ORONO- WEEKLY TIMES, TIIÛRSDAY, FýEBRUARY Z7th, 1969 GRONO WEEKLY TIMES (AlUeziEed as SecoC laIMa Mil, Fl'ceOffce DepaMtnaut, Piibflaed every ibursday at the effico et publioatb. XamiStreet, FYnone 1lS, Urone, O(zmtro Emmblshed in 1938 by R. A. Forrester Roy C. Forrester - Effl.r and Miaaager We Are In Agan 1 Latest report on the Regional Government Study in this area now lias Clarke Township included in the study. This information was reported to us by Reeve Roy Foster of the Township who, last Friday, attended, as Warden of the United Counties, the most recent meeting, on this matter. Itnow appears that reasoning in setting up a region- ai area would be to have sucli an area along the Lakefront. A few weeks ago recommendation was made to have the area travel deep into the north but this lias been rejected by the group taking part in the discussions. As yet no concrete decisions seem to -have been made and most items relating to the Regional Study are up in the air. One of these is the matter of raising funds for the cost of the study. This appears to be no small item as now the cost is estimated around $1,250,00.00. Any municipality in the study will be expected to share in raising tbis money and at this point decisions will have to be made. At the present time most decisions and opinions are being voiced at the committee level. Clarke Council lias not been approached or given any decision in the matter of raising financing for the proposai. Nor have tliey been allowed a representative on the Committee. There is stiil a long way to go in getting the organ- ization of a regional area off the ground and in fact it. is a feeling of tbis writer that at this time some are becoming somewhat disappoînted in the Ppproach beingý made and the.conduct of the Committee. What 0Others Say AN INTERIM ARRANGEMENT? The likelihood of Bowmanville andDarlington being subtracted from the United Counties and included in -a region with headquarters in Oshawa when regional govern- ment is establislied lias been mentioned in these columns and' elsewliere many times. Now' the Ontarjo government's regional government studies are considering Clarke town- ship and Newcastle as welI. Meanwhile the Ontario government is resisting the wishes of Pickering to be included in the Metropolitan Tor- ment will embrace the lakeshore municipalities from Pick-, ering to Darlington and possibly to Clarke, only seven miles onto region. It would appear that the new regional govern- from Port Hope. From the other direction a Belleville-centred iegion seems likely to come at least as f ar as Brighiton, but even sliould it not include any of Northumberland County, it would seem that the United Counties as we know them will be seriously dismembered, despite the ýpleas for their main- tenance by leaders like Cobourg's Mayor J. A. Heenan and Reeve W. 1. Thomas, last year's warden of the counties. If the government were to consider the United Count- iesas one of the new regions, the population and assessment would be well below what is considered economically de- sirable. On the other hand, the Diamond Triangle, Port Hope, -Cobourg and Hamilton township, would be out of place in a region centred in Belleville, toward which we feel less affinity than toward, for example, cither Oshawa or Peterboroughi. Perhaps the answer is to go slowly on regionial gov- ernment in this area until more growtli increases the popu- lation and assessment. Eventually there will be sufficient urbanization between Bowmanville and Newcastle on the west and Trenton or Brigliton on the east to support econ- omically, a regional government centred in the Diamond Triangle. Until there is, some sort of interim arrangement could be - made. There are stili areas of southern Ontario where the population and assessment patterns do not yet demand regional governiment.' While it is a çesirable goal, in fact a real necessity in some places, there are others where it can await further urbanization. -Port Hope Guide Mix, Match' Frost & Shimmer Paint up eyes for any mood PAINT BOX 6 shades from mild to bold $3.50 Up And Down The Book- Stacks "The Keepers of the House", by Shirley Grou is a reveaiing novel of human nature. The set- ting is the South and the story, at first, is concerned with a review of the generations f the How- land family. This appraisal gives us an understanding of the back- ground of Ahigail Howland whose life is clianged dramatically by the bitter prejudices of lier com- munity. The liard-hîtting climax is the memorable part of the story. Wliat a chlling picture of ven- geance! t is shocking to see how the liatred of the town's bigots seeps into Abigail's soul to poi- son and embitter lier personality until revenge and more revenge is the core of lier life. NEW BOOKS Adult- Twenty Letters to a Friend Alliluyveva. The Niglit Tliey Burned the Mountain Down,,-, Dooley. Bound for Glory - Guthriie. Something to Sing About - Okun The King of the Castle - Hoît Psydliolgeist - Davies. Landslide - Bagley. A Dandy in Aspic - Marlowe Juvenile - Motorcycling The Wind Ras Wings. Eating and Cooking Aro&4nd the World. Caterpillars. Clarke-Newcastle Teachers Meet CLARKE-NEWCASTLE TEA --- The teadhers of the Clarke '- Newcastle district met in the Newcastle school for their Feb- ruàry session on February l7th. After the routine b)usiness dis- cussion the group 'adjourned to roonfis set for their particular teadhing division. Primary members, led by Miss Rosei discussed topics, units, and thie correlation of Social Studies with other subjects. Sources for valuable reference materials were pointed out. The- topie of methods was also carried on in the Junior division. Here Mrs.. Tompkins presented the group with various games and new ways in whidli to make the oid operations interesting in sudh as Math. Mr. Goider again maintained the interest of the Senior group with a demonstration on soap carving. Members ail tried some Eskimo Sculpture but it's not for sale. THIRTY DISCUSS STUDY COURSES Around thirty Cobourg residents, met officiais of the Trent Univer- sity, Peterboroughl. Monday to discuss the establishment of uni- versity extension courses ln the Town of Cobourg next f all. H. Hooke, director of part-time studies at Trent, described the extension. program agd emiplasiz- ed the tutorial systemn. 1One of the problems of holding courses in Cobourg, lie said, was the shortage of reference mater- ial in the libraries. Trent Univerisity expected to Increase evening classes in Peter- boroughi. Mr., Hooke said le could only LYLE WEST foresee the Rossibility of courses in the Lakeshore area,' if more people were interested. Dr. G. O. Aspinail, head of the chemistry department,! said, tea- ching chemistry away from the university would be a ncw ven- ture, but hie refused to commit his departmnent to providing any courses in Cobourg. The meeting split up into two discussion groups, one fdo5,ex- by J'ackmanr PHONE COLLECT 623-3365 162 King St. E. BOWMANVILLE For Ail Thur Flower Needs ploring the problems of teaching science away from the universityr and the other to talk of the pos- sibility of bringing ats instruct- ion to Cobourg. MI1NI1 IS HERE! The new rage in Soft Drinks Bottie only - 5 Buy it by the case or single bottie A new shipment KRCORDS Ail types for every member of the family MîddletonD S Orono, ,Ontario CLIP THIS COUPON AYnD CLAIM YOUR NOTHING TO PURCHASE. NO OBLIGATION WHATSOEVER, JUST BRING THIS COMPLETIED COUPON TO YOUR NEAREST DOMINION HARDWARE STORE TO RECEIVE THIS HANDY ANNIVERSARY GIFTADULTS ONLY ADDRESS ................................................................. TELEPHONE NUMBER................. 4 LB. POLYFILLA PATCH COMPOUND V Cellulose filler - for plas- ter, wood, brick etc. A. mazing bond, non-shrink. fI ing, takes nails or screws without breaking. 4 lb, pack. Regular $1.49 Complete with 6-volt bat,.- 'ery, this versatile out. door lantern has adjust- able long-range spotlight with red flasher of hi. impact Plastic mounted on extendable bracket Regular $8.5()I $5o95 Flashlight Batteries c.G.E. BULBS Specialiy made by one of Here's real economy in Canada's top manufact. ahad cayak10SLPRE urer. Lnglfe,"D"celi, C.G.E. bulbs - 40, 60 leakproof. Regular 25C an~d 100 watt specialiy each packaged for Dominion 9 2 for 2 9e. Hardware. Regular value Rolph Dominion Hardar Phoe 93507Oroo, tre 1 Phone 983-5207' Orono, Ontario