ORtÔ.-O WEEKLY TIMS, THuR&AY, FEBRUARY $th, L9 Ru L L P11HUNE 623-5589 Febrary àena THUSDA, 1RIDAY, SATURDAY and SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 6 - 7 , 8 - '9 One cor pljete show ï-,ch ite at 7:30 p.m. Naaie W, %ood, Russ Tamblyn THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY and SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 13- 14- 15- 16 BuiieTerry-Thomas also 10 O U~'~ST V, AIdo Ray, Mimsy Farmer -Aduit Entertainment- TiISAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY and UNAY FEB1IUARY 20- 21 - 22- 23 Rosalind Russell, Sandra Dee also Ro h ght i Jerc Dean Martin, George Peppard -Aduit Entertainment- THURSDA , FRIAY, SATURDAY and SNAFBUR 27 - 28, MARCH 1 -2, Julie Andrews, Carol Channing -SPECIAL MATINEE SHOWS- Tuefsday, February il at 1:15 pm. T AM! NNG cre SRE Thrsa, F5bruary I3 a! 10:00 a.m. ind 1:15 p.m. Evening Shows Start at 7:30 NOTICE To OWNERS 0F DOOS inithe- TOWNSH4IP 0F CLARKE fer The Vear 1969 1. Every owner of a dog shall register, on or before the lst day of May annually each dog owned hy hlm ln the Township of Clarke with the Clerk's _Depart- ment and at that trne pay to such Clerk's Depart- mnent'Uie pregecrihed licence fee and the Clerk's De- partment shalh issue t. such owner a receipt ack- nowledging registration of the dog and payment of" the fe. 2. Everv person who beeomes tuie owner of a dog on or after the lst day of May ln each year shail reg- ister the same and pav the licence fee as prescribod within fifteen days after becoming the owner of the said dog. 3. The required authority for the licensing of dogs became effective as of the lst January 1968 under By-LawNr N. 1580. H. DeWith, Acting Clerk, .Township of Clarke, Orono, OntarKo Good Churacter SerijIture: Mlatt. 7: 13-29 Taken f mm a sermon prieachied by Rev. B~1Long. The Býible states fliat God cre- ated nman in bis owin image, and then Iboked L pon his creation arl aw that it was good. t was that Vih was created good lie- (,aire Sriupe.Such is the hist- ory of man. When lie is able to h.ave his owni way he is a destroy- ing creature. When Jesuis spoke of the "two ways", ýand poDunted out that ove wnas broad )and easy with many travelling uPon ;,t,lie as stated that a wa the way to destruction. A care-ful loGk a4 the history of menla -d cf the expression of the generations w,111 show that the masses, di,fing along the broad and (1asy trail, create the proi- lemis îaI mus'si-,sare. 0On the other hand, when J sus soke of the narrow7 way and the struggle to walk it, ýan-d jhat o'nly the few cared to tiavel it, lie pointed out another truth which is easily tracerd in ýthe his;,teGry of man. It is the minority wiho redeem soci- ety fram thedetcio wrought by the mainy. The way into -oo,,d eharacter buîidh g is nlot thc broad and easy but raýther tlhe-iroad of strug-_ gle. Wheii good character is adi- ieved-it is a product cf heredity to somte e-tent btmil of en- vironment and the anibiion to ,pursue( it. It is t1w Pproduct of both parent and chujld as well as community. Wheni gooýd charact- or is flot iachievcd, it is often ap- parent that th(, P'aren~t talked easily about wanting the best for thiChild, but in truth laye1 the foundatiïon whi<-h weak7ened ihâracter. t is also, truce that many ydung-1 ieolýe ,limlping along h1 Ihertcdb,mangl- tie of self.lamen ht they are not ta o ref~5~lr in char- actcr, IfL teiIïotsfault. The frs ndcotnungc but itisnolngunil tLhe rchild is cqoally rsnil- Tlittie girl, tr n oIî,ok onit cf a win- dow, was ba-vîiIng ie diff iculity. She called ta hier miother and said, "IVIoth ýr. sec for me cbeyo5id the window" That is alwan4ys the chal- lenge. Tlhe parent miust stec for the rbi'd unitl*l hle is oid enajughi to sec chimacîef. Wcae seen the mark5 of soil eoinwhée the water has eut into V- soul, forniing many mihor etchings like wrinikles. If allowed to continue, flic marks become deeper and moe frmiy set until at last it is almonst'impossible to change thcm. Thie same is truc aI the habits we foflu. Whcsi rep-eat- ed over anid over again the pat- tern becames nmore firifly set for either good or bad. It is im- ,ortint, then, in building good Character to pay attentiop ta the Jitle thouglits tand Idceds which o- r SO naturall:,,anci so repeat- edly in order thaýt fthc pattern for gudis being s-t. Sow a Thougiit, and reap an Act. SOw an Act, :and yen rcap a Habit, Sow a Habit, 'and yau reap a Character, Sow a Character, and you reap a Destiny. The thought is mother of the act - the act is forerunner of the habit -- the habit ýis the mould which forms thc character - character devýelovs that which §hapes a destiny. Good character building begins with a good foundation. Wc can- not choose the sifting sand .and expect the building ta stand the n4zssures o f the Forces whx7icph (LASSIFIED ADS CARD 0F THANKS We wish to exeend our sincere thanks and 'appreciation to al ful relatives, friends and neigh- bomrs'for- the beautiful f lowers, cards and for the miany thought- ful acts of kindness ,extended to 6s in the death of our loved ýone, to Reverend. Basil Long for bis visits to Halstead anid for bis comtforting message at the fun- oral, to the ladies of -U.CW. Group 5, to the ýpail bearers and flower bear ers and to the Barlaw Funeral Hlome for their kindly arnd efficient service. Mrs. HlaIsted Coatham and fam- ily. a-p COMING EVENT The Senlior Citizens "Il meet in the Oddfellow's Hall, Thurs- day afternoon, February 6th' at 2 p.m. Everyone welcoine.' a-c COMING EVENT Valentine Card Party, Friday, Fcbruary 14th, 8:00' panx Odd- fellows Hall. Admission 75c. Prizes and refreshinents. Spon- sorcd by Orono Home and School Association., a c SEE ROY HIGGINS' Production of THE BOY F I-ND Musical Director - Ross Metcaif Weeý,Isday Feb. 5 Frioday Feb. 7 ThuryS daCy Feb0,6 SatudayI ebV, Bwnanille T o wn iHall Admission: $2.00, Tickets at Curvply - Phone 983-9171 or Bowmanville Recreation Office- 623-3114 DX DX' DX DX DX, DX DX DX DX DX DX DX DX C> Be Wise -. ECONOMIZE! WITIl FUEL PHONE 668-3341 DX DX DX DXDX DX DX DJX DX ÎÎ DÎ X-DX NOTICE 1ýFish andCl Wpà 1ahi you eCM eat every Satur-day tiAght at "The Acres" for 99 ceits. tV NOTICE DrÉaw for Free Meal every half hiour, Suxiday, Fébmuary 9th, at the Acres Rettaurant. Batiquets and Weddings our specîalty. a-c FOR RENT Three, roorned Apartment. Al conveiniences. Main Street. Avall- able March lst. 1969. Phone 983-5631. a-p WORMS A PROBLEM? Use PAM'OVIN Tablets or Liquid. The single dose treatment for pinworms. Available aýt Stutýt's Pharmecy. m1j WANTED A good dining room, Oak table, wjth or wlthout chairs. Phobne ,983-5673.t- VISIT FRED'S FRUIT MARKETl We specialize in quality applesi Red Delicious, Spys, Russets and, many other varieties, at whole-' sale prices. Fresh Apple Cider, Ice Cream. .79e hall gallon. t B0e BEST "î'ihEORIAL MIDE TUNMNT FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7 6:.30 P.M. FIRST GAME Teams from ORONO, NEWCASTLE, LINDSAY, IBOWMANVILLE Orono Arena Orono Amateur Athietie Association