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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Feb 1969, p. 4

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ORONO WÊÉKLY TIMES, TIIURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27th, 1969 Address delivered by Mr. Ster- ling Mather on the occasion of j-iockey Sunçlay Just Like His Dad "Well, what are you going to be, my boy, Wben you bave, reacbed man- hood's years: A doctor, a lawyer, or preacli- er great, Moving sinners to repentant tears?" SBut be sbook bis bead, as lie gajve reply In a serions way lie had: 1 don't think I'd careto be any of them; I want to be'like my Dad! Concerning the -Governmnt Proposed General Farm Orgaization Guest Speaker: GORDON HILL Member of Investigating Committee Orono Town Hall SeATUmRDeAY, MARCH lst at 8 p.m. * Sponsored by Ontario Farmers' Union WÎlliam C. Hall, B. Comm. Phone Newcastle 987-4240 Ail day Wednesday and Saturday NIEW TO YOU!, Glen Rae P AK The new 100 per cent Hy- 7: ý.:Jýgenie Advantage Container Available on February lSth from your milkman 3 qts Homno Ic 3 qts 2%0 87c Special eintroductory Offer! Good untl March lst MODERN PITCHER 40h Try convenient itce-PMilk with the specialiy designed milk piitcher for easy serving. hygienic, disposable, easy to store, strong9, safe, lightweight. Hie wants to be like bis Dad: you men, D id you evý,£r think as, you pausýe, That the boy who watches your every inove Is building a set of laws:. lfe'~s molding a life you're the model for, And whether it's good or bad,, Depends on the kind of ex- ample set To the boy who'd be like bis -Dad. Would you have bim go every- where you go? Have bim do just tbe tbings you-do? And see everytbing that your eyes behold, Andi woo aIl the gods you woo? Wben you see the worship that shines'in the eyes 0f your lovable little lad, Could you rest content- if lie gets bis wish And grows to be like bis Dad? It's a job tbat none but your- self can fi, It's a charge you must, answer for; IV's a duty to show bim the road to tread Ere be reaches manbood's door. It's a debt you owe for the greatest joy On this old earth to be bad; This pleasure of baving a boy to raise Who wants to be like bis Dad! As president of the Athletie Association, I bave been asked to speak a f ew words on this occas- ion "Hockey 'Sunday." My topic, is in tbe form of a question, "Wbat bas been your contribu- tion to society, and what bas been your dividend?", A coachi or manager of a hockey team is investing his time and tal- ent in moulding a group of boys into a bockey team. ut is tbrough the efforts of the team tbat the coachi receives bis greatest divi- dend. We often hear or read of people compiýlaining orcitiin the *way chldren are bandled, but if a few of tbe p eople wbo do the complaining would take a team and coachi tbem, they would find that tbe other dividends tbe coachies and managers receive are not enough for their invest- ment. To give praise costs the giver notbing but a moment's ef- fort - a smnall investmient - but consider the resuits in ternis of appreciat ,ion. Mark Twain said, "I can live for two months on a good compliment." To tbnse who are here to-day, who attended the Atom tourna- ment and saw the excitement and pride sbown by the parents as tbey watched their cbldren - SPer Stars ail! And to you wbo mnissed it,' it 15 an experience which canlnot be replaced. Tbese eigbt year o1lds played as biard as eacb indivicitial ould becauise 95% of the players iion't even know the rules and are not in- terested in hurting their, fellow players. They were determined to play to win and that was most important fhat day in their eyes. But some ha d to lose. If that is an important lesson in life it is bet- ter to learn it in the early years. I am sure that many a mother Aibe rts Texaco) GENERAL REPAIRS Phone 993-,1249 Orono "Just Like Hfis Dad"y and father, sitting there that day, SAI a prayer and shed a tear forý their 'boy. A boy plays hockey and has an o»Portunity- to put into use the fair filay he hâs been taught in Sunday Scbôol. It' is very seldom that ý a boy will argue with the referee if hie' learns at an early age thàt the man in the striped shirt, because of, bis experience, controls the game and places a player 'in the awesome penalty biox if he does wroông. I sometimes- tbink that there sbould be a pen- alty box in every home not only for the children but also for par- ents wbo 'get out of control. In the gameé, there is a leader wbo sets a pattern, tbere is autbority, discipline and rules. Wbile you players are too young to have been able to make an investment in society, you may one day be a coaeh and theiq look back' on your younger days of hockey and 'remember that somebody gave up the time to care about you. I once beard a saying that' went like tbis, "The world will step aside to let a boy pass, if lie knows where bie is- going." ut is the parents' re- sponsibility to 'show them the road. I feel that minor hockey is a good place to start. Minor hock- ey ean be agree d with or argued agaînst. These organizations1 are run' by individuials who are 'only' human. Therefore there will be faults, but minor hockey allows the majority of young people to piarticipate in a bealtby, invigor- ating'activity. We are fast approacbing the, end of a seasoni of successful hiockey, another will be in tbe miaking as you support the. booster banquet 'wbich is held annually by tbe Athietie Association. The pro ceeds prôvide the necessary funds to ensure hockey in Orono. As we consider support, we face the questioni, "dlo we want- our yàuni.gster*,s on the streets or in the arena?" Be a booster; Be a participât ing parent! DON'T MISS IT!O Orono Amateur Athletic, Associations' HOCKEY BOOSTER BANQUET CASH SATURDAY MARCH 8 .innier Served in Orono United Church Eliminationp Draw and N.II.Lý. Playoff Films in Town Hall Tickets Available f rom any Association lYember or Cail Russ Major: 983-5858 ~DXDM DX DX DX DX DX DX DX DX DX DXM DX DX DX DX DX DX DX DXDX DX DX DX- it Kenduil Nows The Kelly's foarn on the 6th line has been sold to a city buyer- The Kendal Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs. H, Foster on the afternoon of February 18. The presi'dent opened the mreet- ing with the singing of "The Ode"e and repeating "The Mary Stewart Colleet", Then Mrs. J. Hienderson gave us the motto "Flowers that, Bloom in the Spring." The: rol cail was "Name your favourite flower." Then she gave a demon-- stration on the ýmaking of large paper flowers. in, various colours- and sizes. This 'Was most inter- esting. It was decided to use these paper flowers at the Penny Sale. The new business discussed. conccrned the, Penny Sale an«t catering to a Weddîng. Lunch was served by Mrs, A., Low and Mrs. H. Foster. $ vote of thanks was extended to Mrs. Hienderson and to our hostesses. 1The next meeting will be' at the home of Mrs. Wm. Turansky, A numiler of' 6th line families attended the funeral of Mr. Mil- ton Tamblyn. DRY CLEANING, Pick~-up and Delivery ,in Orono Tuesday, Thursday and Friday *Glen Rae JUG MLK Buttermilk, Chocolate MiIk Orange Juice Pip2s, Cigars, Cigarettes Tobacco - Candy MATIS BILLIARDS and Burbershop Be Wise .. ECONOMI-zEi WITH FUEL PHONE 668-3341

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