ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 31st, 1968 DnhmMmerSget The fÀoLlowing statemnent was presertedi Ontario Leginslature last week yAe Uarrel S, MY 1. P., TDurhlaiii ".S peaker: luIpn kngta thi realtia,1 woud like ta ihiforn ice, ilauethat this îna tter bas aricuarSignifi- canc ta m ie. It was miy 1honour and riviegeto serve as chair- mno> thie, Legisiative Assembly Selct îmritteon Agý,ing which exre ome three, years of in- tenSive armd caunceatr-ated research and studfy into the aging ' needs of our Ontario people. "The commiittee bogi in its findi*ngs ýandc finial roc,ýommenda- lion bef filte 5th session of the 27thle pgisiatuire la st year. There rcnmnain eefl l owedxhnasor eid i 4iÀme, by a statenaient of the On- tari I is~ita Sevi'es omste- ments, Mrý. Sekrf weIllla stepwi~ th comitte'srecom- inenatl ns m tha it upported the ned oi apreayTmentinsur- anc rr~Ie~or some other methodcf p Mnt, for domici- "At the moment, paymeat for these ev'e, hc are fre- quenly equredfor 2a prolIonged Period af t re spr'im.arily the respons2,bility a f the individual, aided by ýsuich assitance froin .9overmimeýnt aýs personal assets ,'Domiciliary care ihwolves, for the amost part, a segmient of pop- zilation in~ its declining years, lwen the lo)ss of hcalt'h and, in- -deed, assets, is tantamount ta the 'Iss of scuind lindeperndence,' both fort the indiv;-ýidual and de- pednt.Toti date we hv left tt$is smlall, uinfortunate mia- 1rt a"ed for isefCertain- -Y we bvepavde he wt other iilsuranýce poeto f torded the remainider o oui- pop ulation, btwe have flt prvid ed for fthe care of oi- agitg, y oncal 1, over and beyond bhspital caire. "'These pee>ple aire eJroicaLliy I4and require post o.,pit4, ex- tçpdced cire. They eannot re(turin to thjeir onho'ýiioes at Ibis pit and t itbe sae ime, teyare -aot evered uider the Hcospital Lisurarnce Plan. 'Te rin fact, Cau1ght rýin a viielous currenit which Ibrea-tens îb0pull them tunder the surface at ïany nmment. "They need(:C the careý, but cdon't the nhve are-iel o otaken "AhIbis becaus no proision bas een adeor tistype of "The f iinal re canl nie idatif ons of the Select Commiittee, in deal-, ing with Ibis m atter, called for immediate, extension of Ontaria Hlospital Insurauce coverage ta _ss§t our aged people ta be car- ed for either in hcspitals or in apiproved nursinrg and convales- cent.homes until they can be me- turiaed ta their owu homes or be transkrred ta a home for the aged. 'The commîttee also urged Vatthe federal authorities a- mend the Hospital Insurance and Diagnostic Serv;ices Act ini order tbpermit extended coverage for a greater variety of short and ing-term care needs. "This province may be forced into a program of Medîcare by the jiei' rederal Governimeit, a pi agram that will require the pee cf this province ta con- L~}me $115 mill. more per year than t'hey will get back. Un- der Medcare and the Federal Equalization Program, Ontario L1.ayers xiii be required ta contribute $275 million for Med- icare, receiving in return a pro- gi-am worth an estimated $160O iiiion. A program which the federal government WiIl cease ta participate in five years hence. "With the f inost meclIcal in- surance plan i existence, OM'SIP Ontario does noît ueed Medicare. lune need in thîs province lies in the area of domiciliai-y care in licensed tiursing homes or, similar facilities. The extra cost is estimated aI $90 million but would complete the ful care pro- gramn for aur citizens". "The extended insurance eov- erage is, of course, Mr. Speaker, the most logical approacli ta the prablem. It could well ho lu the fûrrm of a prepaymeut insumance plan for the cae' eT domicile per- sans - a. "Donicare" insurance plan, if you wish. "This method eould be used as a substitute for the personal contribution toward the cost of domiciliary care. Il would embody the. saine type of arrangement as presently pertaîning in the Ont- ario Hospitail Insurance Plan, with respect to indigent and non- indigent. persans. It would allow the participant ta contribute tu the plan in the course of his pro- ductive years sa that at the lime of need, he \vould have the per- sonal gratification, -f having paid for il, free ram the connotation of welfare support. "Toealready in need of care and not able tao contribute to il by way of prepayment would of niecssity bp cavered by govern- metsources. "This concept, Mr-. Speaker, is not as, unrealistic, as same would have yau be1ieve. Il was strongly, urged in a 1967 study by Dr.- G. Featu eId Outd,,"i"sman, author and Tor- onla Gabe and Mail columnnist Bruce West is featured i a spec- ial calai- film about Canada's wilderness and wildlife ta be tel- ecast on CBC-TV's This Land ef Ours, Saturday, Jan'uary 4 at 6 p.m. The film, eatitled The Wilder- ness Cails, is produreed and dii-- ecled by veteran doculmentary miker Gerry Richardson, of OBC- TV's farm anid fishemies depart- ment. Hàst is John Fisher. Lu The Wilderness Caîls, West and former guide Renshaw Tooks, show the way af the- woods toaa young lad named John Mitchell., They recaîl legends af the Mus- koka area and talk of huating ex- periences. During the pograui Golumtiisl West points onýt the deep human need for, the cau-_utrvsi de that calîs countless thousands int. the Canadian ýbush eaeh faîl. On the follow)ýiug Salurday, January 11, Tis ;;Lahd oaf Ours wïll present a filmn called Nayda, one of the hig-hlight episodes from the series' 1967-68 seasan. Nayda Hailett warks' ln the C. Caudwell who is directai, ef hospital care standards of the. Ontario Hospital Services Coi- mission. "It has many desirable quali- lies. One of the most important is thal it would fit iii readily with the arrangements being plannned for the Ontario Hospi- tal Insurance and tbbc OMSIP Plans. "As aur p opulaliion figures grow, so do aur figures in evei-y other respect - ihmluding dam- iciliary cases. Dulring 1967 there wero 2978 domiciliai- cases la Ontario. Of Ibis total, almost one- hall, or 1336 ta be more exact were withouî domieillary days -uasceis that :were nut covered hy 'insurance. These are the per- sans wbo need saine sort of pro- tection. "It is because of this, Mr. Speaker that I ur ge his gavera- meut ta lake-pp tbe cause of our chronically ili, aged persons and ta pi-avide for Ihem. And- in my opinion the simple and niast ýef- fective system can be noue other than the Domeare system that I suggest. t is a prepaymenb gov- erment plati xxhich is certain ta provide, satisfactory p rotection for aur aging people in Otaria." Racky Mountains ais an outfitter, guide, trapper and hunter and is reputedly the only woxpan hi Canada witii a license to catch wild horses. Nayda, best described es one of that edite b.and of individuals that result fromn a country 'being bora', inherited the business from her father. She hopes that the line' will continue with her twn childi-en, Vance and SisM. She acts as a guide for hunters, fisherimen and photographers and oecasionally takes survey parties; ,Into the glaciers. The film, produceil and direct- ed by Doug Lower, follows Nay- da in an attempt toa understand her philosophy and the way in which she and her children re-, nounce the trappinps of modern Society. For Witnesses Th e forthrming conference of Jehovah's Witnesses bas been scheditled lor January 10, il abd 12th in the Stouffville District High Seoho.1 Theme for the three-day reli- gious discussion will be "Sharing Fully ini Preaching the Goocd News." rsdngminister of the Stouff- vlecongregation, Derek Wiiks, S5aid he was enthusiastie over the decision to have 13 ather congre- gationà of Jehovah's Witnesses as guests for the three days. Ail ses5oions of this convention will be open to the Public and no collection wiIl be taken. BRICKLAYERS- N. Schmahl 983-5606 Speiai7ngin ail kinds of STONEWORK and FIREPLACES We alsf) do Cbifmney« liepairs Frm 0:0A.11. until5:0 3 M Special Prices Model 1,10 3lodel 10-10 Corne see and use the World' LIGHITEST Chain Saw, Powv- er Mac 6 only 6%/ pounds. FACTORY REPRESENTATIVESý IN ATTENDANCE Door Prize r A new Chain for your Chain Saw SPECTAL DRAW for Bonus 'Kit on Purchase Invoîces Orono, Ontario Phone 983-5343 ri-L/y iý-p6ven! tzâï"il-tested! S.EE THAE ALL NEW 6 9 6làto-Ski LINE NOW 1 iMODE] 0 FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE ROLPH DOMINION HARDWARE to tak)qe orders for "Ealy ybrd" eed Coin lex . Ste art Soi o LiliEdrl Hybriïds" for youraie - during- the next six months. If jiuterested, pleaýse contacut us at -once by letter, stating exact address, lot andcocsin towuship and couity, distance and di'rect;ioni from lst town or advise if you live ini a village or nained comrrunity. ORONO, ONTARIO TELEPHONE 983-5207