ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19tlx, 1968 Rep"ort From Queen's, Park A. Carruthers, MP 'Thxe Throme Debate - Ojposition Views. The leader of the Liberal op- positioni, Mr. Nixon, set the tone ior oýpposition] views of Govtrn- ment policy as outlined in the Speech from the Throne. And provided an indication of his party's policies on varions issues. Criticizinig the Government's policy on a number al issues Mr. :Nixon recommended alternative policies which inciuded the fol- ]owiing: 1. Negotiations with the Feder- al Goveriiment shouid be under- tiaken in an attemrpt te, get a zhare 0f the 2% surtax on in- ýcc>o1e. In addition to the present tax abatement by the Federal, Gov- e2rnîment a share of the new tax, 11r. Niàxon calcuilated wouid re- alize $4 0 ta $50 millîot for the province. 2. A fudliexternai assesment prog-ramime should be made of pro;vincial spending programmes to elinate waste. In 1956 such. an assessment was made, 1\r. Nixon stated, by Mr. WValter Gordon who was then a iion- politicai activist with the proiper- credentials. A similar as- sýessmnent sbould agaîn Ke made Mir. Nixon said. 3. The estabiishment of an est- mates Committe,e of the Legis- lature in order to prQvide a mnore realistic examination of ihe budget. In recommend'ing this action Mrh. Nixon stated however, that his party would neyer counten- ~ance a reduction of the free right te debate these mnatters in the Leg'islature. 4. The assumption of full pro- ïyincia'i responsib)ility1 for the pres- ent federal-pDroviteia-1 program- mes eof hospitalizationi, welfare and health wliich woufld be bal- inced by a further 17%1 tax abatement by Ottawa wiith safe- g5uards against increasing costs. Referring to the in'creascd costs ofthese sevices, Mr. Nixon was eriti cal on the one hand of Ont- zario doctors who seem to be able ±o un-iiaterally impose their de- cýisions on the Minister of Health. 1On the other hand people Work- _mg i hospitals and hospital fac- ilities, he said were oni, salary levels f ar below what they will' have to bc within three te five iyears. 5. The establishment of an ef- fective workaJble centralized pur- ~ehasing paliicy, for the entire On- 1ario Government with forced co- 'oPeration from all departments. As Mr. Nixon stated this issue lias been debated, for the past three years. Centraiized purchas- ing must be imïposed he said on the varlous departmrents in order to realize the savings predicted by a previousý study. 6. Negotiations should be un- 'deraken with the Federal Gov- ernment te broaden" the ~Federal Income tax base. On both sides there are rigil- Àties i negotiations Mr. Nixon -asserted and while the Ontario -governnient found itself colin- pletely hanistrung by the groywth ~of its programmes and the lack of growth in provincial ineome it bhad a responsibility to work with the Federal covernment in estab- lishing a progressive system as ojutlinied in the Carter report. 7. Onx*aio nust immediately ~accept the $160 million federal xebate available for Medîcare. Although those people, , Mr.i Nixon said, wlio accuse tV.e Min- ister of Finance in Ottawa of levying a Medîcare premium are very close to Ibe truth, the money for Medicare is beý-ig taxed fromn Ontario and it is therefore in- cumbent on'-us te accept our share of this programme and see that Mediceare becomes a .reality in the province of Ontario. The governent by continuing to re- ject Medicare, he said is negleet- ing possible income tax sources that exist. In summihng up his ýparty's pol- iey with respect to other issues outlined in the speech from the throne Mr. Nixon referred to the following areas: (a) Labour - the Liberal party was oppoised to the tribunal for setting labour disputes reeom- mended by ýChief Justice Rand. The Ontaio Labour Relations Board while in heed of upgrading should- remain, the regulating body la the labour field. (b) Housing - Adequate bous- ing for ail Ontario citizens, pro- tection of tenants rigbts and the estabishment of a permissive systeni of' reit control. ,(c) An overali plan for the land use and economic deveiopm0nt of Ontario. Such a plan must dictate the selection of ur'ban. growth points, the preservation of agri- cultuiral resources, the exp ansiot of 'vecreation faciities and all eorrelated by rapid transit bigh- W"y. (d) Specffic long-range: plans 'for a water pipeline gridover a large area 0f' Ontario. (e) Subsîdized boans to indus- tries- for Anti-pollution installa- tion must form. a part of an ef- fcieAnti-pollution programme. Kendal Nws Several from 'this area wenit to Bowmanville Saturday evening te hear the Excelsior Choir present Hlandel's "Messiah" uùider the capable leadeirship of Mr. Mel McCoy. This -was an outstanding ,performance played to, a fu11 fuIl bouse. Sunday the 22nýd is White Gift Sunday in Kendai ChuTch. This is an opportunity for the eildren 0f ,Kçýdal who have se much for Christmas,' to give a gift in mon- ey_ to the poor children 0f the world. Enve4opes will be provid- ed . M,à-s. L. Rurwas, h and Miss A. Busiwash of Cobourg visited with Mr. A. Thompson and> Mr. and Mrs. G. Cathcart last weekend. One 0f the projects of the Boy Scouts bas been puttinig street markers on the Kehidal streets. Mr. and MIrs. H. Footer have motored seuth. to, Virginia to at- tend the funeral of ber mother who ipassed away Sunday morn- ing, Decenzber l5th. Syrnpatby is extended to the f aily. >Murra y Greenwooýd, son of Mr. and MIrs. Ralph Greenwood had bis tonsils removed on Tuesday. Mr. -Wm. Boy is aise a patient in BowmanviIie Hospital follewing a miner operation. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Byers of Weleome had their son Scot Byers christetied on Sunday in Wel- corne United Chù-eh. Missl C. W. Stewart and Mrs. H. Foster tooýk the gifts given by the U.C.W. to -tbe Golden , Piow Lodige on Friday. It bas been noticed tbat con- siderabie damageý has been done to roofs of many homes around Kendal from thre higb wilid storms recently. DX -DX DX DX DX DX DX DX DX DX DX eX DX BeWs- C-OIE WITHI PIIONE 668-3341 xu i X x« xxaa xii xili x a x a x G x i il ( EIALS SOpeni until 9:00 pa.. oe Sat. \atnd Xmas Eve 4p.m. WESTCLOX DECORATOR WALL ~, CLOCK AT OmM110, FANTASTIC SAVINGS -Beautifut decorator cordless wall dlock '>1looksgood on any wali in your home. Electronic accuracy. Runs afull year on oe"CI' batterY.. garanteed for one year. Value $39.95 99 WEST BEND-9-PIECE TEFLON ALUMINUM SET Features new hardcoat tefion for irnproved scratch resistance and easy Cleaning. Extra thick aluminum for even heatin g. Foods wýash off in seconds w/,lthouit scouring. Set PnclUdes oDne, twvo and three, quartucePans, 5-quart cuvered outch ovefl, 10" skillet (uses' dutch VnWle $37.95 G.'.E. ELECTRIC KETTLE Deluxe eingle element boils water rapidly, aind shuts Qff automatically if kettie ruas dry. 6' detachable cord for easy cleanlng included. bufing wheel, chuck key and'holder, !D" rubber backing pad, three 5" sanding discos, and ½ wheel arbor. BLACK & DECKER s/"DRILL KIT For the majority of home drilling needs. Includesai accessories as in the 1/11 kit, but with 3,8"drill. 2 $2198 ELECTRIC HANDMIXER For ail beating jobs even whipping cream and eggs with special disc (included). Cornes with 6' detachable cord. TAV. EINSE-MBLE SÉT - Ideal for parties and TV sna1ckthne. Featurcs 4 sturdy but lighltweight frames on self storage rack with swivel casters. RacJ< holds the filigree >dng size patterned trays. Folds complete- ly away for easy storge. Value $9.95 $7w.99 ,e ROLPH DOMINION HARDWARE We ;have-a full range of toys, games, model car, planes for bothý boys and girls. Bikes - C.C.M. Skates - Hockey EqUipment Toboggans - Sleighs - etc., etc.