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Orono Weekly Times, 16 Jan 1969, p. 3

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~Ç~~Çr ~ ttc ORONO WËÈIKLYTIMÉS, ÏHlUItSDAY, JÀNITAÈV l6th, 1969 HOCKEY NOTES ATOMS WIN, 9.0 The Orotio Atomn Hockey club on Fr'day eveninhg at the Orone Rink to'û* a tlccided ceunt over a visitinýg team. fromn Bowtnarville by a".-'çore of 9-0. The Oronio boys scoacd~ five of their goals in the opening period ivth one in the second and three in the thîrd. Nicky VanSegg1len scoreil three of the goals with John Cornish neting twc and singles to, Scott Cali yourI licensed Plumbing & Mechanica) Contractoz who -Sais, installis und guarantesj CARMAiN PLUMBING AND HEATING Phione 983-5207 Orono West, Ken Hutton, David Walten ano Chris Robinsoni. M. Popaditch, C'hris Robinson and Paul Yeoman j'cked up assists. PEEWEES WIN, 3-1. The Orono PeeWees were thie 43Sover their visitiung oppo- sition by a three to one ceunt in a game played at the Oroto rink on iFriday evening. Jaim Brennon was the OronoL marksmnan with two goals; with the ether te John Ro]1binson. John Gilbart collected an assist. ORONO BANTAMS TIE BOWMIANVILLE ALL-STARS The Orono Bantanis ketpt pace wýith the visiting Bowinanville AIl Stars on Friday evening at the Orono rinik and iii an excitjing game came up with a 6 ail tie. The scoring punch, for the Or- bnio club came from Randy East- abrooke, Blain MoEffat and Brian B'ack who ail scored two goals apiece. Randy Eastaibrooke atid Blain Meffat aise picked uip oee assist apiece. Assists aise, went te Rýobin Winter, 2, and Stephen Cox. 1 The' tie for the Orono club was a teai effort against the Dow- mnanville all-stars, On1 Saturday merning tihe New- castie Bantams came, to town and took a 4-2 win over the Or- ono Bantains. Stepeën Cox_ and Robin Winter were the Orono scorers. ORONO MIDGETS TIE WITH PORT HOPE MIDGeTS Trhe Orone Midgets and ,tihe PotHope Midgets ..>layed te, a. three-.ll tic on Friday evening.. H1ere agaiin there was pletty of exeiteinent as the two teams en- deavoured to edge eut-a wln. Bill Robinson netted t»o of the Orono goals with the othea, by Randy Tennalnt. The Port Hope geais went te -K Clements, Allan Sanders and Paul Do-tsko. KENDAL NEIWWS Mi s a Gtheriie SteNvart is s niga few days ini Oshawa with'h er sister Jean (Mrs. George lcthoiise) who underwent an op- eratipu in Osehawa General Hos- pital l ast Monday. The United Churcli Womner met at the home of Mrs. H. FoIster on Monday afternoen, Jat- uary "tth. Thie President read a New Year's poemi and we saiV, a hiymn oppropriate te the sea- son. The roll cali was Give your "New Year's Resolutioni." This was interesting but perhaps the bes-t on.e was .-iven hy iour pres- ident. TIt was "-To do . ail in my pcow er to keep the church open and te enlist the help of as many others as possible to heip keep it The dlevotional reading was taken from the gospel of St. Luke, chapter 18, verses 1-9, This was given by Mvrs. Hl. Poster. The treasurer's report was giv- onc ho' n a balance of $22i.00 ~nhandc. Mrs. A. Low the convenor of thsis eeting w)as iii with the fit so Mlrs. G. Cathcart read a story ,xriittenr by a minister's wvif e (Janet Sauniders) telling of lier expertiences in a prairie toxvn. Mrs. H. Foster served a delici- eus lunch. The next meeting iill Albort's Texaco GENERA.L REPAIRS ph.. Se 8 (Wmos U.C.W. Unit No. 1 (centinued frein page 1) The ,seripture, selected frein Luke 10, Verses 38-42 was read by Mrs& L. Pears, who continued reading commetts on the sertp- ture provinig to be a helpful med- itatiion. "'Wondertful Werds of Lue" was sung ini unison. An article entitled "Marthas Hands hy, Mary's Heart" was read by Mrs. W. Wannan. Study te show theyself approved to God; prebleins te, be met every day if' God is in your heart ail is well. A home needs love. Mrs. L.. Pears read a suitable seripture blending with the prev- vieus remarks selected frem Pro- verbs t31. Who can finrd a vîrtu- eus woiinan? For her priceis far above rubies. Mrs. Wannan clos- ed thEis Worthwhile- meditation be held eat the home of iMrs. W. Meroer on February 5. The con- venor is Mrs. J. Stapleton. A vote of thanks was tendered to our, hostess. On Monday eveling of this week- Mr. and Mns. J. Stapleten entertaiined Mr. and Mrs. L. ]Reid of Orono; Mr. and Mrs. Allan Stewart of Saskatchewan and Mrs. M. Morris of Orono. Mr:.affd Mrs. Thos. Stevens en- tertaiýned their daughter Mr. and Mrs. J. Hellebust and sonls 0f Boston, Mass, fer the Chiistimas vacation at the farin. Mrs. V. Peacoclc has been in Port HOPe Hospital with pneu- monia. We are glad te hear that she is improvng. MVrs. Wm. Jack- son vi-ited wâth ber sister in Toronto who is in hospital fol- lowing an operatiion. UNITED CHURCU Oront Pat.ral Charge Minister Rev. B. E. Long SUNflAY, .TANUARY l9th, 1969 Orono United Church Sunday School at 10:00 Service at 11.,15 a.m. Kirby- ,Morning Service at 9:45 Sunday School at il1:00 w\ith Prayer anid a hymu "O1 Master let me walk with Thiee." Mrs. R. Chapanan read a beautf-- fi story telling the delight and amusement a child in Hong- Kong receives froin aur used Chist- mas cards. Mais. Chapanan read anl interest- img introduction ona China, our mission study for 1969. Many highlights were -,iven on China and toid of their customs and r-e- ligion. China is the oldest coun- try ÏÉ the world and Chinese are the first te make porcelain. Mrs. Chapflan showed a number of beautfful pietures. Anl excelleîit couimentary explained each pic- ture in detail. This hrought a wvonderful even- ing te a close, a mnost profitable prograin had been presented and left with the group vea-y inspir- !iàg thoughts to ponder over. Delicious refreihmetts were served and words of appreclation extended to the committee in charge for such an exelent ar- ranged meeting. $3,000,000,000 FOR AUTOS Canadians spent more than $3,- 000,000,000 on motor vehieles in 1968. Wlgher prices acceunted for part of the increase aise the nium- ber of new vehicles seld increas- ed to 818,836 units from 755,804 ini the first il months of the year. Sales of vehicles niade over- seas registered -the most spectac- ular gains, The numiber of over- seas made passenger vehicles sold itireased te 95,784 units from 69,982 while sales of ever- seas commercial véhieles lea(ped to 4,849 units from 2,327. Funeral Arrangements Wedding Arrangements Hlospital Arrangements FIREE DELIVERY!4 Drop in and browse around, our Large Greehihouse Showroomn for tropical plants, seeds,1 potting souls, pots, rooting hormones etc. CALL COLLECT- DAY orN16IT 623a-5757 VAN BELLE GARDENS LTD. Flower Shop Between Bowmanville and Oshawa on Highway No. 2 NOW AT YOUTR DX Service Station- lghway 35 and 115, just northi of Newcastle Feat.... Premniumi Quality Products - AT THE MOST REASONABLE PRICES - Stove 0à1 may lie picked up in any quantity 19.9e. per gallon ATTENTION FARMERS and TRUCKERS- Special discount on gasoline and diesel fuel. PHONE 987-4215 J ANUARY CLAACE SALE LADIES' IBLOUSES 25 per cent reducetion in ail ladies' blouses LADIES' SKIRTS Ail ladies' skirts reduced 25 per cent.15 YARD GOODS FLANNELETTE-Striped fIannelette for pyjamas, good qualitY. Sale Price, per yard - 59)c COTTrON PRINT-4 piece, printed polishied cctton, ideal for dres- ses or aprons Sale Price, per yard- 69e 5 pieces cetton priait, good quality, patterns suitable for aprons. Sale Price, per yard -age CARTER RELTS Ladies' Garter Belte,, waist size 28, regular $1.50 Sale J>rice, each ~ 79e> Ladies' Lastex Carter Belts, waist size- 24. Regular $2.50 4, Sale Price, each - 98e ARMSTOG NEW RECORDS Enjoyment forth whole Family L.P. - Stereos - 45e 99 -$6.29 Bowmanville (LEAURS Tues., Thurs., and Fr1. miDDLETAN'S ORONO, ONTARIO 'j Your local dairy, Glen Rae, delivers in Orono and district the flnest mlk products avail- able and at a cot below the averUge. mUlk and milk produets are important in your daily diet; it is synlonymous wlth your health. For home dolivery oel Glen Rue Dairy DOWMANILLE Phonie 62-444 1 . the y

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