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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Jan 1969, p. 1

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'Weekly Orono VOLUMWE 32, NUMIBER 1 Corporal IIid A 39-year-old Cobourg man ihi in~~~ lsptlinPenetaniguishene after holding police at bay ýTWith, rifle shots for Searly six hours Larly New Year's morning. Police weore calied to the homeI of Lornie Bantoni on Gardener Crescent at 4:30 a.m., to investi- gate a complaint of a famnily dis- tu irbance. W'ýhcn they arrived the mani fired upon theni. Reoilýrce- ïnents frin the Cobourg detach- m&ent of ftic O.P.P. and lPeterbor- ou-gli O.P.P. as wcll as the Co- bourg poice w e re-- imediately ,cafled in. Btoarra at the -Ain- cd oresDeot in Cebourg,-j was alo 1 U tehe bose drigthe >hOotJiný.. His wvife and two) teen- age dughtrs bci tknrefuge An a nei hIior s home, Poljice sepcal doff the area e)with c'ruiîsers and war'ned nigiorsto -tY idosad a rmwn dosResidents ln the inedi- ate eigborhod ercasped flt ,0o turn on ligbýts so as flot to pre- sent a target. in the early moru- iing twilight. The man i red on police peri- ,Aicafly bcfwýeen 4:00 a.m. and 6 a.m. altliough inost residents in ihe- area wvere. not aware siiots were- beiing fired. During fthc six hour sci ge, ]3artôn reccived telephone icaILs from Lt.-Col. John Cuniberford, Co nniandant of the Canadian Forces Depot in Cobourg, amI-J froni -Dr. Garýy Crmac,,k, onie-timec resident psychliatrist inCobou r. Ilt"vas whilc Barton was dis- tracted by a teiephonie cail that police officers were able to rash the bous,,e. They firod seven tear- gas shela- through a back kiteheni window andi were ,then able- f0 enter the bousQe wearîjig gas- miasks. Baton wvas found in ic back hiall steps wherc e hlad cellapsed f-oi ie tear-gas effects. 11le was not injureci and was pilaeed im- mediately in a waiting army,, am- bulance. police found four rifles in the, bouise. Cpi. Barfonl had und to Canada hl October from a ;ýto0ur duty in C-yprus. ThIle policec did i]ftlot.fireay shot durng he sige nd sed extrme cutio. Loal esàiets were uaae fteincAiet uan 1ý; tihbeae igf Then f; they watched Ifrom ýthe cir wnows while ~ liie, usinigwai-akes slipped back and forth be-tweeni: the houses orhude nearthr cars agaist the early. mornirig zero temperature. PORT HOPE COUINCTL nOOSTS OWN REMUNERATION Port Hlope couneil passed a by- law during their regular meeting at the towii hall to allow%, an in,~ erease in -What a couneillor callcd a "stipenci for services reniidercd." The increase wouldl allow a yearly v reniuieration cd $2,500 for Uic m-ayor and $1,000 for the reeve, depty,-re-eve and the coun- cillors. The previouis remuneration for mayor was $1,500, $750 for reeve andi $600 for the councillors. REPORT FROM QUEEN'S PARK NVosport. Aýlex Cairruthers, M.P.P., Durtiani TIn a recent' letter to the editor yr. Doug Moffatti of R.R. 1, CaniphIlicroft questioneci why the MP.P. for Dulihani lias not spoken ini Uic Ontario Lcgislature tfo protceet the Mosport enterprise i Clarke Tow'ýnship. The reter- ence is to the serious effeet flic propcsed C.N.E. Lakeshiore race- -wvay could fhave on the local track. 33efore replying in def ail teý Mr. i-offatt's question perliaps a baekg-round Of the problem, would b-e ini order. Lakeshore Ato Raceway Hold- ïngs, Ltd. is a company fçoidby' a group ofT Toronto spoQrtsm-en in- ,cluding MAr. John iBasseft, son of -the publisiier of the Evýenirig Tel- egraun, Don Hlunt as Gc2icmal ,Manager and George Eaf on, a raeiflgc nthisiast. The proposai Of Lakeshore ~Raceways is to nriake Toronto the auto raeing capital of the world b3y building, a 2.3 mite road rachig couarse using thc treets within ,rhle Canadian National Exhibition grounds ami a portion of the Lakeshore Boulevard. Flle plan calis for fthc staging cf fthc U.s.A.C. chanipionship car race June lSth and the Canadlian Grand Pix World Championishi!p event on September 2lst. The prop'o'sal is being- opposcd very stronglyV by a number of groups includ'ing the South Park- dale Ratepaycr's Association andi in city counil flic issue sParked a hcated debate with the propos- ed racewayapoe only by a Slim mar.gin. If the Lakeshore Raeewaýy mat- erializes, if wVýill lhave a scrious effect on moýspot andi on C larke Tonh t is becau-se of ths fact that I hiave in c prto wvith Cantrac and Clarke, Town- ship counil given consýtant atten- tio&i ttei situation, and taken evcry possible stop f0 proteef Uic Interests of theP municipality and Although I have not addrcssed the legisiature on flic subjeet as yet, I have a speech draftcd and it will be given when I feel the time is opportune which .should be within Uic ncxt few weeks. 1 have, howcver, taker flic follow- ing steps: 1. I have attendced the Meetings of thic Metro Plaùning Board at whIch the issue was debatcld. I did this in order f0 becomie fully iniorineci as to the attitudes andi opinions of the members of City Council with respect to the pro- poseci racewiay. 2. 1 have been in almost dailY contact; with the solicitfo for Cantrac (Nosport), and have worked in close co-opertion wiîth fthc Cantrac officiais. 3. Dr. Irwin Fincburg, presi- dent of Cantrac, bas been to sec Ill on a number of occasions and 1 have assurcd hi of my full co- operation in protccting the inter- csts of Mosport. 4. I have discussed flic probleni with the ministers of various dc.- partments in order fa asceetai if the Provincial Govcrmnent lad an~y responsibility particularly with respect f0 the use of Lake- shore Boulevard for racing. Tlese innhmuded the Prime M,.inistcr's of- fice, the Minister' of Highways, the Minister of Transport, the Minister of Municipal Affairs anid tihe Aftorney Gencral. 5. 1 have discusseci the maiittr thoroughly with Mr. Howýard Walker wbo represents Uic South Parkdalc Residents, Association, and I1 have assuired him of My fr11 ýo oýperaftion. 6. Following m onat with fie, variouis preincial depart- njts, a thorough cxaniifation by the Atfojrneyý Genera's Depart- moLnt was made of the foilowing Acvtý a) Section 4591,3) of flic Mun- icipal Act whicli states fliaf a Times NewYear Stoament 1968 îtniessed .flic grieatest. poïuaa succ S tory ]Inl an actas istoîy. ierre EALLti ru cleai becamle our Pim Minister. Canadca and poitics wllnever bie thle Sanie again. Th1-e baromleter oi Jhu change eng wrought by lie e ie iiister are ilu- stratcd by tue swccpînig new uesreroriiis enautcd iniich iîrouse o, Uninn just before Cnrrtma. lbe mst ecesary Closer to hmeIvas honolured tins year wJuit1')mY clection as ice -IiL Ir - îU u l'aruamïi7ent t erI the Lappoînem1I-aent asPaam- Forcstr and Rral Dcvelopment, ih iorouabejeýan iî-,arhLind The2 aiana popiato tm iI~S, .igeverwihthe addýlbiti- ai osonsbiites of a rnationlal naturi-( no, w nave as a Pr~e ary IScretIary, ind-icatesý that 196)9 will be a buy yar. Canaqdîins cani look to 1969 wi'th pride and hope. The Caniad- ianismi generated by EXPO, our Gentennial observationis and fin- aily by Pierre Eiliott Trude'au have given uis reasori to feýel more proud more positive, as we step into the futuire. ýLet us shape oUr destiny1notonly for Our sake buit for the e of the wo-rld to, the mxmmof Ourcabiti. 1 thank ail of my cainstituents in Northrnberlanýd-Durham foLr th-eir understaniding, support and assistanice ini 1968-and 1 send my-l very best wishces to ail for gooid -îbeal!th and happýiness in 1969 and thIe years ahead. - A.Carruthe8,rs munieipality shal not stop 'up any highway along the shore of any lake or other anater. '. b) Section 25 of the Ifýigliway Improvement Acf which states thaf a municipalify shall not close any highway lcading to a King's Iiigbway. c) Section 91 of Uic Higliway Traffi-e Act whioeh prohiibits mac- ing on highways. The decisianI given by flic Af- torney Gercral's Departinent was fo flic effef thaf neither -the apý- proval of flic Lieutetiant-Gover- nor-in-Couincil nor Uic approval of a minister of thie Crown tiiis mc- iireci by tfliaws of flic prov- ince for enactmcnf of Uice road closing by-law. The responsibility for ciositg a road is thaf of a municipality involved subjecf, of 'course, to such action being a4vertiscd and a Irearing held if there is oppoisi- tion. Two intcrcsting sideliglifs. to flic situation, arc: 1. This i elecfion-year in Met- ro and memblers of council arc seiisitive of their public image. To an outsider flic impression is lcft fIat members of McItro Coun- cil would like flic Province of On- fario to say nro for Uieml. 2. If was understood thaf flic proposcd maccway would bce sub- jeet to Uic approval of flic Tor- ,onfo City Council. A membèr of that council, howerver, MNrs. Janie .Marks, fook flhc position fthat lier eýwr council should be dcnicd flic opportunity of voting on a mat- fer that is Nof no direct interest to the boroulis of Metro but of great initerest to the residents of flic city. Onea troai is closýediti is no lJera bgwyand. thereFore, Section 91 of fichie hayTraf- fie Acf anid other legisiation does nef appiy. If is quit e possible that in ice final analysis Uic, is- suie -will bc e tsted i the Courts. News And Views From As of monday of this weck Mr. Hi. E. Miison bhas faken over the operation of flic Fred LyceftI- sur-ance tunder the name of Mili- scon Insuranice Agencly. Mr. Mill- son is operating ouf of the sanie office on ice wesf side of Main Street in, the business section. Mrs. John Shetier, who bas been with Uic Ly'\:cc",,Insurance, re- miswith the M-'iýIson Insurafice Mr. ilîon uccssfIlywrote bis isurane exainations fthc forepan-t of iast weck. His agency wi'hadlc erieral insurance in b thei area of residettial and HoeyNamed Queen' s Counsel The Ontario, aftorney-general's departmienf aninounecd Tuesday niglif thaf 19-2 lawyers banve been naw.ed Quees's Ceunsel,inud ing Ruisseli Clayfton H-oney, Lib- cmal member of Parliamnent for Northumberland - Durhami. A res- ident of Port Hlope, Mr. Honey was electeci firsf in l1962 and wo.n re-election ini 1963, -1965 and 1968. liIclded hi the dcpaoi'int's annual New Year's honors list are four w mfirec ramemberS of Uic provincial legîsiature and two members of Parliament, Jane T. Bernhiard and Ferrn A. Levis, bof h of -Toronto, Greffa J. Grant of London and Daisy A. V. McCullagh, of Cobourg wcrc nani- cd' on the list. Curvply At Calilfornia Mission Curvply Woodproducts, of Or- ono il be one'of a l-meniber sailes mnission freni Ont ario thint wili beave for California this weekend fo show a variety of products ranlgihig ,froni precision machined coiponents fIo Canadi- an wLins. Curvply, will lie show- ing, a seleetion of their mold!ec plywïood products, in flic mission led b)y R. A. Dueker, marketing officer with thc department of trade and developient. Mr. ami Mrs. E. H. Samuel will attend thec sales mission repre- seniting Curvply Wood Produets. Curvply Holds Christmacs Party Cuk-vply Wood Productis held their Christxmas Party in- the Geniosha Hlotel, -Oshiawa, on Dcc- emnber 23th. The guests, employ- ces and staff wifb wives and liusbaîcds cnjoyed a Roast Beef dinnier, flic excianigiing of gifts as well as dancig. One hundred and thirty ancre iii attendance.' Curviygifte-dtheir ecmployes with leather or suecde jackets or Our kindergarten bas been in operation for three nionths and mnany chianges have taken place for pare~It and student alike. Just wh'at would a ehild do at Kindergarten you may wonder! 11e will certainly enjoy himself, as he iearns the beginning of the 3 rs. For examrple; piaydow was just something to mness with. You sure could get it allover. Now the sanie child bas observed- sonieone has moulded a chair, so it would be a good idea ta make a table, and say, how about making people for it? A sheet of paper was good for scribbling but now it cat! be' transformed into a Christmas card, or maybe 1 ean show my teacher ho~w I help dad- dy, by drawin.g ocar house. There's me witha shovel iii the high snow. My kitty is heiping toio! Sc through fun we learu from ecli oVher, guided by the teach'ler, soc~ jal habits and limits We hv seen what happens when an, ap- pie is peeled, then cooked. It tastes lik 'e applesauce ,mommny makes.' It's fun to make, Chris t- mas cookies and decoratiotis for our Christmnas tree. A visit to the firehail was a real eye open- er. Y1hose hoses squýirt lots of water; firemen have big boots; the siren makes a iot of noise, tihe, fireniwn proteet us. The big highlighi for the ehildren was Santas. visit at scbool during flicir Party. In this sihort time there has been a delightful improvemeiit of the behaviour of ble hebid-ren at home. Hlere Is a smayof wh-at parenits have noticed. "Mýy chiid takes pride i his appýear- ance - more tolerant of othe)Crs - feels at ease with ther chuIdren - iniproved mann-iers." One moth- er summed it ip s,, conipletely by sayinrg "ibrgre as brought to my child pleasure ahid deliglit ilearniin." Not on.ily the ohI1drent have di5- covered wider horizons, but bofli teacher and parent have diiscover- ed childreii with learnig diffi- culties. A few echildien have need of speech hrapy, another has a, mîId forni of tone deafness. Both pr«blenis can be aided be- fore hey handicap the ebjîdren to the point where they los'e al desire to learu. Sonie chîldren who have no compatimonthieir orwn age at home are learning how to share and co-operate with others. Each child has his/her own prollenis and kinidergarten meets each onie with understand- ing. 1Here is a recipe we use for play-doh. It keeps well in tihe fridge and is economnical to use. Use a piece of cardboard or an old plastic place mat to help the child confine it to one area. Af- ter a few times youir child can bc respohisible fo)r setting up bis own-area and replacinfg piay-doh and tools back in thecir plade. It's easier on mother and teacihes the child responsibility. 3 cups pastry flour 1 eup sait 1 tsp lard or shortenhnIg 1 scant ciip water Method: Sift dry ingredients to- gether eut in lard as you woul4 pastry. Add water anidkbiead. Keep refidgerated %When not in use. Use food eo1louring if desir- cd. Joyce Rosseau, Two ln field For County Wardenà Reeve Roy A. Foster, Clarke Township and Reeve- Donald M. Lang, 0avan Township, are a- among the candidates ini the field for the office of warden of the ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 9th, 1969

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