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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Feb 1969, p. 7

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY l3th, 196,9 _Oa un *9FIN O L4Rfü See Milson Insurance Agencgly for Al classes of personal and Commercial Coverages Office: Main st, Oron-o 983-5032 Res. 983-5754 u ord Simpson O phone Oronio 983-5898 Ori., Ontari; PAINTINt, OCARPENTRV RE-MODELLING -GENERAL &EPAIRS ïnterioF. Exterior CHARLES REID 1Orono's Licensed i Auctioneer and Valuatoi Specialize îi Farm and Furniture Sales CQs m ipe for termns and date,,> PHONE ORONO 93-51 1 monumets gnd ymily Menio0rial1s ()Ur qaliad servic-e leaves Ask thepegrstbn who 0boughrlt from ns, a nihor friend or, relative The RUTT'ERGRNT CI, AN 73 ontario Street PORT HOPE IlLargest disPlay in Southeri Ontario" WATSON'S Marine and Cycle Grooon.e 9354 McCULLOCH BOATS & MOTORS CIIAEN SAWS eaisto ail makes of Lnwn Mowers anti 2 andl 4 cycle Englues OTACO PLOW POINTS AND rMACHIN\ERY I I LYCETT g Plumbing & Heating g 1;- g PHONE 983-5407 Oreno, Ontarlo g PLUMR11ING and IIEATlNGj ýS.éls andi Service 4 OUIt BURNERSRVC B-A FINANCING Lowl, Laterest Rates Tyrone 263-2650 fHampton 263-2288 I rville Chatterton SElectrical Contractiàg Electrie Heating and Service IPHONE 983-5546 or 993-594,0 jOrono. Onitari o ORONO ELECTRIC Herb and Gerry Duval 983-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC REATING ELEEJTRICAL APPLIANCES T.V.' - COLOUR T. RADIO - HI-FI FIGIDAIRE - R.C.A. DOMINION ELECTROHOME INGLIS - THOR -GUARANTEED SERVICE- o gou- Insuranc O4do egt SFireU S Package Policies Fidellty Bond, Llabllity o Lif e aFrst Mortgage Loaus ý"ad'eHamîilton'l ou Phone 983-5115 0' Box 133 Phone68-5Ç Sîafford Brothers Manufacturers of C emetery Memorials 318 Dundas Str-eet Es*tt WHMTY, ONTARIO Bitding a flouse? or remodelliung yeuir presont eie, then contact FIoyd Nichobflson VISIT FRED'S FRITrMIARKETýý We specialize in qualitv apples Red Delicous, Spys, Russets anti mnany otier varieties, at whole- sale prices. Fresh Apple Cider, Ice Cream. 79e half gallon. t- FOR SALE Dricd shelled Corn for sale. ',or pick Up or delivery cali Bob Carrutiers, RH 1, Bowmati- ville. Phone 623-5485. t- JA c BICARD REALTOR "W King St., E. Wbfen Duiying or Sellilng calt 4emnbers )i )shawa and Dis trietRea] Estate Board Oxford STON EMASON S W. Sehmahi 983-5606 Specia lizing in ail kintis of STONEWORK andi FIREPLACES We also do Chhnney Repairs D. ROGERSON ORONO, ONTARIO ANiQUES WE BUY AND> SELL 0k! Glass, China, Pine Articles >Toys and Otiuitles IF IT'S OLU ... C'AL L US WE PAY CASH! Pkhones 983-5210 or 623-3122 NOTICE Mrs,. Rai ph Ellis, Belleville, formerly Loreen Lorriman of 0:-ono, viii be guest speakeer at a Luncheon Mc 4ing of the U.C. W. on Thurslay, Feb -uary 2th at 1 p.m. in the Main Hall. The menu is Pot Luck so bring your favorite casserole, salad or des- sert. Ail ladfes welcome. b-c ATTENTION To ail young people and people young at ieart , to honor the Saint of Loyers, dinner will be served, amid candie light and music at the Acres Restaurant, Sunday, February l6th. a-c LOST Lost in the business section of Orono, February 111h, a gold watch, extension bracelet. Finder please leave at Middleton's Con- fectionery. Phone .983-5240. Re- ward. îa-e WANTED jA, two 'bedroom apartment in Orono. Phone 983-5981. a-c NOTICE F'ish andl Chips - ail you can eat every Saturdiay tight at "The Ace"for 99 cents. t-f WORMS A PROBLEM? Use PAMOVIN Tablets or L.iquid. The single dose tre.atment for ýpjnworms. Avalable-,aU- Stutt's Uliarmýacy. m1- AUCTION SALE FarmilSold. Sellihig by public amotion or Saturda,]v March 15 at 12 o'clock, the naft1ti, Poultry, imaebinery, id ~dfurmlituire of Mr, Otto CotaLot Y), Concession 5, 1 iedrcl easît of Ooo L. iariselek. haresReid and Cliff Pethick, Auntoneers. W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMIaTED Realtor 21 King St. W. Bowmanville 623-3393 Toronto 923-91741 Port Hope' Office 885-4548 For prompt, courteous, effici- ent service when buying or selling andi for the largest sel- ection of properties in the area Contact Orono Area Representatives Roy Foster Ross Gilbart Andy Sutch Royv Strong 983-5801 983-5533 983-9119 52 r il Bethany TENDERS TOWNSIIIP 0F CLARKE Sealed Tenders, plainly mark- ed as to contents, wilI be rec- eivcd not later than 5:00 p.m., Monday. Mardi 3rd, 1969, at the Road Department Build-«.g, 'Or-, ono,'Ontario. (A) One ,30000 G.V.W. Truck, Ch1aQqis and Dump Box. (B) 5000 Snow Fence. (C) ý500 7' Steel Posts. Onytender, s on forms supplied by the Township will be accepted on item (A). Bidders may sub- mit 'prices on their own station- ary for Snowv Fence and Posts. Furtier information may be had. from the undersigned. Lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. M. L. Ross Road Superintendent Township of Clarke Box 57, Orono, Ont. COMING EVENT The Clarke Township Citizens anid Ratepayers' Iue, are holding their next meeting, in the Kirby Centennial School on February 25th. Guest speakers' will include Edwiný Kasdan, Solicitor Official Guardian Branci, Attorney Gen- eral's Office and Mr. F. Cliff of the Canada Permanent Trust. DIED MX"LES. Clifford A. (Casey) Càn- adian Legion Brandi 187, Col- borne, Ont. - At Cobourg Gen- eral Hospital, Tuesday, February 4,,1969, in his 74th year, beloved husband of Bertha May Connors, father of Allan, B.C., Joan (Mrs, J. W. Smt)To-rnto. Broather of Haizel Ms.W. .Watsoi:j Color- ado e ...r (Mrs. J. Histed> Hailon Calvin, Orono. Dear grandfather of Susan Myle s, Co- bourg, Barbara Smith, Toronto, Predeceased by brothers, Elmer, Ernest and Delbert and .sister Mabel. Rested at Blacklock. Fun- eral Home, Grafton until 12 11001 Thursday. Funeral service from Trinity Anglican Church, Col- borne at 2:30 p.m. Thursday Feb- ruary 6th.ý Temporaryf interment at Fairview Chapel, Grafton. 1.ýeg- ion servic!eý at Grafton Wedùes- day at 7-30 p.m a-p OrerYour, From Orono npWeekly SIMSON'S Painting and Decorating INTERIOR - EXTERIOR PAPERHANGING REMODELLING "For a clean dependable job" Cal Douglas and Gary Simipson 983-5104 PUMPINO OUT SEPTIC TANKS Bert Tompkias Phono 786-2552

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