OR ONO WEE KLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JANIJARY 3Othi, 1969 MP roposes FourChne In Estate Tax NorniO afik,- Ubeval MP for Ontario Ridnug,, lias put for-ward four proposals which hie believes will resuit in a definite ipoe ment lnthe federal governm-.ent's p>roposed estate tax legisition ameiidnints. Mr. Caifik said he believes the pr7oposais _hould have been in- cluded in V1he prevîous legtsiation. Hoe emphasized he stîllcon- siders thb.e proposed legisIation) more favoraple than thie existdng Iaws in the "vast majority of eases. Ris suggestions are: -No esate of iess value than $50,000 should be subject Vo any e&tite tax regardless of who thfu bein0eficiary may be. -HIe proposes a five or ton- year pefrlod ho graited to a ben- eficiary to puy the estate taxes il their immedilate pay(iueut would constitute a severe hardship. At presont hs eau only be done at the dise-retion of the Minister but Mr. Caf ik Wýants it 'WTitteu into the law. In farmn estute taxes if, a bene- ficiary -ltenils to continue f arm- ing and xiii sign a documient to that e«fect, then his farmn would be assessed t f arm values and *axed aeeordingiy. An assessment ,wouki ho made cof-the roi value of Vthe farm. In the event lie later soId Vihe farm- lie wouid be suli- jet to the full e,;tiate ýtax ut roui Yalues as origiually. detormined. Jnterest nilglit be payable from flic time of inheritance to the Call pur licensed Plumbing & Mechanical Conrractor who seis, installs 4J1d guarantees CARMAIN PLUMBING AND HEATING Pkone 983-5207 Oreno dute of the sale. Mvr.Cfk said thbis third pro- i~s)is of particular importance tcO) arl'ujo County farmers lbe- cueof the infiated value of area land if usedi for some pur- pose cther, than farming. ý-For .a period of six moutJls f&ý,lowing the passiug of new est- a-te ax legisiation, the beuefic- jiaries would be given the option of paying the estate ax under the new or the od legislation. !le said lie liopes to. be able to influence Vie department andi the goveruuirt Vo muke some chatrges iu respect tVo bis rec'om- H1e added that althougli cîected as a Lib2Tajlie believes lis prlimý ary obligation is to reprosent the eonstituency and the views of the people of the riding. (Continued from page 1) eMex.rarial Hospital' said ahl the -accident vietî,,nis were later ,ro- lerased from hospital. Siaturday's woi-st casual.ty wu-s Jini Fisheof ,Wasaga Beachliwho recelived fractures to an arm and a leig. On Sunday Barry Williams of Barrie received a b-roken coliar- boue. In one of the two powder-pull eonipetiitions hld Suuîday moru- ing Siusaân F»rbes injurod lieïr back in a- s-pectacu!ar craslh. IUer suowmouble weut ovor au em- buukmneut of tho rack .vlhere British. auto racing driiver John Surtees received serious injuries In a crash tliree, years ago. Ou. Saturday John Cordts of Port Credit, a Canadlan auto rac- img driver, was kniocked' uncon- scious but escaped serions injury when bis super-modified snow- mobile crashed. Jean Mark Houde, of Quebec Ciity, a Moto-ski team driver, doninated the class races lie entered Sunday. 11e was ruuuiug away witl the open class final, w1lien, drlive-belIt failure forced hlm Vo witlidraw with two laps to, go in the slxdiap race. Ross Robinson of North Bay wus the victor ou another Moto- Ski, Miko Manley came second on a Bowa-Ski, whîle Tom Wood of Peterboroughi camýe third ou a Ski-Doo. Wiuuoers 0f Vie powder-puff avents .were Joan, 'Mouusey lu clurs C and Patty Wood. Both were driviug Ski-Docs. The bigý naines lu the open class are all ex.,peienced. raeers. Houde and Mýianleeyý are experts lu the motoFrcycle field w.hile Ropiu- son is a sports car racer. --Oshawla Times ae exa GENERAL REPAIRS Phonie 983-5249 Oromo Ottawa Reprt UNITED CHURCU, Oron. Pastoral Charge Minister Rev. B. E. Long SUÙNDAY, FEBRUARY Znd, 1969 Orono United Church Sunday Sehool at 10:00 Service ut 11:15 a.m. Kirby- Morning Service ut 9:45 Sunday School ut 11:00, Local News (lntended for last week> ". and Mrs. J. Carscadîdeu -ud Mr. and Mrs. Allan Dowues 'ýerîded the 'Pig and Whstle' show uat Chanel 9 Agincourt, the guests of Johuson Wax Company. We were sorry to hear of the deiath 0of Mrs. Ron Plunkeftt iua moter aCddent. Ronald's mother wlas the ilate Pearl Quantrill and his father, Mîltonf Plunkett, taughlt at McLea.'s scliool lu the yoiar 1915. Sympathy is exteuded to the famdly. We thirik there hias been ahi extremely lidavy loss of Id1e and Properity due Vo fires since the New Year began. Are we ecd doing whut woe au Vo preveut füres? Lot us bake steps Vo cor- M'-. and Mrs. Ha-old Snott_ DJ-rýny and Bobby, spent Suuýdav,,P ,witli Mrs. Keu Ganis§by. Dr!. C. Maarteuse of the Can-i adilian, Armed Forces, Germanny,. s"ent Wednesday wlith Mrs. Tyr rneM en route to Camp Borderx. where hé! is tahing a speeiaL, Course. ýrick those fire, hazards NOW! Keudal lias become a Meeoaý- for SkIi-duos. Eadli weekend &- couple of, dozen Ski<Idoos enter the Gananasia near McCrea'& Church and follow trails dowil t&k. the elghtlinhe and the Kendaik area where we lare told they havei a club bouse. This seasou hat- beeu ideal for ithem, audi the skiiiers on, the hlis west pf Ken-. dial. Russell C. lloney, M.P., Northumberland - Durhamn This week Justice Minister John- Tur~Ier re4introduced the Omnibu-Is PBi amending the Crim- inal Code which had previousIy, been iniroduced lu the bHuse of Commous ln December of 1967 by Prime Mnister Pierre Elliott Trudeau when he was Minister of Justice. There hjas been some cotcem respeeting anidments deaüling with abortioin. Sone people argue thut hey'do noV go far enougli and others object Vo any changes wliatsoever. 1 think it is important to lear away the obscurlity in 'our laws deàaiug witih abortion. It is a known fact that 'abortions are ni,,w beiug performed ln, ail1 Can- adian liospiitaLs under responsible management by ethical, members of flie medujeal profession. The partieuliar doctor lu dharge of the patieint now 'las the responsibil- ity of decidding xvlither or noV au abortion xilbe performed. The amenidmfents Vo the, Crim- ieiýal Code provide thiat befoire an abortion eould be perforMed the doctor would have to have the approval of a ýcomnittee of noV tess, thian 3 doctors. The mdiv- idulal dotor could no longer make tlie decision. H1e woulrd bave -to have tie consent of the Commît- tee befo-re hie coýuld performn any abortion whoen the contin"ation of the pregnancy, would eiudanger the libfe or heulIthl of the mnother. r a DRESS5 SAL E We are clearing thbe balance of Dresses at prices, greaàtly reduced! OurLais 20 Dresses, reg. values to $29.95 YOIJR CHOICE - $18.95 10 Dresses, rg values to $23.50 YOIJR CHOICE - $13.95 6 Dresses, reg. values -to $21.50 YOUR nCeOICE - $5.95 Girls Dresses 25% Redudion in alilGirls' Dresses. Your local dairy, Glen Rue, delivers i Orono and district the finest mlilk product's avail- able and at a cest below the average. Milk and ilkl products are important in your daily diet; it is syuonymious with your bealth. For home doeIivery cauh Glen Rae Dairy BOWMANVILLE Phse623-5444 ARi STRONGS FLOWIERS...... Fùneral Arrangements Wedding Arrangements Hospital Arrangements FREE DELIVERY!f Drop in and bromse around our Large Greenhouse Showroom for tropical plants, seeds, potting soils, pots, rooting hormones etc. CALL COLLECT- DAY or NIGHT 623-5757 VAN BELLE, GARDEN4ýS LTD. Flower Shop Between Bowmanville and Oshawa onHighway No. 2 NOW AT VOUR DXService Station> Highway 35 and 115, just north of Newcastle Featuring .... Premium Quality Products -AT THE MOST RkEASONABLE PRIVES - Stove OU may be picked up i any quantity, 19.9c. per gallon ATTENTION FARMERS and TRUCKERS - Specia discount on gusoline and diesel fuel. PHONE 987-4Z15 c% ne ýýl t. 1 6', -ý,v s