ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMJBER ,l9th, 1968 ODRONO WEEKLY Tivi ýES (At~iz4as Second Clpns0 mai!, Po t Ofice Deamn, ub cle very Tllursdauy at the oficeof publcato ManStreýe, Phoýne 19 rnOnTaria Eýtbislbed jn 1-,1-11 by R. A. Forrester RyC. Forrester - Edltor and Manager In this day and age it often seems imrpossible te kindie a spark of enthusiasmi in local . organizations with many merely surviving. During the past wee'k we attended meetings of two groups in the Village whîch cive every indilcation cf enthuisiasmiii their work nd in their meet- ings. No davbt there are others but it was refreshing ta see achievement and so 'go' power. Members of the 0ronia Junior Gardeners, last Thurs- day, presented an ourtstanding display of their individual work and their artistic ability. Many of the items were professional in appearance and did indicate care, interest aid many hours of study. Again on Wednesday evening of this week we brief- ly attendedthe Orono Girl Guide meeting When gold cards were presented te, twe aof the Orono Guides. This presenta- tian in itself bears out a dedication by the twa girls and again enthusiasni and many hours of dedicated preparatioh. The air of interest was aiso evident with the other guides, who in Oronao must number in the forties. In bnoth ergnanizationis the spark, of enthusiasm and success rests, ta, a considerable degree, withi the leaders. This is evident in bath cases. No arganizatian cma be suc- ce(-ssdul without dedication of its leadership. We would like atL this tiimete cammend the leaders who have sparked these twa graups ta greater achievements. They are adding subsaïice ta life in Orono. In Opposite Directions Bilingualism appears ta take two courses and bath in eyppasite directions. Te be lingual is ta, be capable of us- ing, two languages. One recommendation af the recent B. and B. Ckmnýmittee report, the teaching and use of bath Engl.ish and French in aur schioals, does promate bilingual- ism in 'our country. If this recammendation is- implemented it ýwill be the first big step imi-ý;ng Canada a bilinrgual nation. It will, of course, cost considerable and cati only *be phased evýer a perriod of imany years. This proposai, if' aur naition is ta be bîlinigual, is the miost progressive. t is in contrast ta the establishi of e7,ither English or Frenchi minarity scéhools. The 'minarity schrools of ether language which are toda beingset up in certain areas such as Sudbury do net promete bilingual- Lsm but perpetuate the problesns which we are apparently tring -ta overcome. The minority sehools teach in either oie or the othier latiguage and carry this on intoi High Seiool and into University. It is contrary to the aimis oaa bilinigual preygrain. It appears that in time the aim is understood and the objectives. clarified. What Others Say There is nothing in1 recent reports on the Ontario Hydre expansion pregram ta indicate that a final decision lias been made as to whether or nat the proposed Wesley- ville plant will be operated by nuclçar fuel. Indeed, a re- cent article in the Ontario Hydro News, while avoiding the issue, leaves the impression that it will be coal-fired, or te use Hydro's favorite euphemism, 'fossil-fuel' fired. If the plant sliould be coal-fired, air pollution prob- lem-s are sure to develop, though Hydro does use the most up-to-date pollution cotrai equipietit, and does what- it can ta reduce the pollution from its coal-fired plants. Even at best, however, they add pollutantÊ to the air, and with the prevailing winds westerly, Port Hope will net be im- niune to any undesirable effects. From an economic point of view there are advantages to eoal-fired plants. They cost a great deal less ta build, and thferefoýre we the money is heeded ta build them, a less serions strain is put upon the capital markets where goverùment bodies like Hydro berrew. Once they are built the -fuel costs are higher, but the -commission believes that the hest approach lis a mix of hydro-letie, nuclear and Twin. Size Electric Blankets, regy. $21.95 on sale ..... $19.49 NwElectric HAIR CURLER SET, reg $19.95 .. now $16.66 reg. $25.9~5 now at Eieoctric Fry Pan ..$21.99 Electric MIXER and Stand Special price at....... $1 5.88 4-Speed RECORD PLAYER, priced at............. $29.95 Automatie RECORD PLAYER priced at .. $52.95 and $69.95, O -$16.88 G%.E. Vacuum Cleaners $54.50 up PHILCO -COLOR -1 &W TV RADIOS and LSolid State Ste ýt hnle Ail at' PH"ILCO WEEK SPCA 'RCES PuhoÏle 983-5307 Orono, Ontarîu - SALE SPECIALS' STlICKS PANTS PADS and HOCKEY HELMETS Except December 14, 21, and 24 Christmas Shoinigisn easy ut Tmse,,"" ee ike are many i r everyone on your Iist Ccmerne -lu an pay us a visit Th fmiy toe ewasle OSam 'if igz