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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Jan 1969, p. 5

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TL~AJNAY2r,16 Ail classes of pesona and Commercial Couverages Office: Mlain St, Orono 983-5032 Res. 983-5754 Gord Simpson Phone Orono 983-53?) g Orono, Ontarie PAINTINU CARPENTRYg REMIODELLINGg GENERAL AEPAIRSg luterior Exterior CHAR-ýLES R Qrono's Licensed Auctioneeýr and Valuatul Specialize in Frm a-I FurnlureSales FMnmet èand Our quality and service leaves notbing tc, be deasired Ash the person, whio bought fromI as, a neiglhour, fïiend 0r relative The RUTTER GRANITE ClO-MP ANY 73 Ontario Street PORT IIOPF1 "Largest display lu Southeru ontarlo", LYC ETT PRONE 193-4g orie no"Onario8 I-A A. T N à I Ty ron e 263-2650 IEetrcl nreating j and Service IPHO NE 983-5546 or M8-5940j Orono, Ontar lo Herb and GryDuval *ELECTRÉCAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC IIEATING ELECTRICAL iiPPLIANCES T.V OORT.V. J~MI1ONELECTERHOME INLS- TIIOR -GUArA11NTEED SER1VICE- g î SrvinCe g MAute, Pire Package Policies Fldlilty Bon&, eU gFîrst imortgage Loans 0 gSadîe HamiltongP gPhone 983-5115 n Box 133 Phone 668-3552 _eeery Merniori ais 118 Dunmdas Street Eas2ýt WHIUTBY, ONTARTO or. remodeIling Y.ur PresOu ue, then contact FOR SALE FOUiN Dried sbelled Corn for sale. A ure ud. Contact Mr. 'orn Bawias.a-p 'fr pick up or delivery eauI B3cb Carruthers, RH 1, Bowman- ilp*Phone, 623-5485. t-f WA,,"NTED FREE AT THE Drpi ftertheRacsSat- uraJanuarY 25th and 26thi. Free 1lot Dogls for aifl the Chilren.a-c Brick Block Conerete Stone Work Carpen-try- Cabinet Work Floors Tile 983,-5ý441 ORONO il à YOU< OONOAREA REPREËSENTÎAT -VE vlembe-rs of )shaiwa and D is trict Real Estate Boar,ýd Oxford BRICKLAYERS STOIN EMASON S UV. Schmahl 983-5606 Specializing in ail kinds of STONEWORK and1 FIREPLACES We also do Chiminey Repairs A goD iing iroom Oak with r wihoutchairs. t-f WL are for- children in myý ow oewhile miother works. 111on11c983-5Ï233. a-c NOTICE ~TlniOCard Party, Friday, ieeuy141, 8:00 p.m. Odd- fellows Hall. Adission 75c. Prizes and refreshments. Spon- soedb Orono Home and School1 Assoeition.a-c NOTICE The of1ficve of Dr. Peter Maar- teýnse will be closed from Janu- ay24th t,- Februarv 9th inclus- ive, b-c NOTICE is vour child la4Idicapped in r'el'ad:ing? 1ss he unable 10 *ork -whit childrien of his own agýe9 We e~""r'-i~t'~t9itarin wih an ex- perincel tachr. ali983-,5746. 4-b c NOT ICE fhe OooCemu'tery Co. would like10 rmiin the public and ~n9wshbiî opertors in parti. duarthtithe cemnetery v-is lnot a ~ ~ 1ý fillrun nd te proper u~e f tis roprtyis expccted ISTFRED'S ý,FRUIT MARET We peialzein ,q"1uaity aIIpples, Red Delicious, Spys, Ru7ssets and many ov ther varieties, aýt wh-ole- sale prrices. Fr-esh Aple ider, Ice Cream. .'79c bial gallon. t-f W. FRANKX REAL ESTATE~ Realtor 21 King St. W. Bownianville 623-3393 Toronto 923-91741 Port Hoipe Office 885-4548 For prompt, courteous,- effici- etservice wheu buy-ing or selling and for the largest sel- ecinof properties in thne Cnat ooGArea Recpresentatives Roy Foister Ross Gilbart AndlySutch Roy Strong 983-5801 983-5533 983-9119 52 r il Bethany $1?,OO0 PLUS NEW CAR AS BONU-S - rnn over 40 'in Orono re T'es!ý rt auto trips t ontc c ar.Air mail H. B.Cos Ba 70,P Dstal Statlor "R" Tcn -nto 17, Ontairio. a- NOTICE, TO"CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE 0F GEORGE GLANVILLE 1-ate of the Villace of Newcastle : in the' Countv of Durham, Retii-êd, deceiased: Al personsh'aingdims a- gainst the Estate of the said George GlamvMle, wý,ho (lied on or nbout ithe l3th îa-y of November 1968, are hereby' notified to send to 'tlhe unidersign.edý Administra- tors or ýtheir Solicitor on or be- fore the 15th day of February, 1969, their names and ýadd-)-,-i and full paiticulars of thfeir dlaimts and the nature of the se- duritles (if any), held by themi duly verified by statutorv de Imimdiaeiyaler the said 151h dayý of February, 1969, the ast of the said decea§ed will be dis- tnributed among the ii'ersobns e-- titled theretà, having regard oîibly to the cdaims of whlich the Ad- ministaiors 'or the unde1rsig-ned Sodlicitor Shall thenhae"'> Dzted aI roo Ontarie. ,tis, 22nd day of Januiarv 1969. ROBERT GLAN- Orono,Onao CHARLES GLAN'TT aT N.ewcaste,Orniio W. K.. LYCETT, Orn - SohPici1-rfor the, Admi nistratbors, COMING E VENT *Tre 1Horticufltural S)cicty An- nua MelrsllpPot Luick Dinner will be 'iled 'Thurisdayiý,, January 23 at 6(p'm. n the Main Hall, Orono United Church. Admissii S 1.0)0 for 1969 MV.embership: b-c DIED CAý.RRUTHERS, WILFRED D.- At his residlence.'227 Scugog St., Beoavianiville on WVednesclay, Jan- uaryv 22nd, 1966, Wilfred D. Car- rtetlhers Ïn Ais1 641h yeîar, beloved husbared of -Margcaret HIughes, rieur fatJher of Elizabeth (Mrs. 1-ecîth Snith),ý Gat and Rohert Boavman ville, brother of Habib, New York, N, Y., Douglas, Dunn- ville anid Elsie (Mrs. Roy Lunney) of Bowir>anville. Resting at the Nlooeheutt Elliatt Funeral Home. Funeral Serviceè 2:00 o'dlock, Fri- d'ay afternodfl., St. Paul's Churcb. inte-rment Bowiainville Cemieteiry INTERIOR -EXTERIOR PAPERHIANGING "For a d!ean epnabejob", Cal Doulasand Gary by Jackm1-ari PHONE COLLECT 623-3365 162 Kig St. E. BOWMANVILLE For Al Yïour Flower Needs WATSON'S Maringe and Cycle i Orono Phone 983-5343 MeCULLOCH BOATS & MOTORS CHAIN SAWS Repairs te ail makes cf Lawnà Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle Englues OTACO PLOWX POINTS AND MACHINERY PUMPING OU-T SEPTIC TANKS,ýU7ý Sert Tompkigms Phne 786-2552 D. ROGERSONii' WE BUY AND SELL Old Glass, ChIna, Plue Articles Toys and Oddities IF iIS OL» ... CALLUS WE PAY CASH! Phoues 983-5210 or 623-3128 77,

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