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Orono Weekly Times, 6 Feb 1969, p. 7

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_______ ________ 9JtNO WEEKLY TMMES, THURSIDAY, FEBRUARV tli, 1969 See Milison lnsurunce Agency for Ail classes of personal and Commercial Coverages Office: Mai St., Orono 983-5032 Res. 983-5754 0ý Q = PO=0< Gord Simpson Phione Orono 983-584)8 p Orene, Ontarib PAINTINta CARPENTRY IEMODELLING -GENERAL LEPAIRS CHAR'L4-3R JD Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuatoi Specialize in VFarmn and Furni1fure Sales 4jonsult «me for terms and dates PHO>NE ORONO ')83-59114 Monuments und Fomily tMqemoriails Oùr qulalty and service leaves notbing to be desired Mk the person wvho bought from as, a nelghbour, frieîd or relative The RLITTER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Ontario Sreet FORT HOPE "'Largest dlsplay ilseutherul WATSON'S Marine and Cycle orotne Phone 983-5843 McCULLOCH BOATS & MOTORS CH-AIN SAWS Rtepairs te anl makes of Lawa Mewers and ?, and 4 cycle PU!e- OTACO pLOW POINTS AND MA1CHINERY fi LYCETT g Q e O Plumbing & Heating III -fi ~ PHONE 983-5407 a o Oreno, (hitarlo g jPLUMBING and HEATINt. I fOUERNElk\R S1ERVIt ILow Interest Raleb 'yoe263-2650 Hampton 263-2288 Orvîlle chatterton, Eletrîal onýtracfirng Electric lleating and Service PHONE 983-5546 or993-5940 ORONO ELECTRIC, Herb and Gerry Duval] 983-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC REATING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO -HIP FRIGIflAIE - R.C.A. DOMINION ELECTROHOME INGLIS - THOR -GUARANTEED SERVICE- Insurance 0 Ser'vice SFireU Package Policies S Fidellty Bond, f LlabMIty 0 Lite First Mortgage Loans o osgade Hamilton. Phoe', 983-5115 0 Box 133 Phone 668-ý73552 Stafford Brothers Limitai Manufacturers of Cemetery Memoriala 318 Dundas Street East WHITBY, ONTARIO or remodeiling your present one, then contact NOTICE Is yolur echudltihadica'?ed ln reardingL? Is lie unb1,ect) ~'r wthchi'dren of is wn " offer private tutoring Jlth an eN- perienceti,ýe teachiirn Cail 983-5710. FOR SALE redshelieti Corn for sale. er ik up or delivery caîl1 Bob Carruthiers, RR 1, Bowmari- vil.Phonie 623-5485.t- Orono Buildiýng Brick -Bloclc- Conierete Stone Work Carpentry - Cabinet Worti Floors -Tile 983-5441 0ORONO jACK RICARD 99 King St., E. BOJW m42NVTILE Wheu Bilying or Selllng cal] WILF HAWKE YOUR UOO AREA REPRESENTATIVE 983-5274 fdembers of )shawa ani~I~s trict Real ýîstate Board Oxford BRICKLAYERS STON EMASONS Specializing in an i nds of STONEWORK and PIItEPLACES We also do Chimney Repairs D. ROGERSON ORONO, ONTARIO A N TI1QUES5 WE BUY AND SELL Old Glass, China, Pine Articles Toys and Otidities IF IT'S OLD . FOR RENT Three Bed'roornAu with stove ant Frig. U. Or.ico. Phone 983-à1J8. AUCTION SALE Farm Sod. Selliig by pb cauCt Saturday, Mardi 15 at 12 the eaftte, pou¼ - y, m3c feeti anti furniture of Mi Coatham, Lot 20, Conces., 1 mle directly east of Ori L. Harris;, clenrk. Char'e antci Clii'i Pctick, Auction NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE.-ESTATE 0F GEORGE GLANVILLE -late of ViheViae of Newcastle in the Counýty of Durbain, Retireti, deceaseti: Ail persons havir.g caimns a- gaist the Estate of the saiti GeorVge Gianille. w'11o died 0on or about the 13tih day of November 1968, are hereby niotifieti to send to the undersigned Adinistra- tors ior tiheir Solicitor on or~ be- fore tic l5Vh day of Fieliàruary, 1969, tiheir mnanes antid d~~ and fuil paartiula!rs of t)eir dlaims andi the nature of' the se- curities (if any), beiti by them duly verifieti by statutorv de- claratioii. ImLmedlately after thle said li th. day Of 'ebrtiiry, 1969. the -fs of thle sail deeeaseti xwiibe dîsý tributeti among- the PeVsotns en.- itieti thereto, having regard On!v to the claims of which- the' Ad- mninistrators or thle undersiLneti Solicitor shall then have ~"'" Yateti at Oronc, Ontario. tP~is 22nd day of Januüarv 1969. ROBERT GLAN-TT-!- Orono, Ontirie CIfARLEÉS GLANVTT, T E, Newcaste, Ontario Atiministrtoýrs W. K. LYCETT, Orono. -~ - Sohicilor for the Administrators. AITENTION ALL LADIES 0F artmnent ,ORONO 3Wlin Plan to-~hear Mrs. Walter Tonge a-P -,eak at trie Oshiawa Presbyterial ng in ligsiw United Chmr'i, Dfwa n Wecincsday, February 12, morijing and after- ~o " noon. TransportatioSi ean be ar- chinery, r. Otto CARD 0F THANKS, Sionl 5, We the exeoutive of the Orono ,ofo. Hockey Motheýrs, would Ilike to ýs Rýei thank the mothers wtho donateli neers. to Éhe Atom Tournainent ansd speci-al thianks to those who 'help- -U i e eeuutîve Llq v uy w, etou niemeeut.: mR-Cy. n M1ARRIAGE Baker-Cowling--On Februiary 1, 1969 at 7 p.m. ini the Orono United Church by Rev. Basil Long, Brenýda Joyce, daugliter of Mrs. Nina OowlVingl, R.R. 2, Oronýo, ahnd the late Mr. HaÉey Cow1¶ng, to Geoffery Baker, son of Mr. anid Mrs. A. Baker, R.R. 2, Newoasfle. a-c BIRTH GOODE-Bob andi Gweh (ne Rairsberry) aninounce the arrivai of a sist ,er for Kim, Netta andi Jim. BQth doing BIRTH PACEY-Wayne anti Margaret (nee Wilson) are happy te an- nouince tihe arrhal of Brenda Gail, 7 lb. 111/,2 oz.. on Wednes- day, January 29th, 1969, at Co- bourg huospital. Protid grandpar- etts are Mr. and Mrs. Gus Wilson, Opono and Mr. and Mrs. J.. C. Pacey Bancroft.' a-p DIED HOOPER, Apple, Maud-At Marui- wood Nursing Home, Bowiuan- ville, Ont., on Sunday, January 26th, 1969, Aimie Maud Hooper, wife of the liatýe David Hooper, Qi-o, OntiarIo.,In her 88th year. Rested at the Bairlýow Funeval Home for service Tuesday, Jah- uary 28th at 2 p.mý. Intermett Orono Cemietery. DIED COA-THAM, Tho-mas HaIsted- ,Suddenlly at his home, in Qrono, On~tartio,- Frday, Jalluary, 31st, 1969, T homnas Haisteti Coatham, age 67 years. Beloveti hugband of Kailiryn Kay Coatham; dear father of Robert J. andi Howard R. of Redi Deer, .Albeita; ,Edward H. andi Thomas H. -of Oro-no. Lov- ing grandiather of sixteen grand- dhuldrehi; brot&h'er of Mrs. Ceci Stapleton of Newtonviille, and R. E. O . Coatharu, Orono. Funeral service was from the Barlow F-uerai Home, Orono on MoYn- day, February 3rd ait 2 In- ternient Orono Cemetery. DIED CARSON, Warre-=Alt Bowman- ville Memnorial Hospîial on Satur- day, Febriiary 1, 1969 Mr. Warren Oarsow of Newtoniville, Ontario, in his 69thi year. Beloved hushanti of Ad)a Wilson, andi dear father of Helen (Mrs. B. MacNeill1) Osh- awa; Ay(M~rs. P. Toibin) Sepul- veda, C'aliforniia, andi Wilson at home, Funeral service was fromi the P.iirlow Funerai Home on Tuesday at 2 p.m. Interment Or- onio Cemetery. INTERIO R -EXTE'RIOR PAPERHANGING REMODELLING "For a dlean dependable job" Douga ad Gary PUMIPINO OUT SEPTIC TANKS Bert Tomnpkins Phene 7l86-2552 W. 1FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED Realtor 21lKig St. W. Bowmanville 623-3393 Toronto 923-9174 Port Hope Office -885-4548 For promipt, courteous, effici- ent service when buying or semlng and for the largest sel- ection of properties in the area Contact Orono Area Representatives Roy Foster 983-5801 Ross Gilbart 983-5533 Andy Sutch 983-9119ý) RZoy Strong 52 r i B3ethlany

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