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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Jan 1969, p. 5

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURýSDA Y, JANUARY 9th, 1969 Sec Agicy for Ail1 classes of personal and Commercial Coverages Office: Main St.,.Orono 983-5032 Ites. 983-5754 CHARLES REII) Orono's Licensed 1 Auctioneer and Valuantoi Speciaini Farm and Furniire Sales Cpnsuhqie fr tenus Olur qîtality andi se-rvice leaves nothinîg to be desireti A&4 the person wIo berugt froin u% a neighbour, frienti or relative fTe RUTTER GANIT "43 Ontariro Street PORT HOPE "Largest display LI Southern PUMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS0 Bort Tompkins Plione 736-2552 Building A New HomeI? Remodelllg? Cail M8-5713Oon Herb anti Geïrr Duvail 983-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC 1HEATINGx ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO - HI-FI FRIG(xIDAIRE - R.C.A. DOIMINON ELECTROHOME INGLIS - THOR, -GUAIRANTEED SERVICE HSaltonsltofl ficf Flellty Bond FirM ortgage Lton, . ~Sadi a Hmon 01-o remodelng your preseil sne, theu contact Plumbing &Hleating F1 dNihlo PHONE 9350 Orono, OntarIio RN ag àti 1WANTED Býed Stand ai-d Springs, doub7le bcd size. Phone 983;"-5471 Orano a-p NOTICE Wednestiay A-'fternoon Skating, fromi 2 te 3 ocok Pre-school anti aduits. a-c FREE - THE ACRES - FREE Every-ý ladiy accoMpanied by a geitlemani having dinner w.ill re- eeive hiers free, Sunday J'anuary, 12th. ýOpen every weekenid Friday, Saturday anti Sunday. a-c SALESIMAN OR AGENT WANTED Gooti Mau Over 40, ~Take short trips surroutding Oronio area. Man we- want is wortLlýliup to $1,200 iu a Month Plusreua cash bonus., Air mail Y. A. Diekersoti, Prs., Southwestern Petroleum Carp., Fort Worth, Texas 76101. TENDERS TendJer, cearly marked as suelh, will be received 1by the untirsinedup until 1.2:00 nýoon, January 2lst, 1969 for the sale uf 1. Gourley Piano. 2. Electrie Steve, 4 burners. Articles may be seen at the To'wnship Hall, Orono. Highest or any tender not niec essardiy accepted. Henry DeWith, Acig Clerk, Town-iship of Clarke, Park Street Gord Simpsn gPhone Oreno 9835ma g Orono, nai CARPENTRY oREMO0DELLING PO gGENERAL a9EPAIRS g Interior ORO 0NO0, TRO WE BUY AND SELI OldI Glass, China, Pineo Articles Toys andi Otdities IF IT'S OLD .. . c A Lilils WE PA11Y CASH! Pho;nes 983-5210 or 6M-3129 PLUMBING and IJEATING jSales andi Service lIOUR IUNER SERVICE j B-A FINANCING Iow Interest iRates Tyrone 263-2650 Hampton 263-2288 ýVhen B etig ,orSelllng cal] viembrs ai)shawa ant, i R E AL ES7 TTE LIMITED Realtor -21 King St. W. Bownanville 1623-3393 Toronte 923-91741 Port Hope Office 885-4548 For prompt, courteous, effici- ent servie-- when buying or selling anti for the largest sel- ection of properties lu the area Contact Oron2 Areaý Bepresentatives ROY F'oster" -ROSS Gilbart Anidy Sutch RZoy Strong 98-5533 52 r Il q roo n liîgh-,%ay 115 i'ehApplýe Cider and Ice Cream orgl.also a wide variety of apples andi pears. t Brick - -Block -Concrete StGne Work Carpenîtr-y - Cabinet Worvk Floors -Tile 983-5441 ORONO .49 King "t., E. CARD 0F7 THANKS Mr. Perey Morgan would like, to extend special thanks for- fio-wers, cards and visits while hal hosph, ital andaso. toIHeathier R!- bekali Lotige, I.O.O.F. LotIge Ne 36 and to neiighb)ours for hielphrgl- whcileRy was in hospital. PereyMrgn a- CARD 0F TH1ANKSý I ul ike Vo thankthie O(r ono Masoic Lotige, relatives andýý7 frientis for the flowers ani ýcards. sent to me duri!ng my ity .-. Oshawa Huspital anidths we dro)ve nîy feand son tea anti from the iospital. Ais-)tos whio Coffered Cte do se, whiý;h was pyWinrter.i CARD 0F THANKS Thanka to ail niy dea-preni an«~ relatives for Get-,wýeI1cads cheery mnessages, visits, f and gifts while in HosIal; t Rev. 1Basil Long anti session,. Or- onIO United Church; Uiti Cliureh Wonien Unit '7;Reka Lodge, ÇC.I'.T., Agriculturai S,,_- ciety and Bridge Club.Spca Vhanks to the dedicated nurses e!3 Bowimanville Hospital, Dr, M- IÇenzie anti Dr. Cuins.u- Mrs. Milton Tamb1ly-n. THANK YOIJ Qnbehiaif of Mrs. Fred 1 1y&; Sunset Lodge, B~avle her f aiiy would like Vo. exprees their appjreciaýtïinte al]theo- gan izationis, frientis anti relatives- who reimemnbered hier wiÀth nuj.erý,- eOus gifts and beautiful cards dmoý-_ in L-e hlidfay season. by PHONE COLLECT 162 Kig St. E. FrAlVoýu Flower Needs Ann's eauty alon ill b open Mond, vJanuary- vl3th andt ccsed uýJTutesay' vand Wednresdayý- januaryv 14-h and l5th. ap C03MING EVENT The nlex-t meeting of the Clark- Citizenis' Chmmittee andi Rate- payers' Incorporated mwill be heic on Tujesday, January 14th at Kiifby Cetennial Sch)ool at 8:00 P.m. 11 Speaker, Mr. W. Frank Thiorn.,. Director of Education for Nrh umberlan'd-Durham Board of Ei uication. Z(-, ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. andi Mrs. Edgar L. Middle- ton, Orono wish to announce the( marrtiage of their eldest dauighterý Margaret Lynin to Clarence Haits- mna, son of Mr. andi Mrs. llarry UaT,,itsma, Oron-o. Thewedgwa eemni.zedI in Orono U~e Church January tv 1969 at 43 pi.:ap ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Carl Myers, Seul- ey's Bay,,-annouince thee~gn ment of Gwe'ndolyn Jean Sit to Byroýn Everett My3ess oniiLý Mr. andi Mrs. Howard M\ylesý W\,eddng>to take plae Sturlay. Februiary 8th at 2, Seceeys BaY Ute.a- 1OrviIIe ChattertonI Electrical Contracting S Electrie Lleatîng and Service î PHONE 983-55-16 or ,035à9410 rono ,Phone 9354 lMeCULLOCH BOiATS CURAIN SAWS Repirs to al mAkes Of 7Lawï Mowers and ?2 and 4 cycle Engines O)TACO pLOW POINTSi AND MACHINERY

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