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Orono Weekly Times, 31 Dec 1968, p. 1

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Orono Commission' Joins With Others O roeno A co-operative electric service anid marketing prograin for the cuistomIers it the Bowinanville ar- eahas been formed by, the join- ing, of the seven municipal hydro tilities. Thi*s i,: the second area in the prvnewhere municipal hydro ,utffities have united to provide increased service. Seven companies w hich formed tche groïip are: Ajax Hydro, Bow- mnanville Public' Utilities, New- castle Hfydro, Orono.Hydra, Pick- eig village Public Utilities, Port Perry Hydre and Whitby Public Utilities. Oshawa Public Utilities Coan- m-issiion had comnilssioners pre- sent to assist in setting Up the Aeectric service developinent -plan. Officiais of the seven utilities signed a ,plan which would pro- vpide staff assistance frein Ontario ilydro to act as resource person- e(l in contact with customers. VOLUME 31, NUMBER 51 Weekly ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 31st, 1968 NaJrrcotics Act, Many rnonths of quiet police in- vestigation came to a head at 10 p.m. Saturday, Deceimber 21st, -When local and R.C.M. Police raide an apartanent on the top' floor rented by Mr. and Mrs. flRbert Agnew at 63 -King St. West il, Boxmahville. Taking part in the raid were town Constabies John Bird, Rich- ard Kouhi and Les Ricard, R.C.M. P. Constables James Simpson and Douglas McIntyre of the Peter- borough Detachment. They served a search warrant on Roberýt Agnew, 21, and state thy recovýered a quantity of mar- iju:ana and sa-ine liquor. They en- iountered no resistance. Charged-, with a breach of the Narcotics Contrai Act were: Mr. and Mrs. Agnew, Péter Williamn Barclay, 20, of 10 Lberty St. N., Glenn David Eldridge,' 22, 112 Elgin St., John Gregory Brook- ing, 2û, 45 Prince St., Gary Stu- art Baker, 19, 5 George St., Bow- Robert Agnew was also charg- ýed with permittinig drunkenness and William Woodward, 17, 647 ý>ak St., Colingwood, was charg- ecd as a found in, a breadi of the Liguor Control Act. Those arrested were taken to -the Coutty jail in Cobourg. It is understood that several -of them' -were reieased on bail on Sunday. Vllage Pays -Off S treet Light Costs The Orono Police Trustées on 1IMonday evenjihig passed a resolu- tieni which the Village will payýoff ýail capital costs inceurred> by Streetlighting in the Village. This debt has occurred over the years and was being carried by the Orono Hydro System. The -money in no0 way had anytJlhingl to dIo with the hinstallation of mer- cury vapour liglits which have been paid for as they were in- stalled. The payment on Monday -,vas slightly over $500.00. Orono 'will 110W oniy pay for mraintenance and hydro use ot- the streetights. The Village engineers have hbeeni advised to ask the conti'act- or for an extension of thme to ac- -ept theé, lid for the Village road ýwork. The Trustees, as of Mon- day, had Iiot applied to the On- tarlo AMunicipal Bo ard for approv- ai of the additional suim needed for the work due to a tender price hlgher than the estiaiated pricp ewbihhad ureviouslv been and to thank you for favoring us with yaur patronage. May every day bring you and your family ax full measure of happiness and good health. W. Frank Thomnlhan been ehos.- en director of educatien for theý 110w Northinberland - Durhamr Oounity Board of Education. .A speýkesman for the board said lie was acce'pted -Monday night frein. a large number of hîghly qualî- fied applicants. Mr. Thorn is now, area superitendent of seeojndary, seChools for Peter'boroughI, Victor- ia, Haliburton, Durhiar? awd Northumberland counüies, whiqàhi- post he han held since 1967. H1e was previousiy district inspecter for the saine area. At Oshawa Canadian Pacifie Railway ,-crewsl in Oshavwa Thursday, conitinuedý the massive' task of unravelling, a mass of twisted boxcars, the af- termath of a 40-car freiglit train de-tailment wihieh occurred just- east of Thiýcksoïi Road about3 P.mri. Chri-istuins Day. 'rhe \ýest- bouind train i eft the traeks n accordio1ned into a gig-autic mnetal gcrap hçap when an axle of onec ,6f the cars appareyitly broke. r one wajs injured in the muishap. CPR officiais imnïiediately called in crewvs, along writh mobile rail- 'way crabes, toeclear the tracks but the Lakeshore Ue was net expeeted te be opened unit soçie- titme Friday afternoon. A CPR spokesman estiniated the damnage caused ln the crash te be nenrly- $3000,000. The freight cars ,vere filled with ingredients used in manldng brand.y were destined for Toronto. The spokesmn,,iad- ded that passenger service intoD Oshawa wouid net be disrupted an the hue was used miainIy for freight trains. Clark T nciI , ints Ne Clerk On Deceniiber 23rd the Council of the Township of Clarke ap- pointed Thomas E. Monahan' as Clerk of the Township with his tenure of office to take effect as soon an it can bei arranged. Mr. Monahan is now resident off Matheson. Council received a letter dated November l3th frein Mr. Alex Carruthers lu which Mr. Car- ruthers stated he had been in close contact wth the Prime Miister's office in connection with the developient of the pro- posed Lakeshore Raceway in Toi-- onte and that every effort wan being made to prevent the estaib- Ilshinent of the raceway. H1e also attended meetings of the Metro Planning Council arnd stated that some Raterpayers' Associations were making a strong, stand a- gainst the raceway in ToronrtÔ. "Although it appears 'to bei a matter ýdirectiy affecting Metro, the Ontario Govemmuent is con- sidering the matter very serious-, ly' as it relates to Section 459 of the Municipal Act and Section 91 of the llighway Traffic Act," said Mr. Carruthers. A letter was aiso reccived frein i-. W. $. Denipsey who, referred to the drying up of his weUl thought due te removal of gravel froin the Township gi-aveu pit. The letter wan filed. Mr. E. R. Lovekin met with Couil in 'connection, with expre. priation of land, part' of 'Ruegger propertiy lot 9, range B in the Township. A by-law was passed authorizing expropriation for the purpose of widening and iinprov- ing grade separation at tis par- ticular section of road. Its Ail In TIhe Way You Do It When the- weatherman closed la iSaturday ith an abundane trailiers for their delivei'ing. At ene timie they had two such ve- hîcles lu use as Dean West, an ardenit snowmobiie fan, and Bob Lewis. sped around the Village dý,liverJ.ig , their inerchandise from the store. Bocb is the hooded one. Unfortunately his sile was not reveaied to thie edinera. Dean is decked in bis snowmno- bile suit. Bill cdaims this is a far cry Not Upset The proposed-legislation to. ban cigarette advertising and an anti- smoking campaign by the federai governmolit, is net causing great concern tu Port Hope-Cobourg te- bacco growers. They are takig it lu stride. "We've been hraugh this bci- fore" saide Peter Newell, a Vob- bacco gromer in Newcastle, "these things cone and gco." The effect will probabiy bci only tempeirary." Mr. Newell's statement is i- dicative lof the general feeling among the tobacco growýers, a feeling that they have weathered the "cancer scare storini" before and they can do it agin. "We went through tilis saine, thing, in the early 1960's, aýid the market went down for a wile-, but it picked up again", one te- baco grower said. "For every one person that stops smoking, there seins to be three more that start." Clarence MoýIore, tohacco f arm- er in Baltimore, believes týhat the tabacco prices at the autiopG houses in Tillsonhurg and Delhi wilfaîl teniporariiy, lu the saine wa3Y the Stock mark 'et falis or rises according to goveernment statements, but \,,ill pick up im- m ediately. The iy real concern seess to bie la acreage. "That cq>id be serious," one fariner said. Aýithough m rost f armners con- tacted felt there wouid probably be no direct cuit îl their acreage because of the announenent,, many are conicerned about future cuts, Th e general feeling was that acreage woul4 'have been in creased next year, had Mr-.AMun- ro not made bis proaposaI. The effect on the ban on açver- tising ini Ca-nada may not liea fî'nancially serious as- many think,. because se rnuch Onitario tobaeeo is exported to other couritries they felt. uuII1uw 3(I1UW Une Director Chosen' MOPSýi- ï WM ï

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