ORONO WEEKLY TIMWES, THVRSDAY, FEBRUARY 2th, 1969 North Hope Girl Wins C.ouuty Speak'ý-ing,,Conte.,t The Durham County Public .3peaking Contest was held iu the Orono United Churcli on Tuesday evening wheni ten. con- testants competed. The church basemnent was filled for the oc- cas'in and the judges stated that thley were pieased witb the high stnadprcented by the public sehool chidren. Miss ëane Muldrew of the North Hope Publie School won top 'honours with lier speech, "Hwto Bepome A Good Public Sekr"Rory, Gibbs of the M. J. Ho qsshool, Hampton, took second place speakiug on "i lingualism." Miss Ruth Paterson, Newcastle 'Public School 'placed trdwith lier topie ofl"Pierre Elliott Trudeau," thr speakers were Lynn Austin, Port Hope, Jennifer Reli- der, Bowmanville, Vicki Brown, Hlope,. Irene Reitmuller, Bow- manville, Tina Voays, Darlington, Adrienne Moncrief, Cavan and Debra Swaiu, Cartwright. Afeiving their speeches the top four were then asked to give a two minute impromptu speech whiehi was most entertaining and humorous. The Orono Public School Choir provided an intermission period of music with three songs. Chair- man for the evening was Mr. Ken Willar. Each speake,, speaking in the finals on Tuesday eveiinu were presented' wîth eugraved cups provided by the Port Hope and Bowmanville Lions' Clubs. Miss Mdrwwas'presented with the Durhiam ,County Club of Toronto shield by Mr. 0. B., Dickinson. He pointed, out that this was the 33rd ýyear that the trôphy has been awarded. The Bowmanville Lions shield was presented to Rory Gibbs by Mr. J. James. The. two toip conitestants will now rejpresent Drimcountyat the Zone 8_,ý' speakingfial to be held* lu Lindsay on February 27. Park eetin1g During a regional government' mneeting in Oshawa Saturday, de- tails of. a Feb .5 meeting at Queen's Park between local lead- ers and Municipal Affairs Minist- er Darcy McKeough were re- leased. In response to a suggestion from Mayor Desmond Newman of Whitby, chairman of both commnittees of the Oshawa and Area Planning and Development Study, that costs be on a poer cap- ita basis for eachmuiplt, Mr. McKeouigh iudticated that the total study muight cost "as mïuch as $1,000,0001 H1e said the provincial treasury would prefer to have the mni-' Cal) youir licensed Plumbing & Mechanical Contractoe who selis, instaliz opd ar, ean te PLUIMBING AND HEATING Phnne 983-5207 Oroue HNockey Notes The aspirations of local hockey clubs to attain a provincial cham- p.o .sh.«p have all but faded. The -toms, Bantams and Midgets have been eliminated from play- down series. Theý Orono Bantams appear to have hit' a slump after starting Che year in fine form. This club lost out to a Pickering club last week in, the OMIIA playdowns. The final gainme of the two game series was played -in Orono on Friday niglit when Orono lost by a score of 8 to 4. The Orono Midgets have also been eliminated by the Newcastle Midgets in a three-game series. Orono won the fîrst game but lost the next two. Tre second game played in Newcastle last Friday was a decîded victory for Newcastle, 8-1. On Saturday night the final and deciding game was played in Orono with Newcastle taking a 9-5 win. Although Orono gave it an all-out effort they were u nable to overtake the Newcastle squad. Bill Robinson, a centre for Orono, was the most effective player of either team and dis- played some fine puck control and skating ability. Games. still continue every Friday evening at the Orono Rink. The Orono PeeWees in a Pee Wee Little NHL tournament on Saturday last 'won the consolation trophy but, lost *out ln their championship' bid. This group will play in a further tournament for consolation winners., The Orono Tykes in three re- cent games won one and lost two. The local club won over a Bow- manville' club 7-2. Nicky Van Seg-' gelen netted five goals with sing- le counters to Chris Robinson and David Walton., Scott' West scored- the Orono goal in a 2-1 defeat with Port Hope. Tommy Gustar scored Orono's goal lu a 6-1 defeat at the hands of Port Hope. cipalities' share based on a per- centage of the 'total cost rather than on a fixed cost basis. During the meeting Reeve John Williams *of Pickering Town- ship said his township miglit not agree to coutribute towards the cost of the study, but the miuist- er iudicated the goverumieut had not changed its position on Pk-, ering Township anid sti'l feit it essential that >the townsliip be included iu the study. Mr. McKeough later suggested the study area for local goveru- ment review miglit be defiued as _Ontario County, Northumberland- Durham County, and possibly ev- en'.Victoria County. Ile stressed that the area of the local government review would have to remain flexible. MIr. Newman suggested during the session that the local goveru- menit review should include the western portions of Victoria and ,Nort humnberla nd -Durham Count- ies. T131ETABLE Mlr. Newman askecl Mr.ý Me- Keougli whether Jauuary, 1971 would be a reasouable date for the ouset of regional goverument and learued that Mr. McKeough considers Jauuary 1972 as a like- ly date for the start of regional goverument. Mir. McKeough commented that it mniglit be possible to shorten the governmeut's timetable. Mr. Newman then proposed a tcimetable of his own with a local goverument review and definition of the study area beginuing in March, 1969,the reoartoin regr- Miss Cheryl Cornish, 'of' tc Orono Public School, placed sec- ond, lu aý Junior Public Speaking Contest held lu Bowmnanville lIast Saturday. The area contest w:as sponsored by 'the BowmanvilIle Brandi of the Canadian Legioni. Two Orono Skaters who are also members of the Brooklin Figure Skating Club tried C.F.S.A. tests there on Saturday and were suc- cessful: Nancy Forrester - Keat's Fox- trot; European Waltz. This completes Nancy's Bronze dance tests. 'Barbara Ann Gustar- Keat's Foxtrot. Their partuer was Atilla Far- kus of the University Skating Club lu Toronto. PAST GRANDIS, CLUB '62 On Tuesday evening the Past Grands met at the home of Sister Olive Milison. After a deliclous supper Sister Gamsby àpened our meeting with "The Ten Com- maudments of Human Relations". The minutes of the last meeting. were read and approved. On Mardi l8th we are to have a supper meeting at the Hall with sisters Cooper,' Wilson,' Raiuey and Martin taking over and a practice for the next lodge meet- ing will be held after the supper. Sister girls for and also son. Gamsby thanked the such a delicious supper our éostess Sister Mill- The material for the hangers was hauded out. More to' be cut later. Sister Milîson. then -showed UNITED CHURCH Orono Pastoral/ Charge Rev. B. E. Lo4ng SUNDAY, FEBRUARC 23, 1969' Orono United Chnrch Sanday School at 10:00 Service at 11:15 ar. Kirby- Mornipg Service at 9:45 Sunday Sehool at 11:00 some pictures of lier trip last summer up north and other, in- teresting pictures. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Dî-urnmond', Doii Mills visited >n Sunday with MIr, and Mrs. A. A. Drummond. Mirs. Fred Kelly has been a patient lu the Bowmanville Mem- o"* ial Hospital for 'the Past several: days. We understand she is mak- ing satisfactory progress. Mr. and Mrs. J. Depaepe iaotor- ed to Simcoe on Friday and vis- ited with Mrs. Lawrence DePoor- ter and family and Mr. and Mrs. Groeneveld and family where they celebrated, their grand- dultrWendy's birthday. On Saturday they atteuded the wed- ding of a relative, John de Witte and lis bride Miss Valerie Ander- son at St. Agues Churcl inl Chat- ham. Many 'Conservatives from this area enjoyed a happy evening, I.qst Friday at the Lions Centre ~in Port Hope when they attended a Reception given by the Noxth- umberland Durham P.C. Associa- tioni.'The 500 guests were greet-. ed by John Pratt and Garnettic-. t- ~d, former candidates, and M. P..sA]ex Carruthers and Rus-. seil Rowe. The mid-winter activity was. given for the many persons wbOý' worked for the Party lu the Iast election and was thoroughly en-, j oyd by ail. Because of'this successful' ev- eniug a full programme of inter- est and pleasure bas been piln-. ned for the Association's Aniuali ,Meeting which will be held short- ly. FNewv Spring Fashions1 Men's Flare Bottom Trousers The new flare bottom slacks for men!' Tailored with scoop pockets fromi Koratron twil which neyer needs pressing. Vour choice of blue, green, brown and gold in waist sizes 28 to 34. Price, per pair - $12.50 Ladies' AI-Weather Coats ,jsee our new all-weather coats for Spring. SSeveral 'attractive styles in white, navy, green, tan c\and blue. Sizes 9 to 16. Priced from $22.50 to $26.50 Ladies' Dresses The newest styles ini one and two-piece dresseF. Crimp-knits,, fancy checks in linen and light- weight wool. New bright shades for Spring as well as navy with white. Priced - $18.50 to $32.50 Ladies' Blouses Lots of new Spring Blouses in easy care materials. Ruffles and frilîs. Plain tailored styles. Mostly white, a.few colours. Size 10 to 20. Priced - $5.50 to $8.50) Ladies' Sheils New pastel shades in bouclé shelîs for Spring. Different styles ln sizes S, M and L. Price, eaeh - $5.50 ç7j<r Funeral Arrangements Wedding Arrangements- Hlospital Arrangemen ts F EEDELUVE RY! Drop in and browse around our Large Greenhouse Showroom for tropical plants, seeds, pottlng soils, pots, rooting hormones etc. CALL COLLECT- DAY or NIGIIT 6 23-5775 7 V-AN BELLE GARDENS LTD. Flower Shop Between Bowmanville and Oshawai on Highway No. 2 NOW AT VOUR llighway 35 and 115, just nqiril ofý Newcastle Featurng... Preni Quality Produets -AT THE MOST REASONABLE PRICES - Stove Oil may be picked up in any quantlty 19.9e. per gallon ATTENTION FARMERS and TRUCKERS - Special discount on gasoline and diesel fuel. PHONE 987.4215 àý ARMSTRONGS