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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Dec 1968, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, MONDAY, DECEMBEIR 23rd, 1968 O RONO 10W EEKL Y TI1MEL'S a~rze s Second Clessc mail, 0oet Ofice Depatinent, 'Mea Street, Phone 10D, Orono, <nal bdin 1938 by R. A. Forrýesteýr R~yC. orrster -- EdIter and lManag-er pâlities from closing public high- xWays so that races can be stagAd? Why bi- Ias the Proviýncia G3evn ment given this free handi to Met Ï 1ro? Why has the M.P.P. for Dur- hamn noV spoken lu the Legisi \a- -ture to protect the Mosport enter- prise? Corne to hink of it why flot stage a road race in Durhamn Gounty? Visualize, if you will? Start at Newcastle - north on Highrway 115 to Peterborough then soutli via No. 28 Vo 401 and hack to Newcastle. Sounid ridiculou.s? Well maybe Bassett's dream sounds equallyridicuLous Vo peo- ple living in, West End Toronto. John Bassett is a shrewd, enter- prising, businessiman. He deserves credit for his industry but I1xeal- ly think he has done weil enough without relying on Queen'ýs Pa-rk for hanlouts! hI Walter Pitman's words this is "'Soeialism for the rich and Frer,, En-terprise for al thers," Yours truly, Doug Mo'ffit May we extend to Everyone Season's CGreetings Normaun Kennedy Representative fer C. J. Heslop Real Estate Broker Cal)yourI licensed Plumbing &I Mechanical ContractorI whe selis, Instalh çid guaratees CARMAIN PLUMBING AND HEATING Phone' 983-5207 Oreno WHIY NOT CLIOSE SCHOOLS, JUST STUDEN~TS USE THEM! The audacity of some students today gives a fright- eniing guage of bcow great the, generatian gap really is. The ycungsters -whio ean so qui;ckly organize to protest thir dis- pleasure Y)y inarchhig on the provincial government'have showui aduits bow mnucli out of step With the times they have becomne. For instauce there miust stili be smne of the old- timlers who canrecali when itwa con.Sidered a privilege to atten~d sceoI at ai.Granted there were marches in- volved too - long jaunits niorn'ning and evening just to gel to and from classes. Lu the- hackcward dasof the past, -tudents had to work to, finance what euainthey veceived. But they wern'trealywiith it. They assumred they shoculd take ad. vantage of the opoti wV atn school wuhen elasses were available. Hiowever it mayv flot bc too late for- the stod,,gy mcm- bers of iess h-ep generatlions týo "get with it"ý too. Why, for inistance, should they .onhtinue to) provide so generously fo.r the sport c schouols - they don't need theim - much better to spend the moïiey on "doinig their own thing." And dQýn't say it can',t be donce - the youngsters have shown the way! An(! scbsx>l buses - who ýneeds thein? Just the stu- dents, Wh:at about sports equiipm-rent and Vrain'ing fields Y they're of littie use to the people providing t3hein. And, if the students say they doni't want. Vo stay in slool for such and suchi a period - close the seh(ools; tbat's sure to be a substantial saving there too. But these are alleids courses. Whether these auclalcus boys and girls recognize it or, noV thýe rest of us have a responsiibility to see that theýy receive an e-du- cation. And if tbe-y are oid enougli to protest, they are old enougl Vo realize they have a commitinent Vo make the best use of1 the facilities provided. The sohool board could undoubtedly take action to discipline those who, have Jeft classes. Yet that responsib)il'- ity rightly belongs to the parents. At they'd do well to exercise, it - wbile they stili have it. -Oshawa Times Letter to the Editor R.R. 1, CampbeLlcroft, December 16, 1968 Dear Mr. Editor: Whatý is going on lu this Prov- jince? In case you haven't noticed - there haïs been a grepat carn- paiga waged by the Toronto Tel- egram and C.F.T.O. ( Channel Nine) o convince the residenits cuf Metropo1litan Toronto that Tor'- ointo eau become a 'Monte Carlo', 'Idianap)olis' and 'Sebring' rolil- qcd inJto one. This, aceording to tfiese news outlets, would be just marvelous - maney, prosperity, eaine, headiines, excitenient.,. Thie above goals, however at- kaetive they may sound, are noV aIl the story. Where is the bilg race track Vo) be? At the -Exhi;bition Grouinds lu Tforonto and ou roacLs ondby er of C.F.T.O., and former Pro- gressive Conservative dandidate Fedleral Parlianient. Wlho will benefit? Mainly Johni Bassett and his partuners with a token payment supposedfly to Toronto. Are there any dangers? Well, just put 30 or 40 automo- biles capa-,ble of speeds of over 150 miles per hour on any main street and . , Are there any laws govethig such things? Thle Highway Traffie Act states in part ". . . 'racing,' on aby pub- lic road or'higthw-ý,ay is an offence"l Are there other facilities whieh Could be used? Diid you ever hear of Mospart? Mouit Tremblant? Watkins Glen? or Haire-wood?All of these are 'tracksF' within 200 miles of Mtro. WhlaV will happe n Vo the devel- copinYent i Durbain County knlown as Msot WhIat is Vo stop oothjer munici- q. that pervades the very air in this -wonderful seas-ion. Wle offer you our sincere wishes for the happiest of Christmases for you and yours., Front your 'Orono Businuesnen, Dur. P. Johnston Veterinarian Lycett's Plumbing id Bruce Myles Walts Donuts (Bruce and Adele) Armtrog'sIGA Oxford Bricklayers WeiIIIe Sehnai) GordonSimpson <Plainting and Decorating) Dr. P. I ares James Ard (Ralph and Jim) OrMoo 5c. - $1.00 Store Barrabalis Service and ' Repair

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