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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Jan 1969, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JANIJARY 23rd, 1969 Moderctes Win Iln Dehate (confiniucd from page 1) mach-incerv liy whiehi change wil lie implemented rather thani the gasby which change can lie The crises widli cofronteti Caniada were nio loncer unes of rneanls; they werc on'es of ends. Allegianice to liberal parliam- e-nfary tradition lad niow beceme opprssie. We must b-e,,in to move to levels of cemmitmenf which arc niof qualificti." Mr, Martin saiti le was inter- esttcd ini fhc prob)lera-s of nllu- tui, concenetiabout fthc light of flie Canadia indiian; ati ex- tremely disturlicti lv fhe situ- ation of civie -!overnnent. But this wvas niot sufficiefft. lie was cemmnitteti, lie saidt o change in the fra'mework of the uni-ers- ity of whiC le wuas a part. Total cermmifmcnt was niecessary te solve the nalor prohlemns con- fronting Canada. The prohlems coulti not', be sýolveti bv moderate co)mmifmeunt, er .li odiei-ate formns of actiot antIimnt rmoderate forms of an- alysis. "The role ofï the moderate must lic thaf of working up implica- tionis of social change liut I do net lieieve that the moderate wviIl le the prime nmover ilutihaf change. Ife believes the only res-ponse wvhicl was now valid was a radi- cal one. The moderafe ini Canada was "tiomed to lie indifferent anti ineqffective." Today must lie thec day of the radical. Tim Emliuryý-, vice-president of )icensed Plumblng & Mechanical Contra ctor who selis, installs gnd guaýranteez CARMAN PLUMBING AND H1EATING Phone .983-5207 Orono the Young Lilicral Ascainat A r University, for flctphe i tic (L odrat),spoeke ci ý the d'angrsofradicalisan. He D(aI cxc!erpts cf speechIes mtie bu ýy tiffercn.t worldledr ani kd the house te guess who matie hem.The first was Adoif Ht'er anrd the secýond Johnli F. 1Kenned \. Com.pariýe these two speeches, he said; tley were iaseti oi the idleals of fascisi-. -Who is the raial"le asked, Mrf. Ilitier o r M r. Kenniedy?' 'Judging from the content if il; impossible to say. Their themnes vAare almost itientical anti et one w'as ingtigator of millions of lives beig lost and the other was a reserver of peace. The tiefinitioni of radical is one whieh desires ex.ýtreme change iun art or the Whole of social order.", ie said., The difference lay inifthe ef- fect each mani had on hîs society, not as inucl à, what he said but in wliat he titi. He termeti the NDP as a smalil 'c' conservative Party with radi- cal poflicies, liccause fthc party itsclf did not wish to take r'oweri by any illegitimate methocti snch as revolution. Its policies were radical for twoo reasons, firstly the effeet on society of sor)cializ- ing the nations' industries 7oild be exItTeme- and would char- a basic foýuiafîi of our svstem - the rivate eniterprise. Seconvily as fthc gowenmcnt they would have to use tools anti methods neyer ;useti li our society- on a national scale in order to nation- alize our 'industries. lan Binnie, a lawycr, speaking for the government, saïid when h(e thought of the word 'moder- ate' ccoulti noît 'Llpbut seecfthe aegeTrinity Co-Ileme SebolI old boy sîtting therc wit-h is1il stoopeti shoulders, dandruff f al- leni arches anti smali 'adc like' eycIes,*prcïpared todfnifi ,statýus quo and fl,ý ic wodwit onI his bnnras \\was wri1con the ne r of lis father before him, was 'moderation.' "I fhink we have been suLmsnon- sedi here this evening to re-r-ci-- our fathers' f aith iii motierafion. Iin a couintrv whcre students above il are in a greaf state of arrita- fioûn their eiders in somne curaters at least are not altogether uolcas- ed. He went on to. sav th2t the probîcras of Canada shoulti li viewcd not from a position of tlic fully-groomed young me~n a- round town. flic cosnoipoitan smanties he saw before-him. but from the position of the. Indimn He saiti le hati neyer heard an Indian sav thatf one shoulti le maderate lit fic solution of his grievanees, neyer heard '"eowle living below the poverf y Ine eay "let's liýe careftul, lcf's have a coi,,ssion, let's look i n )to1-1"~ Mr. Binnie saiti the man who saiti the moderates have ti-he prolilem, in aIlll*fhngs be motier- ate, was the man who was hang- ing on f0 the status que. wfho said chiange if-necessarv but not necessarily chaànge. Jeffrety Simpson in renlv Vo Mr. Binnie, saiti le was n& c~--,r(i TCS, he titi not havetipf"f or steoped shoulders but lie--was MÊD 6wooue#siso fflo-EINtw $t/MMýnfll Albert's Texaco GENERAL REPAIRS, Phonie 983-5249 Oon stili a modaeate. He sa'id lie ,got Confu"sed aýýs to n~~~~~ tVitwn o etwn m.aye tey eresoimewhere be- wenthe riglt nt leit ig There was a need inhia cratic society, hie si i. 'kind of radicalis,,m,' juçtý the othew ext r- iee here wa s room for a kiniof --sr" i' In the iidile were the m-oder- ates, the "mitdle of the bird so to speak." Thcy -were rnot g oing to solve all the world('s iproles. It was ineonceivable that the- humani race hiad e'xisted as long as it hati and stiJl have the same They hati tried so manv tif fer- cnt kinds of ,overnmeTËts.. soci- eties, phi'losor-ihie's, ideologies anti the saine probleins were stili arouniti. Mo-derate anti radical hati bcu trieti anti some w'rc stilliaround, i. buthose ; flice miiddle af the bird' were stîli plugging away.1 "The first princiDle of tihe con- test between thec radicals, the motierates anti the tiemocracy fs not the princiiple of the eventual struggle, for power but the iple of co-existence. Clearly the one th-ing xýýhich 'would rn'ý end to ail co-opevation is c servative violence. The effort wt flic ait of a hiysterical Police force to trampil)'e down ail Pro- test to a state af an easy quiesc- ence undeir terror, was xv'ht George Wallace meant by law and orter," he said. Foillowing tlie four main speak- ers, th e speaker of the house in- vited m-lembfers to express their view,ýs on thle resoutioni, allowing an equal niumber for tihe govern- ment anti the oppoýý0sition. UNITED CHURCII Olrone Pastoral minister Rev. B. E. Long SUNDAY, JANUA,*RY 26th, 1969' Orono Uited Church Sunday Sehool nt 10:00 Service at ii1: 15 a.m. Kiry- Morning Service at 9:45 Suntiay Sehool at 11:00 Circular Pillow Cotton Wabasso circular p5illow cotton, good quality, '42 'Inch wýidth. Bleached snow white. Price, per yd. - $1.25 Quit Batts' -Cotton QileeW" bleaclied glazed. cotton batts for quîlts. Uniform thickness, easy' to haudle, easy to quilt. Size 78" x 100". Price, each - $1.75 Economy battlng, etrong, natural col- our. Size 72" x 90". i3rice, each e- 98e 1illow Ticking Printed floral stripe cotton ticking, good quallty, featherproof, 28 inch width. Price, per yd. - $1.35 (Cotinetifrom Pagle 1) 'h c r areas. O liigquestioncdtýIon ich ssbit!y of further consolidia- on, r. Thom feit fliaf if was mit lkely liat more would lie ccinig. He spoke favo:uraliV)ý of seirPublic Sehools as have .een set up n some areas witli other sehoolis for t he-, youngcre ch1kiren whicfi, would lie doser to fleir homes. Ail this, lie sait, ii be looketi into by one of flic Supèrntentents to bring allich infomatin lefore flic Board cf Etuicafion. Uirectors anti ail superintenti- ents nusf lieapproved, by flie Deparfnient of Education, statet Yt.Tloim. Home rAdPSchool From 11page i ing p threisenoumi,- s tudlent to form such a class. If not then toewishlingtfo f ake ficfour year course at Grade ten wo'uld io o ,)trihe BE-hianvill1 c shool. The eeigendet in inaques- fi n e'odafter whIcl r. Wmi. Gratýdy ex;prcsseti the lianks of flic 1home ani Sehiool Club Vo those of thle fwo scliools who wcre in attendan1ce. NICHOLSON FILE EMPLOVEES WALK OFF JOB Approximately 200 members of United Steeliworkers of Am- erica, Local 6497 employed at Nichiolso)n File Company Lfd., wLkct, off flic job at 10 a.m. Thurstiay. Funeral Arrangements Weddling Arrangements ilospital Arrangements Drop in and browse around ,our Large Greenihouse Showroomi for tropical plants, seeds, pottlng SORS, pots, reotig lhormones etc. CALL COLLEUT- DAY or NIGCIT 63-5 75'7 VAN BELLE GARDENS LTD. Fhower Shap Betweeni Bowmianville and Oshawa on Highway No. 2 NOW AT VOUR DXSevcStto Ullig-hwaiy 35 and 115, just north of Newcastle Premnium Quality Products -AT TUE MOST REASONABLE PRICES - Stove 011 nriay he picked up in any quantity 19.9c. per gallon ATTENTION FA1tMERS and TRUCKLERS - Special discount on gasoline and diesel fuel PHONE 987-4215 Flannelette Fitted Sheets Warm flannelette fitted sheets, saufor- ized, Double and twin-bed size.White onîly. Price each - $4.50 Vinyl Mats Proteet yoaur floors safely with uon-skid carpet mxat. Výiniyl wlth foami backing, 5 feet long. Beige only. iPrice, each - $1.89 CLEARANCE SALE of Winter Apparel Continues Corne in and see the bargains MiG k.>' ~ I I Your local dalry, Glen Rae, delivers in Orono aud district the finest milk produets avail- able and at a cost below the. average. M111k and milk produets are important in your daily diet; it is synonymnous with your health. For home delivery cal Glen Rae Dairy BOWMAN VILLE Phonte 623-5444

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