Health Minister Presents Action Cigarettes Linked, Report On Cigarette SDmokçing Wt ei H eaith and Welfare Minister, ýential legislative action were: Disease John Munro today presented the A ban on ail cigarette adver- commons Health Committee tising and. promotion, and aiso You are probably well aware with bis department's suggestions on the promotion of cigarette of th-e establishdlnrewe f or legisiation dealing with the smoking in the advertisin'g ciartt sokhged iungca health hazard od cigarette smok- other products. cie&tte mongadare the ing. The time has corne, he said, iin1k between cigarette smnokinig to, augment and strengtheh the The elimination 'of ail coupon. and heart disease? educationai program which had and premiunin schemes îor encour- b een in operation. for the Past aging cigarette smoking. Th Lretetrisk of t'ioarettAý five years. Six private membez bills on the sane subj dot ha' aiso been referred to the con mittee for examination. Among thie proposais put foi ward by 'the departmnent for lx ve A statement on ail cigarette m- packages and cartons which would warn potentiai and current r- smokers of the 'dangers of smok- ýO- ing and indicate Iess hazardous ways to use the produet. A maximum level of tar' an'd nicotine content to) be set for cigarettes, this to reduce the haz- ard to contiliuing smokers. The requirement that ail cig- M arettes sales, outiets adequately display the listing of the tar-ni- cotine content of the cigarettes o)n sale. In addition to his speech, Mr. Munro tabled a report 'prcpared by his department for study by thie committee. smoking is death froni a heart attack, says federal health de- partment pamnphiet, "Amn 1 an Exampler?" About hall the premature deaths oKf cigarette smokers are caused by heart attacks. This d&n- ger is flound among- younger as well as oider smokers. How cigarette smoking in- creases the risk of heart attack is not known. Studies point te three ipassibilities - the increased heat action and need for oxygen <'aused byi nicotine, the decreas. ed abiiity of the blood toa delive-r lifeýgiving oxygen to the heai't be1 cause'of the effeets of the carbon-- mon oxide in cigarette smoke, aad faster bdood ciotting in smriokers, the pamphlet says. ExamIning the health probiem _______________ and reviewing the. researchi and educational action already taken -q it elaborates on the rationale bý- overnor Nameci hind the conviction that regula- tory measures have become a* Peterborough Counlty Judge H necessity it the increasingiy R. Deyýman has beenï elected Vo, seriolus heaith, probiem.- Copies the board of governors of Trent, of the report' wiil be avaiable UJniversity. Foilowing gradujatioin fi-cm the Department of National from Osgooide Hall Judge Deym-an Hleaith and Weifare to heaith practiscd iaw in Cobourg. He was organizations, 'tobacco companies nameil crown attorney for Dur- and other groups invoived in the ham and NorthumberIind Count- question. ies in 1938. Front- Tour Orono Businessmen 'Oron. Building Contractor <Hoerst Hoensch) Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, (Ray Dickson, Pauil Fuoco, Adelle MeGili, Nancy West, Carol Gîlbank, Nadine Quinton, Joan Mitcell) Hank's Snîiac1k Ba r (Hank Vanden Brink) (Sand and Grave.) Alblc'"ý-,1 T îra"nspor 0ýFt (Ross, Harold andJ Doug) - rvllHe Chatte rtonr (Orville and Francis) Floyd Nicholson - Orono Fuel& Lumber i,. Mercer's Garage (Ross, Jean, llarry) Jr esau oSrvice (Hesper and Junior) (Charles Reid) WatsWs ame &cycle (Gordon Watson) M S ecôott~ ?ree t~ui~p~ t/t e.wd' Janne~ atteMaa<ens Bet yxie& imS-qt ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, MONDAY, DECEMBER 23rd, 1968 TIhe Simupson -.Fanîily Newcastle Golf r u.