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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Feb 1969, p. 3

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES,_TjIURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13th,1969 Alex Carruithers, MPP., Durham on 'Tuesdlay, February 4tli the s"nn -sssion of the 28th LIegis- latýure of Ontario resumed after areces .s extending from Decem- ber 2ffth. The healthy tans, dis- playý.ed b)y a number of the mem- b)ers attested to the fact that they Ihad availed themselves of the op- portunity to bask under the sun- ny skies of Florida, Bermuda, the West Indies, and even California, duringp the Christmas recess. Thle heat of lafe June or JuIy will be feit before the present session finalizes what appears to be an agenda of significaxit le- isiation coupl wit a budclget, wýhich unless Ottawa reviewý,s its presenf day* tax sharing- policy, may prove to be one that will commiand the serious considera- lion of not only the members of the Legisiafure, but fthc taxpay- ers of the province as well. With approximately fhirty some speakers still to bce heard, priority is being given, at the present time, to complet ing the Throne Debaf e and processing the privafe members bills and res- olutions on the order paper. The past week had particular significance for Durham County with the canceilation on Friday last of the proposefi Lakeshore Racewýay project by Mr.' John Basset. The raceway which has been a controversial issue at City Hall for thec past months involved the runlingu of f wo 'major auto races along Lake Shore Boulevard, and throughI the Canadian National Exhibition grounds. As 1I menfioned in a previous report, the project would have had11 a very serious effeet on the Mosport track and the economy of Clarke Towýnship). The atfcmpt by Metro Council, to place on th2e Provýincial Governmienf the re- sponsibility for determnining fthc legal riglif to uise Lake Shore BlIvCk for races failcd \whcjj the Attorniey General, Mr. Wishart, anniounccd to the Legcisiatire that it was the right of Mefro to grant or refuse the 'privilege. SIGA c SAT FER. 15 Please have papers hbundled and at curbside by 9:30 ain. Regular paper drive cvery two months. Calyour lioen.scd ?lumrbîn1 & IMechanicai Contracter Who sels, instalsI çzdguraUes PlLU IBInýNG AN\D EATING Phone 983,320-j Orono A bill introduced by Dr. Shul- man to control auto racing was to be debated on Friday last dur- ing the Private Member's Hour. with a speech prepared for the occasion 1 liad planned to parti- cipate i.n.tht debate, but follow- ing V-. Basset's announcement Dr. Shulman withdrew bis Bill. The public o' ttery against the proposed raceway together wifh the n ýgotiations that went on be- hind flie scenes, must bave finally convinced the sponsors. and City Council that, to assumne responsi- bîlity for the raceway, could re- suit in legai cQmplications. Com- mon -ense appears to have pre- vailed and now, everyone can breathe casier. On Thursday last memb"ýrs of tlic Standing Commnittee on Health turned out in full force to hear charges, made carlier ho the, House by Dr. Shulman, thaf conditions at the Ontario Hospit- ai in Brockville warranted, en in- vestigation. Dr. Shulman charged immoral practices on the part of hosuif ai personnel, and patients, a Iack of care for patients, and a number of incidents of improper actions in the liospital. Dr. Shulman's charges were based on a letter receivedl by him from Dr. J. W. Muliner, a general physician at the hospital. As verification for his charges, 'Dr. Muliner submitt- ed fifteen names of personnel who lie said were prepared to testify. Dr. Potter,, Chairman of flic Hcalth, Committee, contacted Dr. Mullner and the fiffeen individ- uals by letter r-/luesting them to appear before the Committee on the above date. In their replies to the invita. tion the fiffeen members of the- liospital staff stated, that they did- not know Dr. Shulman nor liad they ever been in, contact with him. Dr. Muliner, Who did not appear for the hearing as well, replied, stating that condi- tions at the hospital had improv- ced greatly and that a hcaring was now ýno longeri necessary. Members of the Comfittee, however, thouglit otlierwise, and voted,, to subpoena the fifteen staff members and Dr. Mulîner. In the opinion of the Committec the charges, which reflected ser- iously on the medical and nurs- ing profession,, must eithev be substantiated or withdrawn. Thus euded another chapter in the con- troversial life of Dr. Shulman wîth the second chapter sehedul- ed for Thursday Fcbruary 13tli Kendal News The big attraction on the ski hlis west of Kendal on Saturday February 8, 1969 was flic arrivai of Nancy Green. Her speed and grace on the siopes was indeed perfection, something for the young skiers to remember and try to achieve in the years @head. An even 1harger crowd came to ski tlie followhng day. On Monday afternoon Mrs. Ed- na Dobson and Miss Catherine Stewart visitcd with Mrs. C. Bur- ley of Newtonville. They enjoycd meeting Miss Varma whose home- land is India. Mrs G. Taîsma had her mother visiting lier fromn Orangevîlle this week., Mrs. L. Burwash of Cobourg has been spending a few days wvith Mr. Arthur Thompson. spent by members and visifors at spent by mempers andvisitors at the regula r icting of Kendal L.O.L. No. 405 on February 5. This meeting was unique in having an initiation of- 4 new member wifh a distinct back- ground of Orange ancestry. Repo.rt From Queen 's Park Troron-toRaceway (Out UNITED CHURCH Orono Pastoral' Charge 11ev. B. E. Long SUNDAY FEBRUA!tY l6th, 1969 Orono Unlted Churceh S&nday School at 10:00 .Service, at 11: 15 am. K"ry- Mortiing Service at 9:45 Sunday Sehool at 11:00 p Local News Congratulations to Miss Cher- yll Coafham and Miss Marie Yeo present wheli the grandfafher and nceand Counfy Master Wmn. Brady of Ontario County, with flic assistance of other visifing members from Oshawa, Bowman- ville and Tyrone exemplified the degree. Now f0 round ouf Bro. John Wayne's background. Hismother is a member ùf Pontypool L.O. B.A. and lis grandmofher (Mrs. Hartwell Lowery) is a member f0 Tyrone L.O.B.A, V~is motber's family tree dates from 1839. A warrent was issued f0 Gcorgc Cowan and bis successors to of- fice Cowanviile No. 265. This Kendal Lodge ceiebrafed ifs cen- tennial September l7tli, 1939. Lodge No. 265 is now united with Kendal No. 405. The latter Lodge celebrated their 'cenfenni- ai December 12, 1945. John Wayne Lowcry's great greaf grandfatber was a charter member of No. 255. After the regular lodge busin- ess was completed flic Worship- fui 'Master, Bro. Roland Batton,' closcd flic meeting and ail en- joyed refreshments. Mrs. A. Curtis had a frighfening experience on Sunday morning af 4,a.m. fo diiscover flii kitchen on fire, caused by a short lunflic reftigerafor. She inediately called lier £ire departrnent, Argus Whto answercd tfeiceallquickiy (wthilc not drcssed for flic occa- sion) and by liberal use of water from flic kiitchen fap, was able f0 put ouftflic fire which was fcd by coafs of old paýnt and vartnish on this century old bouse. Needlework Lookiug for somethiing tf0(do in youir liesure? Sec our uew needlework - Pillow cases and luncheon cloths tf)o cm- broider, Cushion, tops to quilt and make up, Crewcl Embroiderïy kits. Luncheon Cloths Stamped Luncheon Clotbs in 100 per cent Belgian linen. Cross-stitch and flor- al designs, Size,42"x42". Price each- $4.50 Cushion Tops Make it yourself. Simple and easy f0 do! Package contains velveteen fabrie for front and back, matchiug welting, stamp- cd percale and dacron filler for quilting lu "Rose B3ougulef" design. Chopice of goid, turquoise and olive green. Approx. fiai- islied size 13,x 13 luches. Price per pkg. - $4.50 who successf ully passed their Grade 8 cxaminaficii in Piano and Thcoryv of flic Royal Con- servafory of Music of Toronto held rccenfly in Bowmanviilc. Pupils of Mrs. M. H. Sf apies, Or. 0ono. The degree staff of Orono Odd- fellows Lodgc visited Florence Nightfingale Lodge, Bowmanville on Thursday evening, February 6tli and conferred the third de- grec on' candidates from Bow- manvilie and Port Hope Lodges. An enjoyahie evening w jliad by ail. Correcton-.In iast week's 'ac- count of flic Public Scliool Speak- ing Contesf, if should have read: Miss Carol Barncft and David Gilbank were flic two top cliosen contestants. Congratulation to David Gray wlio passed bis Grade 9 Piano witli lonours. David is a pupil of I Mrs. Ruthi Wilson, Nestiefon. Mr. L. G. McGee bas been a patient in flic Bowmanvillc Hos- pifai as a resuif of an aftack of Lu. Mr. Sterling Mather very cap- abiy took charge of flic church services at Kirby and Orono on Sunday morhing owing f0 fthe ill- ness of Rcv. Basil Lonuý who is stili confined fo flic house. Ronnie Ciapdorp, young son of Mr~. and Mrs. Rene Ciapdorp had an appendectomy operation on Wednesday morning at flic Mcm- orial Hospital, Bowmanvillc. Mr. and Mrs. Rene Clapdorp and f amily have moved into the apartment in flic norf h of Orono recentiy occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Mather and John. Master David Huffon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Huffon had the misfortune to fail on flic ice on Tuesday necessitafing several stitches f0 close a cut on bis bead. Funeral Arrangements .Wedding Arrangements Hospital Arrangements FREE DELI1VERY! Drop in and browse around our'Large Greènhouse Showroom for tropfical plants, seeds, potting soils, pots, rooting hormones etc. CALL COLLECT. DAY or NIGIIT 623-5w757 VAN iBELLE GARDENS LTD. Flower Shop Between Bowmanville and Oshawa on Highway No. 2 NOW AT YOUR DX Service Station Highiway 35 and 115, just north of Newcastle Featuring. Premium Quality Produets - AT THE MOST REASONABLE PRICES - Stove 011 may be pieked up in any quantlty 19.9c. Per galon ATTENTION FARMERS and TRUCKERS - Spectai discount en gasoline and diesel fuel PHONE 987-4215 Pillow Cases White cotton pillow cases stamped for embroidery. Two floral designs. Price per pair -'$2.00 Picture and Pin Cush.ion Kits Crewcl wool emnbroidery kits, design- ed by Erica Wilsonj. A popular pastime. So easy and such fun to do! Kit contains stamped design on 100 per cent Belgian linen, pure wool crewel yarns, needie, easy lllustrated instructions. Picture kit includes frame, pin cushion kit has cush- ion form. Pin Cushion Kit - $2.95 Picture Kit- $6.50 Embridery HUOops MeTýtal cmpbrideMcry lioops, 6 iiluches in diamieteri.1 Price -40e Emhidiýicry Cott on, Crochet Cotton, Knit- ting Wnnad and Needies. MS14.ONs mlmii, mm,

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