orono Hugh cho IBoard olds Final Meeting

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