ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TUË$DAY,_ DECEMBER 3lst, 1968 Durham NADP.s Ann ua-l eeting0 9, -Tihe New Demnocraic P-aty, Durhami Riding, held its ann.ýiual mieetitig at the Orono Oddfellows' Hall on Monday, Decemge-r l6th There were many reports to be heard, including the following: Provincial Convention Report by Doug Moffatit; Womens Or- ganization Report by Mrs. Wil- mer Hill; Memibership Report bY Gerry Othof; Taeasuaer's Report by Gerry Qthof,; Paesîdent's Re- po>rt by Doug Mocffat. An election of officers was held and the following were el- eeted to serve on the executive for 1969: Preý-sident: Doug Moffatt Eliza- Vice&President: Carl Wilkins, Seeretary: Bryan Rabb, Black- uboek East Area Representative: Wîl- Ham, Maskell, Welcome North Area Representative: Don Archer, Jan-etville West Area Representative: (To be decided by Executive in Jan- îiary) Treasurer: Gerry Qthof, Cour- tice Membership Secaetary: Wihner KM1,. Haipton Provincial Counicil- Delegate: Doug moffatt Alteanate: Gerry Olthof Regi nal Couneil - Delegate: Gearry Qthof and Hugli1 Coutts, Haiptûon Memwbers at Large: Eugene Dâbbs, Bowmanville; Mrs. E. Eat- The Paesiclent reported on the Peterborough Examiner strike by .Jhe 20-member Literary Guild, h-s causes, probleins and progress and advised that subsiibeas were bemng asked toe cancel subscrip- ins for the duration of the Strike. The .President aprdthat due to an abuse h-by Matthews Oovyrof the forgi.ý,vable- boan policy, 'a forgivable luan, of $200, f00.00 lhad beehn negotiated in J-uly and since that time 60 peo- pie have been laid, off at that eomnpany. The leader of the NDP caucus, Donald C. MacDonald, had asked, questions of the Minister .f Mines and Resources in the Legisatu.re and had been told that these layoffs were just tem- pwory. Mr. and Mrs . M. 'Downs and sons are holidaying hi North Hollywood. Christmas guests with Mrs. Ken ~~~~vwere alil her fami]y: MVr. and Mrs. Harold SÉeIl1 Danny and Bobby, Toronto; -Mr. and Mrs. John H. Boyd, Brian and Terry, Orillia; Mr. and MrsI Jim Gams- by, :Melanie and Steven, Lorraine, Quebec; Mr. andl Mrs. Dou.g. Gamsby, Paul and David, Guelph, ChÉistlnas day guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Forrester were Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Embly and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Staple- ton and Carol, Newtonville, Mr. Fr~ank Stapleton, Toronfo Mr. ahd Mrs. R. Maluske and Miss Ethel Bouck, Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald Meadows and son Donny, Newcastle and Mrs. Ione Forrest- er, Orono. Inquest Set An inquest will be held in the fatal shlooting of an Orono boy, Durham - Northumbeirland Crown Attorney Geoffrey Bonnycastie announeed. The shooting occurred Novem- ber 16 in the boy's home in Or- ono and resulted in the death of Murray McLaren, 11, son of Mr. andc Mrs. Arthur McLaren. Mr. Bconycastle said a tenta-- tive date for the inquest bas been set for mid-January. "COMPUTERS" FIRST 0F TEN TOPICS ON SPECIAL TELESCOPE SERIES (Continued from page 4) is Fletcher Maakle. Zero' Plus One attempts to an- swer questions niost frequentl'y asked, about the effects of the computer on our society. Do computers think, are they intelli- gent, are the-y creative, are they h-iuman, are they likely to take over? 'Computers are by f ar the most advanced to-cls of a system, t? industrialize or mechanize human functions, though they are rot a threat to truly human qualities. They do, however, deniand an a- wareness of uniquely hurnan at- tributes; initiative, ihiventiveness, and a sense of moaai- values and judgement. Principal commentatiors on Zero Plus Chie, include William Mazza, IBM research scientist; Dr. Dean Wooldridge of the Californjia In- stitute of Technoioy John Die- bold, management consultant; and( Dr. John R.e Pjerce, direetor ùf coýmmunications researchi at the Bell Telephone Company lab- oratories in New Jersey. On Thuasday, January 23 Tel- escope presents Footie On The Future: The. Quatitity od People, a ively and provocaie program which explores the myth of the population explosion. Albert's Texaco GENERAL REPAIRS Phone 983-5249 Orono LOCAL NW MasN.F. Porter spent Christ- mas with Ma. an-d Mas. Jack Bail, John and Barbara, Aylmcr. Ma. and Mrs. Alex Watson re- tuaned home on Thursday aftea spending several days over Christ- mas with Ma. and Mrs. Archie Watson, Betty Ann and Laaay, Waterdown. Ma. and Maýs. Alex Daummon-d, Don Milîs sp-cnt Christm-as with Ma. and Mas. A. A. Daummond. Ma. and Mas. Wayne Bailey had dinnea on Christmas Day xith Ma. and Mas. Roy Little and family, Kendal. Ma. and ýMas. Ed Gaaham and Ma, Teary Graham who is spend- ing Christmas vacation at home, spent Christmas day wîth Dr. and Mas. T. Buanett, Patti and Margy, Peterbhorough. Christmas Day visitors with M:r. and Mas. ýCarl Billings weae Mrs. Weldon Inch, Carol and Bill, of Weston, Ma. Bill MeNaul, Miss Audrey Billings, Oshawa, Mas. F. Kelly and Mas. llaary Bailey. Ma. and Mas. Jack Moffat and family, Ma. and Mas. A. Jakernan- and Lucky spent Chistmnas Day with Ma. Fred Andrews. Mr. and Mars. Carl Kimmcdtt visited for several days with lis parents, Mr. and Mas. Manly Kinmett. Napanee. Ma. and Mas. Robt. Reid, Ma. and Mas. Wm. Reid, Kirby, Ma. and Mas. Jim Hutton, Bowman- ville spent Chaistmas Day witb Ma. and Mas. Everett Couvier and Wayne. Christmas visitors with Mas. M. H. Stapies, Ma. and Mas. Don- ald Staples and family were Ma. and Mas. Allan Strike andf amily of Bowmanville; Ma. and Mas. G. Wiggins and family, Don Mils and Miss Muriel Staples of Port Hope. UNITED CHURCII - Orone Pastoral Rev. B. E. Long SUNDAY1, JANUARY 5th, 1969 Orono United Chuach Sunday Sehool at 10):00 Seavice at 11:15 a.m. Kiby- -Moaning Service at 9:45 Sunday Sehool at 11:00 SMOKING PURGE PROPOSED AT HOSPITAL The medical staff at Oshawa General Hospital has thaown its support behind the recent wave cf published information shoawing inoking to be harmful. Fi a r - 3irt to the regular meeting of the h-ispîtal board, Dr. E. M. Culp, on behaif of the medical staff, staessed to the board that a hospital should set a ieading example in discourag- ing smoking. Apart faon- any harmn done, by cigarettLes themselves, smoke-fîlI-- ed mooms cause paoblems or dis- conifort for many patients amI smnoking in bed is a proven fire hazard. He said the medical staff sug- gests the bGard should limit smoking to certain specified air-. eas and di % oprage it in patientse rooms and corridors. Th-e medical staff also recom, mended a long term educational program on the dangers of smoki- ing. H ýospitalnsae wouldflike to hea r from you (before ifs too late) W7hen you are newly wed, the "famîly" Hospital Instirance premium mnust be paid ta caver husband and !/ wife. If yau belang f ta a group natify yaur graup withaut delay or if yau bath pny premiums direct,': natify H.I.R.B. When you move to a new job yau can keep insured by fal- lawing the instruc- -" dons an the Hosas Insurance "Certifi- cate af Payment Farm 104" that yau'r : present employris required ta give yau an leaving. When you turni 21 yau are na langer cayered by yaur parents' Haspital -- Insurance. Yau must take aut individu ai -Qmembership within S30 days.,Get yaur ap- plicatian farn at a . ... bank, ar a haspital, or fram H.I.R.B. When Vou have a new address natîfy yaur graup. If yau dan't belang ta a graup,4 write H.I.RiB. :.>Healhhlnsuranée Registaton Board, Y 2195 Yonge Street, Toronto7. Serving Ontario s Health Innsrance Plans. 9$ old and n.w '-~-~* ~ ~acqudntances, aur sncers thanks for many happy memnoies und besi wishos for the days ahecdý Jtappy Nw Tsar Io aUi THE AR ON 1 L NOW AT VOUR DX Service StIAtion Highway 35 and 115, just north of Newcastle Featuring. Premium Quaity Products -AT THE MOST REASONABLE PRICES - Stove 011, may bc picked up in any quantity 19.9c. per gallon ATTENTION FARMERS and TRUCKERS- Special discount on gasoline and diesel fuel PHONE 987-4215 To old and new gecquaint- ances, oua sincere thankis for many happy memories and best wishes for the days ahead. HAPPY NEWN YEAR BOWMAN VILLE