ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JPÂNUARY 3th, 1969 See for Ail classes of personal and Commercial Coverages Office: Main St., Orono 983-5032 Res. 983-5754 0=0 0, Gord 'Simpson Phone Orono 983-5898S Orono, Ontario PAINTINU CARPENTRY GENEREPAIES O Interior Exterief Q CHAtsRLES R:.-ýID' Orono's Licensed Àtleutiotieer and Valuatoi Specialize jr, Farin and Furinifukre Sales ConsuijPàt e frternis and dates pHONE ORONO 983-5914 monuments anti Family FMemoriauls Our tuallty and service leaves nothjng to be desired Mlc the person who boUght from as, a neighbOur, friend or relative The RUTTE R GRANITE COMPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE uLargest dispîay lu Sutherfl Ontai'lB WATSONS Marine and Cycle grono phone 9U-5343 McCULLOCU BOATS & MOTORS CHIAIN SAWS Repaira te ail makes of Lawu lowors and z and 4 cycle Bnglues OTACO PLOW POINTS AND) MACHINERY PUMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS Barnes & Byam PLUMBING and liEATING Sales and Service A4 HOUR BURNER SERVIChi B.A FINANCINtG~ à Loiw Interest IRates Phon<'s, I Tyrone 263-265M Hampt.on 263-2288 1-Orville Chatterton I IElectrical Contractiflg IElectrie IHeating and Service PHIONE 983-5546 or 993-5940 'Orono, Ontario ORONQ ELECTRIC Herb and Gerry Duvali 983-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC UEATING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES T.V.- - COLOUR T.V. RADIO - HI-FI FRIGIDAIRE - ILC.A. DOMINION ELECTROHOME INGLIS ý- THOR. -GUARANTEED SERVICE- Hamltons Insurance U Service oAuto, Package Folicies g Fidelity Bond, Llability f First Mrtgage Loam 0 ,oSadie, HamiItonfi 00 o Ph 983-5115, Box 133 Phone 1668-3552 Stafford Brothers LîmiteA Manufactu-reirs of CemeteryMmoal 318 Dundas Street East WHITBY, ONTARIO Isert T.mmpldinS I_______ phione 8-25 or rernodeiliug Iyor Prel iLYCETT - Pîului'ng & Heating FodNce o FloydEl b83-54'7) Gý-ODC cutalR 0O NOTICE Is y our chuild handicarred in readihg? Is lie unable to 'vl wiVt eidreun of his own aç,ý" Wp, offer private tutoring with an ex-, perieheced teacher. Cail 983-5740. 5ýb-c FOR SALE Drled shelled Corn for sale. -or pick up or deliverY cal Bob Carruthers, RR 1, BowmaÙ- vile. Phone 623-5485. t-f Orono Building Brick- Block - Concrete Stone Work Carpentry- Cabinet Work Ftoors -Tile 983-5441 ORONO .jACK 99 King St, E. Whep Buvying or Sellinig cal1' WILF HAWKE YOUR (ORONO AltEA REPRESENTATIVE 983-5274 &lembers of shawa and Dis trict Real Esta te Board Oxford BRICKLAYERS STON EMASON S &V. Scinahl 1983-5606 Speciliziüggin, ail kinds'of STONEWORK and FI1REPIACES We also do Chimney Repairs u. ROGERSON ORONO, ONTARIO ANTIQUES WE BUY AND SELL Old Guss, China, Pine Articles Toys and Oddities IF IT'S OLB ... CAL LUS WE. PAV CASH! Phones 983-5210 or 623-3128 I 1NOTICE, Eish, ad Chips - all you ean at every Saturday Iight at "The Acres" for 99 cenits. t-f NOTICE C'akte Townshiip Pubic Speak- mg Contet to be hedd at K!rby Centennial Publ ie Sehool on Tuesday, Febouary 4th at 8:00 o'clo-ek p.m'. Everyoue weleome. a-c Typing to do at home. Phone: 983-5725., a-c FRÈE Due to the generous respollse we are receiving, our Ladies Day Special Sunday February 2nd, ev- ery lady accompanied by a gentie-t mian havng dinîner, will receive bers free. Open every week end. The ACRES RESTAURANT, WORMS A PROBLEM? Use PAMOVIN Tahiets or Licjuid. The'single dose treatment for pinwvorms. Availabe at Stutt's Pharmacy. m-16ýp WANTED A good diniaig roomn Oak table, with or without chairs. Phodne 983-5673. t-f NOTICE The office of Dr. Peter Maar- tense wil be, losed from Janu- ary 24th to February 9th inclus- ive'. b-c VISIT FRIED'S FRUIT MARKET JWe specialize in quality apples, ed Deli clous, Spys, Russets and mýany other varieties, at whole- sale prices. Fresh Apple Cider, Ice, Creain. .7c haif gallon. t-f W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LI MITEDe Realtor 21 Khlg St. W. Bowmanville Toronto 923-9174 1623-3393 port Hope Office 885-4548 For prompt, courteOus,, effici- eut service wheu buylng or seiling and for the largest sel- ection of proper ties lu the area Representatives Roy Foster Ross Gilhart Andy Sutch Roy Strong 983-55331 983-9119 52 r il Bethanyv YOU ARE NEEDED be a VOLUNTEER* BLOOD DONOIt Wednesday, Februar 'y 5th 1:0-4:30 p.m. 6:30 . 9:00 p.m.. Lions Centre, Bowmaflville THE NEED IS GREAT SIMPSON'S Painting and INTERIOR - EXTERIOR PAiPERHANGING; REMODELLING "For ai dean dependable lob" Cal Douglas and Gary Simpson 983-5104 by Jacklm an PHONE COLLECT 623- 3365 162 King St. E. BOWMANVILLE For Al Vour Flower Needs - 1 1 - 1 Tre Horticultural Society An- nual MembershiP Pot Luck Dinner- will be held Thursday, January- 23 at 6 p.n. im the Main Hall, Oronoý United Churcli. Adjisio0h $1.0o for 1969, MemibershiP. b AUCTION SALE Farin, SoId. sellinig by public auction oii Saturday, March 15 at 12 o'clock, the cattie, PouiltrY, machinerY, feed and furnitlure Of Mr. Otto Coathian, Lot 20ý, Concession 5, 1 mýle, direttày east of OronIo. L. Harris, *oierk. Chairles Reid- anid Cliff Pethlck, Auctionieers. NOTICE TO CIREDITORS IN THE ESTATE 0F GEORGE. GLAiVILFlIte of the Villiage of New0as ie, in the 'County OC Durbiain Retired, deceiased: Ail persons havimg daims a- gainst th ,e Estate of the said. George G1at(ville, who died on or labout ithe 13th d(ay of November, 1968, are, hereby nofified to, sçndý to the undersigfled Administra- tors or their Soliciitor on or be-- fore the 15th day of Fe,!ruarvý. 1969, their namnes and ado~ ,and: fuli particulars of thp- dlaliis ahd the nature of the se- curities (àf any), ýheld by themi dully verilied by staitutorv de- claratioxi. irnneiditelv after the slaid 15th day of February, 1969, the ~' of the, said deceased will be dis- trIbuteld. anong the versolis en- titled thereto,> having regard onlv' to the dlainis of which the Ad- ministrators or the undersiened Syctorshail then have nnfi'e.ý Daited at. Oroino,, Ontario, tlhiea 22nid day of Januarv 1969. ROBERT GLANIrTTTl, O rono , O ntar o . CHARLES GLAN'%T7TJ, E Newcastie, Onibario Administrators W. K. LYCETT, Orono ~ ffltftü f or the Administrators- WORK WANTED