OflNO: WEEKL-9 )UNESi THURSDAY, JANUARY - Sthb,4»Q~) Durhaum Central Agricltural FOR SALE I I SeletyA Quaker Space Heater at St. Burs ~~ya ANUALMEEINGSaivioýur's Anglican Churehi. 1,.. .-- , , . .~-1A,, Phone 983-5033. a-C Saïcs and Service .4Uf HOI; U1NEIt SERVICE- Tyrone 2632650 Hlaipton 263-2288 CHAýýRLES Rd-,"D ~OveCatro Orono's Lieensed Auctionleer and Valuiatui pcifalizîe îin Famip aaud Ou urt nd surv Salevc oshuigto be dfor errn asamnily u, remdoril The RUTTER RAIT 73 Ontario Stre.et PORT HOPE «Lretdisplay lu Southemiï Oronao Phone %'3-5343 MIcCULLOCH BOATS & MOTORS CHAIN SAWS Repairs te ail makes of Lawn OTACO PLOW POINTS AND MMIHINERY rpO=O=O= z->O=0 -- =ý LYCETT SPlumbing&Hetg PHONE 983-5107 oron), Otari SElec-trical Cor-tirainrg Electric lleýating! and service PHONE 983-5546 or' 9235940 j (bOn, tario Hlerb aid lGer-ry Duvailu 983-5108 *ELECTRICALCOTCIN ELECTRICHETN T.V. -CLRT. RADIO - Hi-FIï INGLIS -a THOR Hamilt ons, LiIii FiS rvige Loa ~'olam lo Phrt ore 9 Loa15ns ~Sadi Hankoru [Boi i33 Phone 6835 Stafford Brothers 318 Dundas St. E. Wi.bOnt. MaHufactufers of Cemetery MemornIls Dealrs lu flemestic & Foireigu Granites and BmarWles - Ihmriptions Cnit and cÇe*fl*ry Repair Work See for AU tclasses of personal and Commerdial Coverages Office: laii St., oroino 983-5032 Res. 983-5,454 of Orono United Church on Sat- urday, January l8th, 1969 at 1:30 p.m. Convenors of Comnmittees dIll be ask.,ed for a brief report on the 196e Fair activities. The President will apeciate a good atdance at this meeting. a-c ANNUAL MEETING The Annual Meetinig of the Lot Holders in Orono Cem-ete-ry Com- pany will bec held in the Cemçt- ery Chape! at 8 p.m, onday, JanluarY 20, 196,9. a-e ACRES 3RE STA URAN T 10 acc;mpnied by prernts haiv- mg dnnerwil recivetheir's frrSaura nd _SundayN,, Ja- uary J'th and l th. O en evry we-n, a-c Tenders, clearly mrkd as suc, wll e rceied by the undersgned p untl '12:1,0 bon, Janury lst 199 foýr the sale of 2. Eectie Sove 4 urpers. Artilesm~ybe seen at the Hlighest oran tender not nec- essarily 7accepield. ActiligCler 1k, Townsip ofClarke,' Oron,55,arîo PakStre'et O Pho>ne Oris 98e58MS oropo, Ontario ~ CAPNTINU 9 GENE E3L0EAING IJ Inerio~ Exterior D. ROGERSON OROÎNO, ONTARIO WE BUY AND SELL 014 Glass, China, Fine Articles Toys and Odditîes* IF IT'S OLD . .. WE PAT CASH! WILF HAWKE YOURZ ORONO AREA REPRESENTATIVE ebers of )haaarid Dis- trict Real estate Board W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LI MITED Realtor 21 King St. W. Bowmanville 6293-3393 Toronto 923-9174 Port Hope Office 885-4548 For prompt, courteous, effici- ent service when buying or selling and for the largest sel- ecýtion of properties in the area Contact Orono Area Representatives Roy Foster 983-5801 Ross Gilbart 983-5533 Andy Sutch 983-9119 Roy Strong 52 r Il Bethany ,COMING EVENT ' Saturday anid Sundaiy, January 18 iiid 19 Special Hamburgers, 19 cetslami Steak op. a Kaiser Bun, 50 ýcents. Free Donuits, choc- olate milk for the kiddies. WALT'S SNACK BAR- No. 2 Highway, '-- mile east of Oshawa. a-c COMING EVENT Tre Horticu-ltural Socie-ty An- nual ?4embership Pot Luek Dinner will be held Thursd'ay, January 23ý at 6 p.m. iii the Main Hall, Oronio Uniited Church. Ad~mssi , $.0O for 1969 Memabersiip. c FOR SALE Price will bec accepted Tuesday, Fiebruary 4th, 121 1969 )fo)rone Barni, size, 45', withi steel roof. until floot, x 30' Tijis Br is !ocatetd at Lot 16, con,,2:inl the Twshpof Clarke. Townislip gr-a vel pit -imile Nort'h of ighway No. 2. Acer'tified ceu for the 20% bld price must accompnany your submlission. Sub imissioi of bids to and any furvther iinformatXo~ may be lied frdrn Plth unerst.gnied. , Iighléýt 01,ar3y bîd not nece- H, L. Ross, R(ýpd Surm3nvintendent, ÈtýLd Department, *Ti-wnship of Clarke, OomOntario. VISIT FlFEP'S FRUIT M1ARKET We specialize in quality apples, Red Delicinus, Spys, R.ussets and many oth*er varieties, at mwhole- sale prices. Fresli AVp1e Cider, Ice Cream. .79e -half gallon. t-f NOTICE YllLAGE 0F ORONO Christmnas Tree&s will be picked up Saturday, Jantuary 18th. Please have Christinas Trees at road skie by 9 a.m. Pollee Trustees, Orono. Ï IMPSON'S ý_Painting and INIERI 'OR - EXTERIOR IAPERRANGING RE310DELLING I'¶Fo1ra ¶eeain deendable Job" Douglas andl Gary Simpson 983-510 by J a ckmiia r PHONE COLLECT 162 King St. E. BOWMANVILLE For Ail Your Flower Needs I-UARD 99 Kn tE WnVen Duying o eln a ~PUMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS Bert Tomppids Phone 786-2552 Building A New Home? er Reimêdelling? eaul fl3E5 BECKERo j Buiîling a House? orremodeffing your present~ one, tlhen contact Floyd Nicholson