ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TïIIuüSDAt-Y, FEBEUAfty Z7th, 16 TlruilsteMk gee rn yr DurhamrÊ Ferlration Stick T by Harvey Malcolm mentWitCurvply The Or ' ono Pýoice Trustees at their reguflaýr moty mein held o odyeeigpassedi a resolution that the Tute sign an] agemn hCrpyWood Produets fiôr the e, ofthe Vil- lalge d(ispo'sai a-en by thellocal firmr. curvply is to be able to tuse thÉle Village dmpfor diposi o thieir refuse at a monthl y cag o)f $35.00. It is uniderstoodi thati this will ehiminat!e býurniing at bot'ýh the nor-th and, south plant and that refuse xviii be truckeýd te the dupby rpy heVillage of'Oreno ws the first 'centre toIointeLï0ke On- taîj o iJevelop1nnt Assoc-iation frthe year 1969. The Trustees ~v 1recongratuiated by the Assoc- lainin their early respense. Ft was learned nt the, meeti ng !hat final appreval bas not.as yet been received from .lhe, Ontario Mvunicipal Board for the financ- ing of the Village, Road project. lu recording the financial state- ment for the year 1968 at the recent meeting of the Oronio Hy- dro it was pointed out that a net surplus of $3180,62 follewing ýa ded uction of $361066 for depre- ciation. During the year revenue total- led $62,367.21 from a total of 392 hydro customers. The local Com- mission paid eut a sum of $38,- 504. 61 for hydre purchase; $4,- 134.82 for operation and mainten- ance; $9,370.22 for administration and $1,765.78 for financial expen- seS. The Orono Hydro manager sub- initted a capital budget for 1969 in the amount of $10,000 which was approved by the Board. 0f this amount $4,000 is to be spent on the distribution system with $1500 . for underground, $3,000 for meters and transformers, $500 for tools and $1,000 miscellan- cous. The anua cmeting of Orono ~Distct Cred i non was held in the Odd Fellows' Hall Tuesday eAvenig. Febrary 8t. The oar o Drtoswas pleaed t reprt n a successful year with assetso 558.70 for the year euded Dc. 31, 1968.' They1reom!endd to t1he mem- of~ ~ ~~'ý ec3,198othbi)-us of the mnmmqatryblne eistid d frng16 there of 5 per ~rnt u A l-memres~ noted in hrrpr htmmes ed by-$6,45800. 1Memb2eS~ans Iliad nrasIdby 14.77400 se an incrase inshae wcpttais xvM cometo etfican ad Mers.Werysresedth &pS atd ailice ina drc ritun dobiins ith if Exnemes a savling and borowing volume. TheSuprvioryCommir-tte re- potdtwelve mjonti-ly meetings were held during 1968 at which ail members participated. The treasurer's books were examined and in their opinion, found cor- rect. The Credit (Committee reported 32 m- tigr wr hield, an-i104 applicaiî on-s apoec itn of rn as$845.0,hew b lans $45.327 00, maingacotal of $63,- 792.00. Officers -e, cted were. as fol- Iows: Directjers, Mrs. P..,.,Werry and MisAA Loucks foi 1 ycar; Mi.G luni'. C.,,GilkeÉ and 0r. b. sorne f ýor 1 -nrR Cred- at Comittee. Mr.. 1,"ý.ancock forI '3years; Su.ipervisery Commit- teeMr.S. Xlaherfor 3 years. Speaker for the evecoing, was Mr. Bruno überski, area ,field- man for Cuna Mutual Inisurance S-ociety. Mi. Oberski gave a talk and showed pictures on tbe Cred- it Union Story. Mn' Jim Teefy, paist presîdent of the Oshawa Chapter and now boa rd director;, eprss-d bis np- pi etc ation, foi'- ppinin hm as oji' representative at' the League a 'liual meeting. Two door prizes, dorated hy Co-operators' Insur ance', were woni by Keith De XoyandI Morley Allun. After th,., mepeting ndjourned, sotue of th ïadies present served lunch. New aagx At Orono Branch This week a chanige of manage- menit isbeg effected at the Or- ono Branchi of the Canadian Im- perial Bank of Commerce. Mr. Ray Dicksou. manag-er of the Or- ono Brauch, left, is retiriug from the profession and will reside iu Orono. Mr. Dicksou has been manager of thie Orone Branch for tbe past seven years. He toek ever his duties lu Orono bu December 1961 haviug previousiy been man- ager at the Weedville Brauch. Mr. C. L. Gunter wvho bas been with the Simcoe South Branch . u Oshawa for the past seven years will be the new Orono 'Branch manager. Mr. Guter comnienced bis association with bang, lu Coîborne and' souw thirty-two years age was ou relief at the Or.- eue Branch fer a short period of time. lis home towu is Castieton. He is married witb eue sou who attends Queen's Uuiversity, Kiug- ston. At the preseut tue the uew manager wiil commute from Osh- awa. Later he intexnds te take up resideuce lu Orone. Break Into Sometime Saturday eveniný be- tween 5:30 and 8:30 p.m. thieves broke into the home of Mr. andI Mrs.- Bruce Myles, Orono. They gained entrance by breaking a hock ou a basemeut door. The home was ransacked by those making 'entry lu what appears te have been a scarcli for moules. Contents of cupbonrds and draw- crs were scattercd about the home. A sumn of moncy some- where around $80.00 was faken.- The sanie eveuiug damage was aise doue te a couple of cars purked along side the rends lu Orono. Damage te one car reacli cd into flic bundreds of dollars. Provincial Police are investi- gating. Clarke High Sehool Attains Drama Festival The Clarke District High School's pi'esentation of scenes* from Macbeth, Act 1, Scene. 5 te Act 2. Sceue 3, won second place iin the sixth Kaxarthn South t m Fectival heid in Cobourg duri"ei the weekend. The ton a- KeÎ ýihAlunr, ecf Clarke, wou fî- 'Lrifo te best acter, wihbis portrayal cof'Macbeth;, vhile a runuer-up award went te Mari or- le Murphy of the samne sehool for hier pertrayal ef Lady Macbeth. Cemmenting on the perform- ance by the Clarke Sehool, the ad- judîcator snid: "I cannot imagine any congratulations which w ould he tee strong for Macbeth. Porter was, aise quite remai hable and the costumes lovely. On a simple but effective set geod dramatie performances were given by Keith Aluin with fine acting hy Marjorie Murphy as Lady Mac- bethi. Supporting cnst moved smeothiy on the weil-bnlanced stage." The Cobourg District Collegiate Institute West Drama Club was the host te the sixth annual Ka- xartha South Drama Festival lu which seven arcu sehools partiel- Confinued page 5 Mr. Miton J, Tamblyn dîied at Memorlul Hospital, on Tuesday, February 25th. Mr. Tamblyn was a wcll-known and well-respected citizen of lus comniunity. lHe is survived by his wfe, Lil- hian Mitchell, his son, Glenn of Sauta Ana, California, and a sis- ter, Mrs. Nellie Brown of Orono. .Mr. Tamblyn heid many inter- csts during his life-timie andI was a most successful breeder of bol- stein cattie. Hie was the first lu Durham County te receuve the Master Breeder lu Durham Couuty Mauy of his interests were agri- cuturally orientcd and was for mauy years a directer of the Dur- hami Central Agricultural Society. His interest was aise directed lu show herses. Mr. Tamblyn was an aèconiplish- etI musician andI bas given, many, years of direction te those inter- ested lu music and especialiy the Orono Baud. He becanie a meni- ber of the latter erganization lu 1913 and ut eue, te was aise a meniber ef the 48th Highlander Band. The funerai is being heltI this afterueen, 2:00 o'clock, frem the Oronno United Chureh. Honours KEITH ALLIN uinte Conference KowYour Neiglibour" will le fic thenie of the aunual meet- i o f the Bay of Quinte Confer- cueU.C.b. te be heitI lu Kng St. UntdChurcli, Trenton, Monday, M'arch;f 3rd, 1969. Thc Heverend ad Mrs. E. Bruce Copland whe :hîved as missionaries un China froni 1931-48, and later in Taiwan froni 1957-65, will le the speak- ers ut this meeting. Mrs. Copland will speak at the luncheon which begins ut 12:15, and Mr. Copland will address the afternoon ses- sien. The mission study for this year is, "Tewards Understanding China and thc Chiuuese People," n-. it is of particular interest te peeple ut this finie when the gev- ernieut of Canada is considering Lestablishing diplomatie relations with China. Bofli Mr.ad Mrs. Copland helped lunflic illustration and writing of the "China-Pue" - the study paeket for U.C.W. for 1968- 1969. Registration for the day's meet- ing wvill be froni 10 a.m. te Il a.m. Miss Vina Neai, Presideut of the Confereuce U.C.W. wili con- duct the sessions, whicb are open net only te officiai delegates frein the Presbyteriais, but to auyoue wbe is interested lu hear- ing about China and the Chinese people. The Durham County Federa- tion of Agriculture met in Bow- manvil& recently with President Russell Kennedy as chairman. Minutes of previous meeting were adopted as mailed. In discussion of the amhend- ment re Estates Tax from. $20,- 000 - $50,000 exemption, it was agi ced it was a step (a half-way step) in the right direction. It was decided that this Federatio'n would endorse the $100,000 ex- emption as cxpressed by our local MP RusseillH-oney and urge bis continued support for this figure. In recent figures released by the Dept." of Agriculture it was sug- gested that $90,000 would b- the lowest possible investment to en- sure a viable unit whereas the Minister of Finance suggests tax- ing anything over $50,000 in~ Es, tates Tax. ,Ob viousiy there exists a> de- plorable lack of. communication of tolerance of opinion between departments in. goverament. Mr. Bill Tomlinson explained how the newly amended Estate Tax would affect farmers and small busin- esses financially. Much discussion too k place on the resolutions presented froin another county seeking a défini- tion of a farmer, the question of lîmitîng those entering into the »Farming profession and regula- tîôns te per-mit only those f arm- ers who rceiv,.e 70 per cent of their identity andI that it was on producer marketing plans. It 'vsel. lia; mest professions have. no arobleni establishiug' identity and that if was time that this probleni was resolved once and for ail. The Secretary, Don Welsh, is eurren tly engaged in i evising the "Town and Countgýy" subseription 1 ist. Anyoue who is net curreut- ly receiving this paper and whose n ame was net entered ini the last élection roll is advised te 'con- tact li Members to the, varleus stan- ing committee were named a follows - Insurance - Howivard Quantrill, Bill Ferguson, Erie Pal- lis, Les Pritchard and Dalton Dorrell; Property - Deug Kemp, John Benschop, Hloward Quantrili John Stone, Erie Fallis and H-ans Geishurger; Membership - Mrs. Gordon Ruth, Bruce Taylor,, Bill Allin and Dalton Dorrell; Poultry Bon Brooks; Wh eat - eg Fallis, Lloyd Kellogg, Tom McCamus and Russell Kennedy; Education Dalton, Doîrell, Bill Ferguson, Bruce Taylor, IfHarvey Malcolmi, Lawrence Winslow and Ray Rob- bs ;Marketing Board -Ail rep- resetatives fioni m ark eting- hourLds named te the federation- with Russell Kennedy as chair- man. Bruce Taylor and Deug Kemp (two of the sixt membeis from Durhîam 'who attended the Fanm Trneme Conference at the Sea- way) gave their impressions andI comments on the Conference. The establishment of the Corn Marketing board te deal with the probleni facing cern grewers bas been recommeuded with a study of sterage facilities both on andI off the fanm. Anyene wishing or interested in purchasing niachiuery from Pritain might be well qdvised, te contact Gordon Mackliu of RR, 4, Cobourg for factual informna- tion. Ail directors were pieased te, see Mrs.. Gordon Ruth able tG again be lu atteudance at the di- ecters meeting foliewÎng several months of illness. -Canadian Statesman VOLUME 32, NUMBER 8 Oro - istrict Cr dit Uoon Ass Is ver 5~ ,59 _ï - -