S-l - -~ O"~\O ~'~'J v T"'~T'~ T1~'RS» ' i~ r'"#'>r ~RY ?tli. u~«» -Alex Carruthers, M.P.P., Durham ONTARIO CONFERENCE ON AGRICULTURE The Honourable William Stew- art, Minister ef Agriculture, in 2h15 summary speech at the clos- ing of the recent. cenference on farm income, emphasized the great importance the' Ontario ,Government attaches te the ag- ricultural industry., The Conference, as Mr. Stew- art stated, was an outgtaiiding ex- ample of the demecratie process in action. Assembled te discuss a common interest were repre- sentatives ef net only the farmn ecommunity, but representatives of Agribusiness including represent- atien frem every branch of indus- try servicing the f armn commun- ity. The Conference, assembled at the request of the Minister te discuss the report of the Cern- mittee on Farm Income, was, re ally a finalizing of the Vine-, land, Conference of 1966 and the Kemptville Conference of 1968. Through the active participation of the delegates te the confer- ence, the government and the public gained an excellent assess- ment ef the reaction of the f arm community te the recom- mendations of the Committee. It is interesting te note that the study, which fermed the bas- is for the report, was requested by the farrm community itself, Report From Queens,,Park, a '1 the Commiittee ' nder the chairmanship of Mr. Everett Biggs, Dpeputy Minister, was larg- ely made up of farmers. It dem- onstrated not only the abîlity, but the deterniination of farmers to solve their problems within the scope of their own economy. The Committee's report, which could be tefrmed revolutienary, prcsented a graphic picture of the serious plight of Ontario ag- riculture as 'illustrated by the following facts: 1. The 1966 Census of Agri- culture reported 110,000 farms in Ontario of which 40,000 gress- ed less than $2,500. annually, and ordy 8,000 groseed mote than. $25,000. 2. 36,000 farms empleying 49,000 full time workers, it is est- imated, could do the work today of the present 110,000 farms with a population of some 500,000. 3., People are leaving the farm at the rate of 1% per year, but this rate is not considered suffic- lent to meet the need f or the re- duction in the number, of farms. 4. Many members of the f arm community have too little educa- tion, insufficient knowledge of f arm management, lack capital to take advantage of advanced technology, and are at the mercy of fluctuating markets. A vast number of recommend- ations were submitted to the con- ference by the Committee, many of which may well prove to be completely unacceptable to farm- ers. Some were, however, of a housekeeping variety including: (a) Improving communication between government experts and farmers. (b) Greater assistance to f arm- ers in teaching them te keep proper acceunts, providing expert ______________________________________________________________________________________ 3 Red and White HOÊT MIDJNTER RED & WHITE FEATURES 24HIor WaHEAT 19e ea MAX WELL HOUSE INSTANT $5 COFFEE 15 (21c. OFF) (SAVE 16c) 10 ounce jar BRIGHT'S& Apple Juice 2for6)90 Regular 43c. 48 oz. tin DR. BALLARD'S CHAMPION à DOCF009 8for99jc Reg. 2 f or 33c. 15 oz. ins SUPREME Liquid Bleach 128 ounce STOKELY'S HONEY POD SPEAS Specigl Saving 15 oz. ins 69C 5for99 WHITE SWAN jb T1ânsUE 8fr99:c Regular 2 rolis for 29c. ARTIC POWER Detergent $10.49 27c. OFF. pkg. Reg. value $1.99 FEATURE'! SAVE 8c. Tin Apple and Raisin E.D. SMAITHS PIE FILLING' 19 oz. tin S39c FEATURE!! SAVE 17c. 48 ouace tins JAFFA COROWN ORANGE JUICE 34$1 FEATURE!! RED CIRCLE SOCKEYE SALMON SAVE1 loc." 1 2 FEATURE!! Regular 3 for 37c. Jello ASSORTED POWDERS 'lb tin 49c 10-99c' FEATURE!! 12 ounce tins Libby's Deep Buttered Peas-Cor. 4-89c FEATURE!! SAVE 38C. Hyatt's PORK & BEANS 14 ounce tins 74$1 BISCUIT FEATURE!! 10 ounce packages SUPREME FANCY 5 varieties 4 -$ 1 FEATURE! SUNSPUN ICE CREAM 2 bricks 49c "SWEET PICKLED Cottage Rolilb 79c « SWIFTS" ------ Lazy Maple Bacon lb 79c «BURNS MILD SEASONED" BOLOGNA 16 oz pkg 49c FREEZER SPECIALS RED BRAND 120 - 125 lb. average DEEF HINDS lb 69e COUNTRY STYLE Pork Sausage 6 LB. BOX ý$2.194 Mrs PIKLQI FOR FREE HOME uELIV-JUB DETERGENT ERY IN TOWN 983-5201 CELERY 39c we reserve the right to limit quantities 2 for 47c REDAINDu 'WHI 1TEL il 2. That an Ontario Land Cor- poration be established to buy improperly used land and lease it for more efficient use. 3. That an Ontario Land Re- sources Commission be set up to act as the final authority. ,on land. use in the province. 4. That by 1980 a yeung man be requircd to have a twe-year diploma, course in agriculture technology before 'entcring farm- ing. 5. That a Food Supply Agency with seven marketing beards un- der it be established to handie ail farm. commodities produced ini Ontario. 6. That existing f arm eorganiza. ti ons be replaced by a general farmi organization with voluntary membership. The recommendation calling for, one general f armi organization is likely to be acted upon in the near future because there ap- pears to bc a general cencensus among farmers that this aim shquld be realized as soon as possible. Mr. Stewart has indicat.- ed his intention to recommend te the Cabinet that legislation be drafted and introduced at this session of the Legislation to give effect to such a structure. The report will result in sig- nificant changes in the field of agriculture, and as Mr. Stewart stated in his epening remarks to the Conference, "We can, look forward to turning the cor ner in a new step to the future of agri- culture in Ontario." Oromo Building Contractor Brick Bleck - Concrete Stone Werk Carpentry - Cabinet Work Floors -TVe 983-5441 ORONO SIMPSON'S Painting and Decoratingt INTERIOR - EXTERIOR PAPERHANGING REMODELLING "For a dlean dependable job" Cali Douglas and, Gary Simpson 983-5194 advice on research, increasing a- dult education programs, and as- sisting in a large number of other ways. In dications that the govern- ment is taking the recommenda- tiens seriously is apparent by a statement of the Honourable Wm. Stewart last week - February 12, 1969, to the effect that the On- tarie Government was transfer- .ring the administration of the, Junior Farm Loan Pregram te the Federal Government. The On- tarie Dcpnrtment of Agriculture, Dr. Stewart stated, would be con- c entrating its efforts on assisting the farm community as outlined in the above recemmendations. Revolutienary aspects of the report include the following rec- ommendations: 1. That capital be channclled te efficient farmers only.