ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TURSDAY, MARCH 6th, 1969 ORONO WEEKLY TIMIES (AutaOrîZe sa secon" Caw mail, Poe office ]Depa1flm04I, Ottawa) Pnblinhed every ¶ureday ai tihe efic4 Wcp bhoatioe Main &treet, 1Ph.ie 109, urone, Onmario EsWblished in 193 by R. A. Forrester Ro.y C. Forreeter - flI¶etr and ILaaiger Smokers und Also... As if the smoke itself weren't dangerous enough, it now appears that the smokers are also more susceptible to air pollution than non-smokers, reports a March Reader's Digest article. According to researchers, the bot gases in toba'îco smoke interfere- with the normai cleansing mechanism of the iungs. When foreign matter is inhaied from polluted air, it is pushed back up the bronchial tree from the lungs with a mucus blanket which is activated by the action of tiny hairs, called vilia, on the inner linîng of the iungs. The operation now works something like an escalator. When the debris reaches the throat, it is harmlessiy swallowed or coughed out. In the case of the smoker, however, the hot gases from his smoke throw this cleansing mechanism out of kil- ter. Ail debris that wouid have' been escalated out of the lungs piles up along their inner surfaces. Cigarette smoke slows down and even stops the lungs' cleansing action. In the average smoker, to say noth- ing of the c'hain smoker, the cleansing. mechanîsm doesn't get any real chance to revive except when he is asleep. By morning he has such an acculation of mucus in his lugns that he has to resort to coughing to eliminate it, And even coughing doesn't entirely do the job. The alternatives of the smoker who seeks protection from air pollution are pretty blak says the Digest article. *He can: cut down on his smoking when the air pollution index is high; confine his smoking- to his air-conditioped office or automobile; space hîs smoking to give his chlia a chance to revive between cigarettes; move to a place where the air is dean. As a hast resort, of course, he can always give up smoking. The Pudget No natter how one regards the budget presented to the Ontario Legislature iast Tuesday, it does increase tax- ation. This was to lbe expected and in an inflationary per- iod, quite normal. The increase does not appearto be as great as that ,wich waý, forecast., The people were con- ditioned for an increase and when it was not up to the de- gree of the conditioning it gives the feeling of relief or possibly. a refund. The conditioning of .the electorate is being used ex- tensively hy ail political parties. In this case the govern- ment throws out the hint of greatly increased taxation. The opposition picks up the bail and through constant referrai the mmd of the electorate becomes conditioned to the la- crease. When the increase is not up to expectations or to that. which the mmnd has been conditioned . . . then there is relief. The budget does appear to be a sound one in that the Province is balancing its budget and in that they are seriously considering tax reform. Their increases, in the main, are in the area of non essentials and here one can choose whether or not to pay the tax. The two big items of proposed tax revision is in the area of a possible Provincial Income Tax and a Capital Gains tax. We suspect thatthis is again in the area of con- ditioning _and only the future wil .detern4ne ýhe outcome. Many view the Provincial Income Tax plan as one creating chaos with two bodies taxing in the same field and under different plans. THE CASHLESS SOCIETY EXAMINED BY TELESCOPE CBC-TV's Telescope presents a color program about today's cash- less society, with a good deal of humnor as well as serious thouglit woven through it, in Rent-A- World, Thursday, March 13, 'at 8:00, p.m. Money is becoming the poor man's credit card. It's almost fin- ished as a means of barter, and experts- say that in the next 10 to 25 years man will have a chequeless, cashless system of ex-, change made ail the more prob- able by our changing attitude to possessions. "Cashless, chequeless baniking along -withi rentai anid guaranitee systeins appear to offer ecveryone a chance to uise rather thani own goods and services," says host- producer Fletcher Markie. "Aiready it's poss ible to rent or clverge or throw away after using just about anything - the list is formidable. A person can now rent anything from a budger- igar to an aircraft, with or with- out pilot.," The program asks: Will it ev- er be possible to live and, work without owning anything and without ever seeing money? Major contributions to this Prograni are Dale Reistad of New York's Payment Systems Incor- porated; Dr. Frank Winkier, psy- chosomatic medicine specialist;- Dr. Paul Nadies of the Graduate Sehool of Busineýss Administra- tion, New York University: Jas. Duff, rentais executive; -anid John Kettie, Teiescope's resident Postscript T Retirement Dear Friends: We were so deepiy moved by the, wonderfui dinner in honour of mny retiremenit from the. Bank that w are writing this noàte of thaniks to try tQ exipress our grat- itude to you ahi. We have been overwhelmed by your kindnesses and expressions of friendship and we want you to know how much we appreciate them ail. The beautiful auturnn picture painted by our taiented'artist and friend, Mr. Drummond,, says more than words' can express and gives us a warm giow in our hearts when we think of our Orono friends. Also it was wonderfully kind of you to send the beautiful red and white roses ýto our home. The beautiful mirror the Bank Staff gave us is also in our living room. It is exactly what we need- ed and we both thank you s0 much. For the past seven years, 1 have enjoyed, the encourage- ment, inspiration, warm friend- ship and co-operation of the Bank Staff. The lovely mirror serves to cement these friend- ships. For your thoughtfulncss,. also your affectioni and the great value of your gifts, our most sincere thanks. Ray' and Marjorie Dickson Letter To The Edîtor Dear sir: Last Wdedy February 26, 1969, the OnbsBill to amend the Criminal code received se- coi reacling, or ap)provai in prin- ciple, by7 a 'vote of 158 to 54 in the F-louse of Commons. This ini itself is not unusual, there being fifty members absent for the vote members, incidentally, absent when they were elected to speak and vote for you and me. The Point in question, 'however, is that among other things the bill legalizes.'homosexuality. be- tween consening aduits. This is a portion of the .bill that lauincehd our Prime Minis- ter last winter, his rise to liberal leadership and eventually to be- come Prime Minister. At that time hie was in the position of Minister of Justice. It was no doubt an attention-getting pro- posai and certainily hand the effectj of tuning5 in the 'jet set' and ap- pealing to the juivenlile. 1, for one hoped that the day would not dawni when this proposai would find its way with accep)tanice, in- to the iaw making, chamibers of our country. "If you can't defeat himl, join him." This is our governmett's attitude toward,- homnosexuality,' virtualiy saying, "If you can't control anid legisiateý agaînst i t, make it legal." This in great men- sure places upon it the seal of LYLE WESTr ELECTRIC Orono: 983--5962 QualîtY El ectri cal Hleating and Lighting Installations and Repairs by Certified Electricians approval. This western world is quickly becomingý a land of the pampered irreverent and undisciplined, par- ticularly among the young. This is the age when we most of al need strong, feariess leadership of unquestionabie integrity. This is the day to present to our peQple the challenge of victorlous living through discipline, stren- gth of body and b~rmnessofo- viction. What, civilization, what nation lus dropped to this degredation and long survived? How can we look with honour by Jackman PHONIE COLLECT 623-336 1 62 King stB. BOWMANVILE For Ail Your Flower Needs and respect to our leaders wherr they, even for a moment, con-- template the passing of such ieg- isiation? This bill will go to the stand ing committee on justice and legal affairs for detailed consideration and public presentations. There is yet hope in the v9ice of the dissenters. R. D. Morton. MODEL CAR KITS A wide selection of kits suit- able for the Model Car Show being held in Orono, Mar 14-15 Priced fromn 79C up MNiddleton ' s Orono, Ontario Weekend Specials ASPIRIN, 100s for on.ly . 66e -NQXZEM,,2 for $1.59) ....2 for $1.17 JERGEN'S LOTION )......7 TWIN'TOTS 01.18) .............. 67c ARRID EXTRA DRY ADORN HAIR SPRAY ($1.9) .$1.34 ($.9> .99C GLORY IRTG CLEANER ($2.19) . 18 Colgate TOOTH PASTE BAND-AIDS Z.B.T. BABY POWDER VICKS VAPO RUB ($1.59) $1.27 ..3 . . 1. . . . .37c (9) 66e .49e SLIM MINT GUM ($1-98)........ $1.39 NIKOBAN BANTRON ($2-99).............. $2.37 <$.1...............$10 Stutt's Pharmacy ORONO. ONTARIO PHONE 983-5009 (.69) I Clairke Players An Evening of 4 Oe-Act Plays at the NEWCASTLE TOWN HALL MARCH '13-14,815p.m. TICKETS: A1duits $1.50; Students $1.001 Tickets available at the. Box Office or Phone 983-5890 after 5 p.in.