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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Jan 1969, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THIURSDAY, JANUARY 23rd, 1969 ORONO WEKYTYM1, ~Âuthoried as S c lass 1mail, Posat Office eprme Ottanwa) MNbis-hed eeyTusiyat thz offiCC aW publicae ManStre-et, Pon!09, urno,(jnano Eatabished i,138b-y R. A_ Forr'ester Ro-y C. Focrrester -Edltor and Mý,ianager The Village of rGono ce'rýtainly,;sprag Vo 1f e iast Satuiday eeigwheni the Durham Counity Federation of ALgriculture scored a hýit woith their meceting at which Russell C. Honey outliined the proposeci changes in the Estate and Gift tax , by the Federal Governinent. The meeting, was reminiscent of those old-time pol- itical rallies Which used to heat up some twenty to thirtsy vears àgo in the samie hall. This type oif meeting bas, lately, take(n a back seait to tea parties and door knocking. OCur observation of the new p)roposed Estate Tax as expilai.wid by M"r. HoIney, does have somie ýgood features. The tact thiat n etat couid chlange hahds from a husband oIe r vsa-versa wiý-tho-ut being taxed doos have menit. Exemn1Ption for deiendent ebid,ren would also be broad- ened udrcertuýin circuinistances. llowever, Wen the estate coires Vth.tie eblîdren fl tin he death of boili hiusb'and and wfetenet by the goý'veifment is a decided inrise an d the f eature whichaper oav mny p in arnis. By tbis increase t seemis.almiost inconceivabie that thegoemeton collect mcore money than under the present 1lgislatioii. Mr. Ifoney pointed out biowevel' that w.,th four cide in tbe f aily the tax was considerably reduc. but four eblîren in a f anily is -ýot a general rule ,today. Th lnilgo ette as a point well taken and could, in the end, cause less trtoublàe ad lbe asans in taxatiopn. This, of course, again cosits mnney and also nec- essitates defin1te deelsions to be made wlhàich have to. be carr-ied into the future. Even conisidierIýngtbese, it mnakes gsood sense. There i, no dubt tat govein.liments at ail levels arelokg for more moneiy o carry on, their handouts and prograins and agalin this must come from 4'hle residents of lb.e cmint or nation. There is no other way. Gov- erments are becomin.g the great levellers of society. The Estate Tax, which is onlyý part of deaLh duties on properties, is affecitin more an~d more peole even un- derl hepren legi1sLtion. Inflation of propeOrty and in- vestments brfugs the average person within rneof ithe exemptions. Good planning and a thorough knowledge of h<othl Proincial_ and Federlal legislation couid be rewvarding. ive Remanded On Tuîesdlav evenirig ten Past Gýrand sat down o a dje ,licious supper -at the home of sister G laciy s Gaimsby. Sister Gamisby pýLpenied the meeting with the "Nicest Tbings Happening te vou unL 196." This proved very, inter- ein.The minutes Wf tbe lasV mneeting were read and aýpproveçi imd a financial report given. Sister Allen moved thiit 'vu bjuiy enougb nylon in white, nink, Mune or vellow to cover co)at b'angers at otir next meetingý. This -vas secouded by Sister Wilson, The next meig also ~sn pur meeting is to be beld ~ er Milîsons wiùth SistersHoev Allen a lsu aiîltoelpig.The Past Grýads are Vo) comie forýth -lth a pr!e!lorte Iext m-ect- ing. Foliow'ing tbe meting a social 'houarof cards w-as eni oved witlh Siszters Hamiltoni and Hooev be- ing higli ladies and Sister ."'."i Lewis,.- 1w lady. Pest Grand Club The ffive Bo'wmanville ares men charged witfh arnied robbery of Ger-ow's Store ini Leskard on January 13[b, iippeared in Bow- manville court Tuesday. Geurd J. Bennet, 22;. Waynie S. rih,21; Ronald A. Cupit. 16: Glelun L. ugs,21- and James A. Burgess, 20, were al xeei'mded until J'anuary 28f',i A spokesmnan for the Newcastle OPP said none of tbe men bave yet beeni able Vo obtain bqill wilicb was set iat $5.000 cash or $10,000 nraperty. FREE FILM SHO1W On Tuesday, January 28th, the Clarke Public Library Board is spousori ng 'a show. Beginning at 7:00 p.m. inu the Townsbip Hall, the foilowing films wiil be pre- senîted: KING 0F BLADES This lis fthe story of Don Jack- son, the skater who gave a daz- zliing performance at the, World Amateur Cbampionsihips iu 1962 by winning the Men's Singles witb spectacular juinps and fig- ures. Besides this performaicc, you will see bis spot-ligbýted solo as the star of an ice show. We -hope that rnany members of the Figure Skating Club will be inu aiteudance. PADDLE TO THE SEA Adapted from llolling C. Hall- ing's book of Vie sa'ne namne,-tbis deilightful 'tr tells of a tiny toy csnoe's voyýage through the GreatLakes, C<sarved by an boy nort1b of Lake Superior, Pad- dle-to-the Ses has an adventur- ous voyage o the ocean.This fiin trip 's arpealing to bath childre and. aduits. Here is a brie lively appear- ance by thentaleCaudi' il dancee group "Les Feux Follets" (Will o' the Wisp). THE RTNK An open-air skating rink is the' sen.e. The,ý action is provi ded by botli strugging beginners on hiaesand fiasby accomr-ýisl-.'l skaters, as each group enja'vs - zestful fun of outdoor skating. THE URIDE Peripswe sbould bill this as 'the mystery film' because no ad- vance information bas been seUt. Is it a horseb)aek ride, an airpîsue ride or Wh:ithabve you Corne Vo the -Township Hall on Tuesday, January 28Vt.1lo fiud out. NEW BOOKS Adut-- The MonIs a Harsh Mstress The Red Carnelianj - Wbjitnley Couples - Updike Babbitt - Lewvis Thiere Is 4A River - suigruie Rai-ni ng Caâts sudi Donkecys- Tovey FIletn Teiry Mael Is Somtiethiing Up There?- White juvenile Tales oW Nanabczbio Homemnade Doils in Foreign Dress. KEDLP.T.A. (From Fiage 1) P"nyale profits of $322;86. The Peiet bne very- onlor tbe doniationIs and efforts .thiat mý-adeoui-r Pe-nny Sale sucb a profitable unde' rt akiù,g. These furds wl uused o uras ïanVbe fvdgefor the sclbool a"ni a set ofciencyciýopedia. Fis.t1Etuvnie parity will be at the seneolý on January 24 and thi-e next En- ire wil be on February 7tb. The Presideot introduced Roy Fori ester of the Clarke Public Library. Mr. Forrester set up a book dispiai- and hanideil out pam- phlets and b.ook iuarkcs frcrn the Library. He gave a brief history of! the !Ldbraýry wibstarted lu the laVe 1800's i 50 books. By 1966 tbe Clarke Public Lib- rary xwas est'abllisbecdýwitb a cir- culation of 3500 bos Our Lib- rary works in conjunction with the Regýial Library from which it can buýy or borrow books. Quotes from Mr.. Forrester's t alk: "Reading is acquainted witb ';.nowedg4,* "A bouse wtIthDut books is like a room witbout win- dows." '-The public library is a way of escap-e froni the narrow area of our individual lives into the fiel oftbe wisdom and ex- peineof al rnankind,' lVlrs. Brenan tbanked Mr. Forrester. for cornMing tO tell us about our i--br-ar:y an'd also for' givirig us ideasý for, future sceiool proj ects. 1. Books carn be bioluowed from tbie i )a ohel-p witb rjet i any scbool subjeet. 2. Each techer can borrow 12 at a time. 3. Arranged classmisits to the, Library. Nlext meeting ih February 4. and Mr.EdnaDobsn wiC EC our get WAIlevýeryone please 1rn wire coat hanger. Lunchýt was seërved. aIl sizes - al pricesý Specal VALE NTIN,ýE 89e to $5.00 Orüno,Otao ro o ockey Notes Aetivty atthe ron RUiink con- tinuces in, the mate fhce und a week 'dagoWdnsav S1 &hooTyke tesrn took3a 3-1 in ovier Oa aiT.ksJh et weretheeWosers. n On Fidaevenfing the onoiý greai 'e t-re blN)ke v " 1- Cuiln 2 ýsud the o thhr b Cr ubinscont. rs oione150oli tasnd a ss eit.d aiass 6Irii the PeWeedivsio o Thdaye rn~ teOooco edc a Bownvanville crew 5-9,. I thiis garne Robin Winter, an am- greissive player, scored t(ree 'of the Orono goals with the others byý? TdRobinson and i,41e azre.Steve Sawyes, Rau'tr Easabrok.Steven Boy&ý and Waren obntonwere ceie The ron Midgets were fired up Cil riayevening and de- feated Bowmuaniville 7-3. T'iis gamuhd pleenty Wf action andc waàs psibythe best s--- the nighit. Bill Rotinson * a biat trick followed bv Ken -i igewith two go-als and single couniters tVo Dan Norton auLi--'- dv- Teniant. The< Oarco Bantamns w fetdby an Os,,bawa club on Saturday mo)ring. 4-3. lIn tlis feature the Oroino goals \xwere seoredi byBra Black, Steven Boyd and RanidyVEastabrook. SEE THE ALL N-EW 69eJfOtO-Ski LIN E- NOW! iMODFI FROM WHI1CH TO CHOOSE ROLPH DOM iýi NuION HRDWBE ORONO, ONTARIO Glory RUG CLEANER............. $1.88 Ka arTY PETS........ .......$ý1.79 N<OXZEM3A, reg. ý2 for $1.58 Now2fr913 SECRET Deod, Reg. $1.09 ...... Now ,88f% 'SIIAMPOO, 61 oz,, Reg. $1.99 . Now $1.49 ADORN Ilairv-pav Relg. $1.98 . o 11 NOEPADS fo.......2 f or15 TAECream ilRinse, eg $1.19 . Now 88c Many . iMny MreBargains . Be 1repared for Colds and Flu w hekyour ' Medicine Cabinet Now -. Phojie 983-5009 Ororno, Ontario TELEPHONE 983-5207

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