ORONO WE~I~LV TIMllS, fl1UR~llAV, 3ANUARY 1~tb, 1989 Matthew 22: 1-14 Taken frm, a sermon preached by.,the Re'v. B. E. Long The. years corne and the years go and our pace of living becomes more and morýe franitic. Yet how few secim to know where they arc gping. The experience of Dean Sgift a well known Engiish clergyman, becoines somewhat Lniversal in its application. Returnihg from -a vacation, hie arrived at the London Station only two minutes before lie was seheduled to officiate at a wed- ding far out in the su'burbs. He knew that lie would neyer be able to make it on time, but not wanting to keep the anxious couple waiting, any longer than absolUtely necessary, lie ran a- cross the station platorm, threw bis, grip in the back of a taxi, and yelled to the driver, "get going and drive as fast as you can." Off they wehit in what proved to be the wildest ride the clergyman had ever experienced. After what seemed like miles of London streets, he shouted to the driver, "are we almost there" The driver slowed a moment, looked oveýr is shoulder, -and asked , aliosýt wliere, Sir?" Dean Swift was in such a liurry that lie bad forgotten to tell the driver wliere lie wanted to go. Onie of tlie saddest aspects of our eivilizatiolnis 5tlie enorinous amount of purposeless living. If tliis year is tp be one 'of reward and accomplisbment, then we need to know where we are goig and to be dressed for the occasion. If we are going some- where spiritually, then we nieed to put on tlie proper spiritual clothing. When tlie exciting event of tlie Moon flight -took -place a f ew weeks ago, we know that tlie men wlio made the î flight went dre'ssed for tlie occasion. Wlien a woman go to buy a hiat. ,she seeks yery careiully to find "J'ust the riglit one," It mnsýt lbe different. I It miust be srnart It mriust be in style. Hats aire important if one is to be prcperly dressed. Whlen a young lady approaclies the event of lier marriage, she For the Whole FImýIly SAVE '2,7-0 Vitamin Sale Infant Drops Tri ,vi sol 50 ce ------$28 PoW vi sol 50 c----- $3.55 Infantol 30 ce -------- $1.61 Pardec 30 cc -------- $1.01 Tri vi Flor 30 c -----$2.0 Children's Liquid Pardec 16 oz. ----- $2.51 Iiifantol 16 oz. ------ $2.55 Paiuette 20 ez.--------$4.10 Chewable Tablets Pardec 250's ------ $5.96 Pardec 100's------- $2.71 Tri vi sol - 10's- - $2.87 ---Tri vi Flor 100's ---- $2.87 Poly-vi soi 100's ---- $3.34 Chocks - 100's ------- $3.37 Aduit Onie a day 250's --- $5.55 Onte a day 100's ---- $2.84 One a day wth iron '.180's$4.99 100's ------- $3.56 Geritol ------ $5:19- $3.90 Parmettes - 125's ---- $4.05 Pardec - 100's ,------2 $4.48 B. Compound with vit-C $2.84 chooses lier trousseau very care- fully, so that iwhensh stands beside lier future huisband on the day of theýir .Weddi,,, wifl le priperly "Èt i' e'd an1,1 î beaut1. The groom wll act vwîth sinîf la care to sec that lie is p-ruoeîly dressc;,d for theocainkowg thatý if lie slould appear u-in ýhis work clothes, wliatever they/m,,jay bce that he would not be sial dressed - that it would refleet certain thlngs about hms l ol altogether cmunetr. Nor would lb show proper re-spect, for bis bride, or their guests. Proýper garments are important. Wlien Jesus tauglit about the need to be properly atircd spir- itually, lie bold the story of -the king wbo sent out invitations bo attend the wedding feast. The in- tended guestbs failed to show up. Eventually the servants were in- strucbed ta go out into the higl- ways and lanes and bring, in al who could corne so thI-at blie bouse miglit le filled witli guests. The story bels how wben the king came in to meet bis guesî,s lie found onie of the guests witli ,ut thie proper clobhing aithougl wedding garments were provîded. When bthe liglit dawned in that guesîs' comnpréhension lie was speechless. The story is conclud- ed as the man is coiducted out. The circumslances of ife bring many to the poinit in i fe where the truth finailydan giving tbem an insiglit into thie serlous- ness of the state into whicli bhey have allowed. tbemselves to drift. It is a time:,wben in a moment, truth strikes and we admit - I bave-been wrong - 1 have taken too mucli for granted. The question o! Christ in our lives, is not a take it or leave it PH[ONE 728-6206 Dressed For The cas 1969 Caprice Coupe proosionbut a matter of life arddeah~Our rapidlysagn s ic' i 1ocinljgm'any Iunhappwýy andi extreey tragie cirtcum- st' "nues uonus. )h 'î~se-cf! th;eChristian lif ad te esulit of Christian fall i titwelienth e- on liigthe lite le]vdbe- i, hemet Chnri, t.,,e most bc aIî tiiad in a new purity and a iw holiness and a new gaýodnoss. When we corne 10 Christ in this way, we find that tlie import- ant thing is the spirit in whieh we corne. Prior righteousness is not required. No trade in is niec- essary. A man can corne "today" in bi, filthy rags of i but lie nostliesincere. The garments airo for the mind, the heart, the soul. There will bie the garment of expejetation- the garment of humble penitence, the garment of faith and thé garment of reverence. These garmý\nts ,will reflect the beauty of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, good- A 22-car derailment at Bow- manville, the second in the area, in less than three weeks, has a- gain forced Canadian- Pacifie Railways to reroute ils freiglit Ir!fealong the CNR Une. The boxcars, part o! a 138 unit grain train beaded cast fr om Tor- ciito to St. John, N.B., jumped the tracks Sunslay niglît nortli o! Concession Street and just easl of Mearns Avenue in Bownian- ville. There were no injuries. CPR crews were busy Mon,.day morfling laying new rails Ù)er mrit two large railway cranes. to move in close to the smaslied FYOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZÈD'CHEVROLET DEALE ROYNOOLSMOTOR,.S LIMITED CourtieBOWMANVILLE,, ONTART PHONE 623-2556 boc,-aris tiiï bloeking the single Agcnts for Deýiv-erye. - Thurs - Fri. Sof Drnks-!ce Cream Cigaetts - Cigars DX DX DX DX DX DX DX DX DX DX DX DX »-X Be Wise .... ECONOMIZE 4. WITH X~ FEL A IL PHONE, 668-3341 ilI XI (lXIIx(T i XII IIXII XII XII XG I X X F-verv Chevrolet has to make It before -we mark it. Board of Edocatiomi (eonbînued from page 1) 1erý Boards, bhc big issue >of the c'e Nîng. Nuerouî iiiember$ La t d tht t1eyhad received mn pa ilt tihIis connection and that tlley liad handled thein the besL wnyiý possible. Sorne noted that they bad referred th-, oom- plaints b ýat1ý' local seeretary of the previous Board Who were be- in- i-.tained by the .Northu:mber- l.ndi' and Durham Board cf E4u- cation until the end of Febl-uary. Aftel- considerable discussion a motiàon was passed whereby the Bis Comp-,:anies must notify the principal o! tie concerned sebools if the use are noct o.peratlig. Mr. ýoîpli stated that thie busing problems in most cases, were of a local nature and should be h.and- led aIthie individual seioo'ls wlien trouble arise&- Furtber lie said that the ncw Board had been ia eperation four days in whieh lame tbey had liad two snow fails ;and onc furnace blow-.up. . ht.No clo wns. No hoopla. No frniny You owe it to yourself to be thorough. order a 1969 Chevrolet witb a big V8, bats Go for a drive. power dise brakes and automatic This is an event for the serious car Get a free sample of Chevrolet's transmission for less than you could buyer. Tbe man wbo bas X number of luxurious fuil-coil, cusbioned ride. last year. dollars to spend and is determined to Shut the windows and see how fresh If you're a serious car buyer, get bis money'swortb and rnaybe more. the interior stays, tbanks to Astro Chevrolet's Value Showdown is for you. Corne to a Chevrolet Showroom Ventilation. Feel the kick of the big We think you'l buy a Chevy. during our Value Sbowdown. standard V8. More people do, you know, S Corne in and spend some time. And do tbis: Ask the man to Dig, probe, ask questions, take notes, show yoU, On pap8r, how you can Patting You f irst, keeps us flrst. Z Te cýevi S- owdwn's-on. C-VS-269D