Es ORONO WEEKLY, TIMES, MONDAY, DECEMBER 23rd,,1968 StampTo Honour The Rigit Honourable Vincent Mlassey, PC., C.C., CH.Ganada's firt ntie-braGovrnqr Gen- o-ral, will be comumemnoratel on a, 6 eent stamp to be relIeased by t-he Canada Poýst Office Februar, '10, 19695. taserGenerai ErIc K7ieranIIs a11oUnced laSt weekl. An engraved portrait of Vthe hiate Governor General, pnted ln, dJark browýn, ocoupics the upper: ï1aif -f the vertical sa~ fd .Isig in a oerarea printed b N Titior~hywith darkbroWn Je- ering on the olive green back- ý rou nd, luis "Vincent M a ssey" anid the year of his birthl and 'Nat 188719037" aaned or lim) Ues. Imimediately th-ereund- --r s ovrnor-Gen-a;" sae ,on iwouns thOe ftand and Gouvrneu Genral"sisn- ilaly rr~ged t te igt m- Genï~I'Vsssv'sprlonedterm 'cf ~ir, A arkb~ow deOmin- ativ 'Ç" t th uper It of thed potai nd "and" a Born n arnm 1887, M.Ms~ Febraary 20, asmdhis of the Queýen Cebruary 28, 1952; the distinction with whiceh he ac- extension of the cugtomary sev- qulktel hinisellf resulfted in an en years, the longest of any per- son in sucli a capacity. lis prec- edent-shattering selection as first Canadian-born Governor General had been preceded ia 1926 by lis appoîntment as the first Canadieni Ambassadçwr-to the United States of America. 1&. Massey lived to enjoy ail but a few hours of his nation's historie Centennial Year; bis death oceurred December 27, 1967. At one time the president of -a n dustrial enterprise bearinig bis namie, Mr. Massey was active in divergent fields. During a ten- tire as teacher of modern history at the University oa£-Toronto, an institution lie was later to serve as Chancellor, he supervised the building cf Hart House, a gift fram his faniily to the rapidly ex- panding scat of higher learning. Ia the 1914-1918 war lie served as a staff officer in Militry Dist- rict 2 and later as Associate Sec- retýary of the War Committee of the Cabinet; in the Second World War he was contributing his dip- tomatie skill andl knowledge as Canadian Hiigh .Commissi0ý1er in London. He also, served as a member of delegations to the League of Nations and to the Un- ited Nations Asseinbly. Mr. Massey was chairman of the Royal Commission on the National Develoýpmet-t of the Anrts, Letters and Sciences which resulted in the widely read Mas- sey Commission Report of 1961. H1e had thie çitinetion of being the first Governor General to fly oveftnMe Nortih Pole and, some six weeks Meore the end of a life laden with well-deserved honours he was «Mnong the first Canadians to be invegted as Companion of the new Order of Canada. Newcastle Buys Obsolete Dryer The citY of Oshawa has finally "unloaded" ah cibsolete fire hose dryer and made $150 ia the pro- MondaY, W. J. Crompton, city Ia a letter to board of control Pur'cbasing agent, said the Town of Newcastle had offered to pur- thase the ýused CircuIbair fire to seli the equipreent had been, hose dryer'. Attempts in the past unsurccessfpl. Bor fcontrDi agreed with -Mr. Chompton's recoýntrmendatiün that the sale be approved. 'Oxford BRICKLAYERS STOS E MASONS X. Schmahl 983-5606 Specializing iii al kinds of STOINEWORK an d FIREPLACES We also do Chimney Repairs CJULLOCH CHAIN SAW Frm 000AM nil 5:00 P.13. Model 1-10 WNOOD CUTTERS: KIT LIGHT WEIGHT $1 69,95 $159.95 Corne see and use the Wor!ld' LIGHTEST Chain Saw, Pow- er Mac 6 only 61½2 pounds., FACTORY REPRESENTATIVES IN ATTENDANCE Door Prize' A new Chain fr your Chain aw SPECIAL DÎRAW for Bonus !Kit'on Purcase nvoîeces WATON' ARNE & CYCL E to take orders for Stewarts "Early ybril eed Corn at Excelen opprtuity nd ommisios -to seli "Early Ilyris" oryour r iea ur the nexýt six months. If iu iterested peas cntat s at oc by letter, stating exact a'dêrfess, 1-t nd cncsion, township and miunty, distance and directioni from closest town or advise if yonlilve in a w7iLlage or nameil cormnityJ.. r allynpiôven! tzâil-tested!j SEE THE ALL NEW 6 9 e5TotoSki UNE NOW!l I iMODE' 1 FROM WHICH TO CHOOSEI ORONO, ONTARIO TÈLEPhONE,9350 New Dutch Ovenc Restaurant And Staf f CLOSED DECEMBER 25th and DECEMBER 3lst, 1968