ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2th, 1969 rnmulniiîà eit~ il See Milison Insurance for Ail classes of personal and Commercial Coverages Office: Main St., Orono 983-5032 Res. 983-5754 Gord Simpson O Phone Orono 983-58,18 Orono, Ontariu PAINT1N(U REMODELLINGg -GENERAL LEPAIRS fi Interior Exterier CHARLES REID roosLicensed' Aucionerand'Valu atoi Specialize in Farni and FurnitureSae C"on4-UIt me fDr terms and dates PHONE, ORONO 983-5914 aM 0ily Memorials S G Dur quallty and service leaves notlhing to be desircd, Ask the per-sen wbo bought from Uf1a neighbour, friend or relative Tîie RIJTTER GRANITE compANY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE elLargest dlsplay hi Suthern WATSOWN'S Marine and Cycle Orelne Phon 91;3.533 MlcCULLOCu BOATS & MOTORS CHALN SAWS l.pfaste ai mskes Of LAwn m.euad 2 and 4 cycle OTACO PLO0W POINT A»I)MACHINERY LYCETT PIumbing & Heatîng PN4ONE 983-5407 c >e<> OeO.OO~.q,.,,,O»eO. IBarnes & Byam IPLUMEING and HEATING Mites and 'qervire A4 HOUE BUItNER SERVICI~ jB-A FIN ANCING - Low Inteïest Rtie$ S Tyrone 263-2650 Hampton 26n2288 IOrville Chatterton Electrical ('ontracing Electrie lleating and Service PHIONE 983-5546 or 993-5!940j Oronn, Ontario O RONO ELECTRIC Hcrb and Gerry Duvali 983-5108 ELI6CTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC HEATING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO - HI-FI FRIGIDAIRE - R.C.A. DOMINION ELECTROHOME INGLIS - THOR - GUARANTEED SERVICE- I.>c g r' o i Insurance ServIce to, Fire Package Pelicies Fîdefity Bond, LiahIlty Lute II First Mertgage Loanu 0 oSadie Hamiltongi P'hoe 9 83-5115 Box 133 Phone .668-3552 Stafford Brothers Lma" Manufacturers of Cemctery Mcmorials 318 Dundas Street. East WHITBY, ONTARIO VISIT FRED'S FRUIT MARKET We specialize in'quality appies. Red Delîcaus, Spys, Russets and many other varicties, at whole- sale prices. Fnesh ADpie Cider, Ice Cream. .79c hall gallon, t f FOR SALE Dnied sheiled- Con for sale. or pick up or deJivery eall Bob Carruthers, RR 1, Bowmnat- ville. Phone 623-5485. t-f Orono ,Building (ont ractor Brick Block - Concrete Stone Work Carpentry - Cabinet Work Floors - Tile 983-5441 ORONO .ACK RICARD REALTORTm W9 Kiing St., E. 110 WM!AN VILLE Whlieni*,;uy inr Selihng eal WILF HAWKE YOUR ORONO AREAý REPRESENTATIVE frembers of ½)shawa and mi- triet Real Estate Board Oxford BRICKLAYERS STON EM ASON S VV. Sehuahi 983-5606 Specializing ln al hinds o! STONEWORK and FIREPLAdES We aiso do Chnnney Re"irs Do ROGERSON IRONO, ONTARIO ANTIQUES WB BUT A»> SMuL OU1 GlMass nhna, PIne Articles Toys and Oddilie IF IT'S OLI) .. . NOTICE Mrs. Ralph Ellis, Belleville, f ormerly Loreen Lorriman of O -orio, wiil be guest speaker at a Luncheon Meeting of the U.C. W. on Thursday,, February 2th at 1 p.m. ln the Main Hall. The menu is Pot Luck so bring your favorite casserole, salad or des- sert. Ail ladies welcome. b-c FOR SALE For C grade Spies and good po- tatocs cali 983-5081. Robert Rien- stra, Orono R.R. 1. a-p F OR SALLE 1961 Corvair Monza sports, 4 speed transmission, excellejit shape. Safety check provided. Vern Harris, phone 983-5524, Orono. a-p FOR SALE Two ladies skirts and 1 bed with springs. Also four drawer dresser and an arm chair. Phone 983-5915. a-p NOTICE Fish and Chips - ail you can eat every Saturday tight, at "The Acres"~ for 99) cents. t-f WORMS A PROBLEM? Use PAMOVIN Tablets or Liquid. The single dose treatment for pinworms. Available ýat Stutt's Pharmacy. M-16-P AUCTION SALE Farm Sold. Sellinig by public auction on Saturday, March 15 at 12 o'clock, the catlte, pou1tiry, machinery, feed anid furniture of Mr. Otto Coathüm, Lot 20,, Concesion 5, 1 mlile directly east of Orono. L. Ilais, elerk. Charles Reid and 'Clff Pethick, Auotioneers. W. FR Ar K SREAL ESTATE LIMITED Realtor 21 King St. W. Bowmanville 623-3393 Toronto 923-9174 Port Hope Office 885-4548 For prompt, co;rteous, effici- ent service 'when buying or sefling and for the largest sel- ection of properties ithe area Contact Ores.. Area Repreoentativeo Roy Foster 983-5801 Ross Gilhart 983-5533 - -- MJMINGOUT SEPTIV TANKS Bort T.m.pklms Vire784-IM5 Buiding a flous? rremaeMil gY.ur Pressa ele, tien contat Floyd NichlIson - - - --------- - --- - ---- - GOOD MAN OVER 40 Take short trips surrounding Or- ono area. Man we want is worthb up to $1,000 in a MONTH plus new car as bonus, Air M. B. Sears, Pres., American Lubricant&u Co., Box 1707, Postal Station 'R', Toronto 17, Ontario. NOTICE Members of the Horticultural Society are reminded that ticketsý are now available for the Bus trip to O'Keefe Centre, Saturday,, March lst leaving at 9 a.m. Fare, $2.00 per person. Tickets must beL purchased by February 28th. CARD PARTY Corme to a Euchre Party, in the, Oddfellow's Hall, February 27th at 8 p.m. Sponsored by the Orono_ Horticultural' Society, Admission 75c. Prizes and lunch provided bc~ SPECIAL NOTICE Due, to renovations, St. George's, Anglican Church, Newcastle, will be holding. their servi 'ce on Feb- ruary 23rd i'n St. Saviour's Angti- can, Church, Orono at Il am There will not be a 3 p.m. service on February 23rd, 1969 at St. Saviour's.,, a-c CALLING ALL IRISHMEN And Those Who Wish They Were (Doesn't Leave Many, Docs It0 Join Us In A 3000 Mile Jog Thru The ýLength and BreadthL of The Auld Sod. The Land of Shamrf)cks and Shillelags, Pre- sented in Brcathtaking Colour.. Narrated in Person by BOB q'Re*,ILLY, Thursday, February 20th, 8:00 p.m. Bowmanville Town Hall, a-c AUCTION SA'LE Selling Saturrday, Maýrch lst at 1:00 p.mn. thýe funiurad bouse- hold lgoods, the -property of Mrs. Fred' Kelly, Main Street, Orono, which-includes Electrohome Tel- evision, Beatty Fridge, washing machine, kitchen table and chairs- coffee t'able, china cabinet, elect-_ rie stove (like new), rugs, chairs,, tw rocking chairs, antique lamp, antique phonograph, many chairs, miÈrors,- some dishes, electrie, drill,: chesteffield and chair in excellent condition, Charles Reid, Auctioneer, ANNOUNCEMENT -Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Nicholson wishi to announce the forthcom- igmarriage of thieir daughter, Faye Andrea ta Gordon Harold Burnham,. son of. Mr. and Mrs., Harold Burnhamn, Oshawa. The wedding wili take place Saturday, April 12, 1969, 3:30 p.m. at the Orano United Church, Orono. FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE .Mr. and Mrs. Ormand Robert- son, Courtice, wish ta announce the forthcoming marriage of their dlaughter Canal Ann to Rob.. ent George Robinson, son of Mn. and Mrs. Victor Robinson, Orono, The wedding will take place Sat- urday, March 15, 1969 at 3:30, p.m., in Courtice United Church. CARD 0F THANKS We wauld like ta take this op-- partunity ta express our sincene gratitude toalal friends and neighý bours for ail their kindness and help in aur time of sorraw. Spec-. ial thanks ta Mrs. Bellamy for al her kindness ; also ta Mn. and Mrs., Schoenmaker and Morris Funeral Chapel. a-p. Mrs. Hicks and Family.