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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Jan 1969, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMIES, THUBRSDAY, JANUARY 9th, 1969 OROjNO WEEKLY TIMES (Autborized as Second Clas nmail, Post Office D uate e "Li b e -evr Tursclay at Uic o ffiCf- -Mpubliceatoe MainStretPhon 10 Or nzCnario E~bblihedin 1938 by R. A, Forrester Rocy C. Forrester - EdItor and Manager Cha-nges Suggested Eariier this wveek a spec'ial commliittee report on faanar inco4me was made public. The cemmînittee Was appoint- ed by the Ontario Governimient and its report cormes after a two-year study that cost $500,000. Maniy cd the r-coniendations have been known for a number of years anrd have been voiced by those close te the field of agriculture. lo4wever if the report was ad, Opted in its eatirety it would create a great upheaval In thre faria industry. The report reconunends that Ontarào fararers should forml one general fanm organùiation te noV as their officiai spokesmnan; also a super-agency estimiatinig the ieeds of coGnsuniners, planning production quotas and arranging seli- ing of ail fanai produets. It also recommeads tint tire 22 Marketing Boards be trimmned to seven anrd tirat f aria- ers mnust restriet entry into their profession only to those persons wvho stand a goýod chance of success. The report recoimmi-ends more rapid attrition farmers off inefficient farias. To combat production costs, a central warehousing systein should be established o handie ail f aim machinery spare parts. The report also recoimnends a numiber of changes la education for thckse interested in farmiag and that more specialists should be hired te assist fanmers'. Aise inicluded ia thre report was the endorsation of a capital gains tax for fanrners as ýproposed( by the Carter Report and for those on 10w inonie a negative incarne tax The report is another indicattion that greater conl-. trols are acsry for suecessful operation of bu.sinlessý and thtetrlzain vth considerabie atoiyi pre requilsite for success. Whether or net this wiii be ne- cepteýd byth rural conranity of Ontanlo, tiare will al teL. The report is only ai recommendation and new eovern- ment xii, above its judgemeniet, consider the plitical as- petaswl as thesunas of the proposais. Winter Is upon us. no liaif- hearted imitation either, but a fuiliblowxn Canadian Winter. There are plenty of cold viigts ahead when there is niothiýng like a book at hand as insurance a- gainst a long whriter's eve of bore- dom. Borrow a pile £rom the Clarke Public Library. You mnay take enough at a tinie te last you three weeks. fours:. Tues - 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Thurs. - 6:30 p. - 8:30 px.n~ Fri.- 2:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.ý Sat.- 10:00 a.m.i - 12 nooon. NEW BOOKS Adult- The Case of the BeautifUl Beg- gar - Gardner The Guns of Dorkinà Hoiiow- Brand Thre President's Plane Is Miss- îng - Serliag Billy Budd - Melville Motorcycle Troubleshooting Guide - Ritph A Fi ghting Chance - Ridgway and Blyth With Love and Elbow Grease - Browning 01, Reflection - Hayes. Juvenle- Anierigo Vespuýci Florence Nightingale Wbere They Go In Wnter Ail About Animais and Their Young. HOCEYNOTES Ti-e Orn Tykes in piayiniga gaie wJith 1Bomanviile at the Oronio rink ouFriday evninig caine'forthwth a 2-1 -Min. The 1Oo oy did produ,,ce ail the scrtg, the two goals for thieniseivesan the ga for the Boûwmanvileh club. The Orono goals were scored by Davù 1 nt ton and Tommy G usýtar. The Orono PeeWees lost to jtic goal mrin. a a2-2-9 ut.The Orono Goals were scored b'John Robinson aiid Larry Waton The Oreno Midgets fud theaiselves ia a similar situatjionj with a club from i indsay when Lindsay defe-ated the local b)oys 4-3. The Orono goals were scor,-d by Bilil Robinsort, Terry Lucyk and Biain Moffat. The Oreno Battams continue ta roil along in suecessful style with victo,ýries. On Friciay evening the Orono boys defeated a Bantam team- fromi Bowmianville by a coeof 6-3. Bobl Tennant netted onle ga iong with anl assist as did Steven Cox. Other Orono goals were by Blain, Moffat, Stev- en Boyd, N'ýico De-Jornge and Ranfdy Ealstabrooke. The Bowmarnniile goals were by Meado-ws, Wind and Conaherii. There wil be more action atý thie Orono Rink this Friday evein- ing when again ail local tennis willI be in action. Painting and Decoraing, 1-NTEeIOR - EXTERIOR PAPERHANGING REMODELLING "Fer a clean 'dependable job" Cal Douglas and Gary Simpson 983-5104 Facing A Conservio-n Crisis Ontario faces a Conservation cýrisis surpassed in North Amer- ica only by Californila and the casterli United States. Our prod- igal province bas allawed mahy <>f our preciaus naturai resources Vo be exýploited xithout thouglit frthe futuLre. For examiplýe: "The fishi faunia of tihe Great Lakes bas ben completely alter- ed ira a decade. The famoicus fish- e-ry on,.Lake, Erie for bine pike, whlitefish ar4cisco is gonie." Dr. WV. B. scott, Royal Ont'ario )Mus- -*uai, in "The rehwaerFishes efI Eastýem anda"1967. "There r reasonably accurate guL7eSStLlites from a arityOf soures Illte efc-tatbythe years 2000ý to 21020 there wul be vrirtu a ry mme of thre good farim- lands lefti la Otario . ." Prof. .Normnan Pearson, UJniversity of Gutelph, 26 Mrdi 1968. "Southeri Ontario lacks park, arid otd recreational facili- ies te an extent uniparalleledJ by alny other major poplation cn-1 tre ini North America, accGrdting to a study mnade for the Conser- vation Council of Ontarîo ila 1964. "IThe rivers and strams f so0uthern Ontario may have te be reserved la thefuurJ orwat disposi rathier thani as a source oif water." Dr. James Vanice, On- tario Water Resources Commis- sioxg, 20 ar ,1968. Onitrio lias fallen tô third place in forest products. "During recent years the province as been a net importer of lumiber.; Thre depletIon of the old groywth pine stands will1 reduce opportun- ities for expansioni of the lumber industry îin this province in the nexýt 25 years," according to the Ro>yal Comrmission oqn Caaada's Econioniic prospects, 1957. "The Niagara district is as good a fýui-grouing area asthr is on this con-tineInt, biut if pres- ent trends continue, fruit grow- îing in this area w-ill disappear by 1980.", Aricutural -Marketing Enquiry Commission of Ontario Report, 1961. We, have been playiig a game (of strip poker xith the landscape of Ontdario. A relativelyfew-Peo- pie hav"e been wnigthIe e arly hands -- peopie interested only fin quWie prfits fromro the saleý of eonveiences - atnd A butgur aniteeing that our chuîdren xii lose as the gaine goes on, not just cneinebutneeste as well. For,acrdn to the Federa- tien of Ontario Naturalists, what wee of our wild landscape hi Our genleration xiii be ail that xiIi remaini to be passed on. There will nleyer be another -4rom the Federation of Otario Ntrlss rallpr6vn! b'ileted! OiRý S EE THF1E A LL N -E W 969 ô-Ski L MNE rNOWI il MODF-1 FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE ROL PH DOMNRNF ,ONO, ONTARJOTEEPIOE 835l207 From 10:00 A.M. until i00PM Special Price-s Model 1-10 $1 69.95 Mô~lel 16.10 Cerne sce and use the World' LIGIITEST Chain Saw, Pow- er t Ma tuoLyd6 ruse nds, ha FACTORYREESNAIE NTENNC DMar Prize- Anew Chain foýr yu hi a SPECIAL DBRAWV for Bonus 'Kit on Purchase incrices WATON ul ARNE&SCCL E Phone 983-5343 Orono, Ontario. v - u ..... . ... . .. ... -- ----------- ----- --- --- ------ -- . .. ......... BETTEIR STAMIP DESIGNS SOUGIT The ,federal governmient. tuirneJ( towards the aristic co-mniit' Monday to fInd out hiow tuo mi- prove the looks of Cuiajainpo age àtamps. The post office department ani- nounced creation of a six-man ad- vIsory group to tell Postmaster- General Erie Kierans what ehaný- es for the better can be made ira the procedures o>f seiecting anmi rpýroduelng, stamp designs. Oxford BRICKLAYERS S TONEMIA SO)N S W. Schmahl 983-5606 Specializing in ail kinds of STONEWORK and FIREPLACES repairs

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