ORON(> WEEKU TI'..~S ~MJ~V, F~BftuA1~v 27h.. 1989 !M-0D Bourd"0of-Edutation Outlines Organization Since January lst, 1969, the County Board of Education, con- NU1rthumber1and and Durham sisting of sixteen elected mcm- Youer Ontarjo -lospitallnsuriaýo nce would like to hear fromyou, (befoe ifs 100 late) Whcnyouarenewtywed When you turn 21 you are the "family" Hospital no longer covered by Insurance premniuma your parents' Hospital moust be paid ta Insurance, You must cover husband and < , take out individual wife. If yau belong / 'mmesi within to agroup notify 3 0Get your ap- yaur group without ~ lication form at à delay or if yau both b ank, or a haspital, pay prerniumns direct,'ý~ or frorn H.J.R.B. notify H.I.R.B. When you have a new When you move ta o address notify your a new job you can group. If you don't keep insured hy fol, belong ta, a group, lowing' the in)StruTc write H..R.B. -ions on the Hospital Insurance"eilf ofate ofPaymesn Form 104" iýat yu preentempoye isHeatrh Insuranice ReglMcration Board, rèquited ta give -,'ot[ 2195 Yonge Str-et, Toronto 7. on leaving'. Sen :nng Ontario's Health InsurancePlans. Wed ding Stationery When planning your wedding be sure to view the beautiful and complete line of Wedding, Station- ery handled at the Orono Weekly Times. .,A complete line of Invitations, Announcements, Thank-you cards Serviettes, Matches, Place Card, Reception Cards. OronLo Weeckly l imes Phone 983-5301 Orono, Ont. 'j. bers, -has been maJking a concert- ed effort to do the work and car- ry, the responsibilities of tWenty- f ive former school boards and three Retarded' Children Author. ities with appoximatcly one hun- dred and sixty members. These former board member.s have act- cd as consultants and have been of great assistance in solving problems that have arisen almost daily. The new Board hold Regular Meetings on the second and four- th Thursdays of each month., In addition, it is necessary to hold Special Meetings to take care of urgent matters which cannot be held over for a' Regular Meeting. Since January lst there have been three Regular Meetings, six Special Meetings and many Com- mittee Meetings. A Director of Education, Mr. W. F. Thom has been appointed to becIHead of both the Acadeémie Section and the Business Admin- istration Section. The Acadameie Section con- sists of a Superintendent of In- struction and a Superintendent of Planning and three Assistant Sup- erintendents. One of the mainob jectives of this Board is to off er to every child, regardless of- lo- cale in our two counties, an equal opportunity for a good education. Having this in mmnd, the Super- intendents and their> Assistants, as a first priority, have. met with the Principals of our eighty-five schools. Already schools have been visited and the remainder will 'be visited soon. It is hoped that eventually the Principals and Teaching Staff Members will know that thrýy are a very real and important part of our Northumberland and Durhiam County School Organization. The Superiatendents and their Assis- tants feel that their interests and responsibilities begin with each child starting School and extends to include every student in ev- ery course and grade through Grade 13. Our Northumberland and Dur- ham County Sehool OrganizatiQn offers almost any course 'that a boy or girl may ehoose. Non-vo- cational covers the Arts and Sci- ences from Kindergarten through, Grade 13 and Vocatîional offers excellent opportunities in ti e Technical and Trades Courses, Business and Commerce Courses,, Occupational Courses for, both girls and boys, and there are three schools for Retarded Child- ren. On February 6th, the Director of Education and the Superin- tendents met Iwith the Supervis- ing principals of' the area from 2 to 3 p.m. From 3 to 4 p.m. on the same day thcy met with the Prin- cipals of the Secondary Sehools and at 4 p.m. there was a general meeting with al of the Principals of ail the Sehools. At the third meeting, the Business Adminis- trator was present to answer any questions and help with any prob- lems. The Business Administration Section consists of, the Chief Bus- iness Administrator and his As- sistant, A Head of Finance, a Head of Administration, a Head of Purchasing and a Head of Transportation. The Head of Plànt Operation and Maintenance has not been appointed as yet. The Administration Section, un- der the able guidance of Mr. M. A. MacLeod, is busy organizing a new computerized payroli, bis payable and budget control system One of the difficuit tasks of the Business Administration Section is that of correlating the many re- sponsibilities of the former Officiais from the Department of Highways, the Department of Transport and the Ontario Prov- incial Police will be' there to make recommendations and offer advice for the safe operation of Sehool Buses. Did you know that in our two Counties there are 23,000 pupils, that the area covers approximat- eiy 1700 square miles, and that presently it requires 242 buses to transport our rural students to their schools? CAR Local News Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Thomnpson have just returned from spending two weks in Naples, Florida. On their return they spent a week- end in Edgewater visiting with Russ and Alice Ransberry -who are in Florida now after spending two months in California. Also visited with Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Hales of- Edgewater, Florida. Reg. lived in Orono many years ago. SÎoHO (For Boys up toý 14 years Old) March 14-15 ut Mckenzies Store Entries in Friday Night 6 9 Open Saturday tili 4 p.m. CustOm - Competition -Rod Classes TROPHIES, PRESENTED B~Y Saracens Car Cl.ub,Orono Information -Ross Morris r ROYALBOWMAINVILLE ROYAL PHONE 623-5589) Mdarc!i Calendair THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY and SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 27 - 28, MARCH 1 « 2 Thoroughly Modern Millie Julie Andrews, Carol Channing THURSDAV, FRIDAY, SATURDAY and SUNDAY, MARC2H 6 - 7 - 8 -9 The Devil's Brigade William Holden, Cliff Robertson, Vince Edwards Aduit Entertaîument THURSDAY, FRIbAY, SATURflAY MRH13 - 14 - 15 Walt Disney Presents THE ONE ANDONLY GENUINE ORIGINAL FAMILY BAND Walter Brennan, Buddy Ebsen SUNDAY ONLV MARCH 16, ONE SHOW AT 7:30 P.M. THE' SAVAGE SErV EN Color THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY and SUNDAY, MARCH 2 21 - 22 - 23 THE YOUNGý WARRIORS also MmaADI1GA N Richard Widmark, Henry Fonda, Inger Stevens Aduit Entertainmient THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY and SUNDAY, MARCH 27 - 28 - 29- 30 RACHEL, RACHEL Joanne Woodward, James Oison Adult Entertainment AUl Evening Shows Start at 7:30 p.m. M'wODEL I