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Orono Weekly Times, 20 Feb 1969, p. 6

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ORONO WEEKLY* TIMES. TRURtS»XY, FEBEUARY 20h, 1969, Sites Prop osed' For Elementary Schools Twâ sites for proposed, sehools %ave been selected in Port Hope and wili be considered by the INortliumberland - Durham Conuty .Board of Education to provide accommodation for future growth The location of the. first site is Yrnear the Jocelyn Street sub-divi- sion. The second site is north ;Llnd east of Trinity College -Sehool lu the vicinity of the Port . 1fpe and District Hospital. In à relort fromn C. A. Holmes, supervîsor, presented at last Fni- ~day's meetirç of the board of Ed- tucation, he said three sulivis- fns were in the planning stage lfo r~ Jocelyni Street area. Potentiai .cilenroiment is 400. ~l.Holmes said the need for 'thie second site was because Dr. PoesSehool would have se -40 pupils per classroom this Sep- tember. About 18 pupils froml this s;-hool were now attending ( Centrai School. No land was a- 7vàllable at the site of Dr. Powers .$chool. Two portables should lie erovided for the sehool lu Sep- tember. The former elementary school ordhad taken expropriation proceedings after an offer of $18,- rufoo was made for 18 acres of land on Jocelyn Street. The ac- tion, he said, should be foilowed uip within the next six months. Referri ng to the site near the hospital, he said the local board 'had sent a letter to the Ontario llousing Corporation and the re- :ily stated that 'land was available The board was advised to take a.ction lu the matter. The supervisor reported that two additional teachers were iieeded at Central School. Enroilment in primary grades was heavy, averaging more than 35 pupils per ciassroom. Founda- tion grades should have small numbers, lie said, if at ail possi- ble. An extra room was available in the basement and the princi- pal' wanted to set Up an extra primary classroom there. The library facilities at Dr. Hawkins School xqas not serving the senior pupils as well as it should. An expenditure of $3,00 should be made in order to bring the library up to standard. H1e said Howard Jordan School was a fine sehool but there wvas a danger of it soon becoming, overcPowded. The present enroil- ment averaged 34 per lassroom. Referring to sehools in Hope Township, lie said the hydro generating station planned for Wesieyville would hasten' the growth of a portion of the town- ship. An influx of pupils in the area might be absorbed by the Howard Jordan School. LOCAL NEWS! Mr. Milton Tamblyn returned home on Monday after spending four weeks in hospital. Miss Maureen Flynn, daugliter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Flynn, Les- kard, had an appendectomy oper- ation in Memroial Hospital Wed- nesday morning of this week. We d1ding Statione ry When planning your wedding be sure to view the beautiful and complete line of Wedding Station- ery handled at the Orono Weekly Times. -A complete line of Invitations, Announcements, Thank-you cards Serviettes, Matches, Place 'Card, Reception Cards. Orono Weekly Times Phone 983-5301 Orono, Ont. t- HOPE FOR DISTltI4.T COUNCIL FOR HOME AND SCiHOOL IN NORTHUMBERLAND, DURHAM AREA Foiiowing a letter received by the Northumberland - Durharn Board of Education from the Bellevilîle and District Council of the Home and Sehool Associa- tion requesting 'that an appoint- ed member of the Council be al- lowed to attend meetings and committee meetings it was point- ed out that there is consideration being given 'to setting up a Co- bourg District Council for the area now served by the Northum- berland - Durham Board of Edu- cation. At the present time the sehool area lias within itsboun- daries sections of three District Councils of the Home and School. It was felt by, many members of, the Board that lit would lie ad- vantageous if the Home and Sehool Association would revise their boundaries to coincideý with the area 'of the, Boards of Educa- tion. Tt was feit that the Home and School Association could piay a most effective roll in promoting education und&~ the new system and that if areas coincided witli one another the' resuit could bce greater. Mr. Tom is to investigate the matter further. In~ the meantîme ail three District Councils are to bce invited to attend the regular meetings of the Board. The N-D Scliool Board is to scek final approval from the Depart- ment of Education on the accep- tance'of the tender of H. Brooks Ltd., Oshawa for the Port Hope High Sehool addition and altera- tions in the amount of $1428000. relief is not given. The 84 stud- ents coming fromi the Bowman- ville area would ease the pres- sure liere if they could be re- moved to a senior building at Bowmanville. Building at M. J. Hobbs could be staved off for some time if this were to happen. The Educational Benefits that could result from having Two Large Schools Feeding the Sec- ondary Sehools in the Area would be: specialized teaching,- team teaching, continuou4 progress, socialization, extra curricular act- ivities, audio-visual opportunities, library deve lopment. The Clarke, Newcastle area is becoming crowded. Newcastle will have to use a portable this fail. In two years the Clarke area will need Mt least two classrooms. The building in the Newcastle Lock- hart's area suggests that consid- erable overcrowding .will develop soon. Removiîrg senior chidren will ease the situation. What should be the order of Development in Proceeding with a Two Sehool Senior System: (ýa) Set up the senior school in Bowmanville; using the Town- chiîdren, surroiiuqding pupils of Shaw's, Salem, Maple Grove East, etc., Newcastle, Brown's. Newton- ville and Lockhart's. (b) After a reasonable time has elapsed enlarge M. J. Hobbs school by adding to it the senior pupils from Kendal, Orono, En- terprise, Clarke Union and Lesk- ard ZEPHYR 19.5 H.P. Seating capacity 3 aduits. This one you cannot'afford to miss if you wanta SnoWmobile. On "Sale Save $200.099 9 ROQLPH HARIDWARE Phone 983-5207 Orono, Ontario ci e~ ASe»« WEAR A, TIP TP TAILOR, Mode-to-Meusure Suit Order Now §rom Toms &0Sons NEWCASTLE, ONTARIO New Fabrics Now On Displuy Arriving Daily Fashions, Fer The Fainily

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