ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURýSDAY, MABCH 6th, 169 Orono Juveniles Keep Fa'ns On Seat Edge The final game of OMHA play- downs between the Orono and Pickering Juveniles, played in Orono iast Saturday evening pro- vided some exciting hockey. Net onfly was there an abundance of hockey but aise the local club showed a great recovery in the last six minutes of the gamé. At the fourteen minute mark in the final period Orono trailed 'Pickering by a score of 4-1. Pete Henderson at this pint scored next few minutes Bibi Robinson the Orono Club a lift. Within the next lew minutes Bill Robinson scored two goals te tie the game. The score being tied forced the game jnte lovertime. Midway threugh the ten minute overtime period Frank Hendry scored on a pass-out from Pete~ Westheuser which put Orono eut in front. During the overtime period Or- ono was able te carry the mest of the play. Within the last minute of play local fans were dîsheart- ened when on a rush, Pickering scored. Relief for the fans soon came as the pbay was calied off- âide. Pickering then pulled their goalie for a sixth attacker but were unable te get the jump on Orono. The victory was definitely ;Or- onos who now- play Fenelon Falls with the second game being play- ed tonight in Fenelon Falls. On Saturday Pete Henderson scored twice and gained two as- sists. Bill Robinson aise scored. twice and was credited an assist. Frank Hendry. netted the winning goal for Orone. Other assists went te Don Norton and Pete Westheuser. The local Juveniies showed pienty. of spirit and when down tregoals were net dishearten- ed. Some ragged defensive play aliowed two of the Pickering goals with Donnie Todd in Orono nets having littie chance te stop the puck. Bill Robin~son continues te dispiay seme heady puck con- trol and on a number of occas- ions was able te complete an end te end rush. HOCKEY NOTES The Orone Midgets on Friday night were defeated 9-5 by the Bowmanviiie Midgets. The Orono goals were scored by Robin Win- ter and Biain Moffa tweo apiece and a single te Steven Boyd. As- sists went te Ken Partridge, Dave Brennan, Steven Boyd and Jim Partner. The Oreno Bantams were de- feated Friday night by Bewman- vile 5-0. The Bowmanville Atems edged a 5-4 win over the Oreno Bantams o n Friday 'evening. The Orono William C. Hall, B. Comm. Phone Newcastle 987-4240 Ail day Wednesday and Saturday'ý NEW TO You@* Gilen Rae YAK rhe new 100 per cent Hy- genic Advantage Container Available on February l3th from your milkman 43 qtS Homo lIc qts 2%1 S7C Special introductory Offerl Good until March lst MODERN PITCHER 40< Try convenient Pitcher-Pak Milk with the specially designed mlk pîtcher for easy serving. Also hygienie, disposable, easy to store, strong, saïe, lightweight. goals were scored by Chris Robin- son; John Cornish and Nicky van Seggelen. Satra afternoon the Orono Atoms journeyed to Bowmanville where they were again defeated '5 to 4. Nicky van ono goals with David Walton net- ting the fourth. ORONO TYKES WIN The OronoTyikes took a 4-1 vic- tory over Bowmnanville Wednes- day night. The Orono scoring was shared by Scott West, Steven Clark, Matthew Robinson, and Ronnie Taîsma. Seggelen scored three of the Or- Orono Loses To Fenelon Fa Ils The Orono Juveniles lost their epening game with Fenelon Falls on Tuesday evening at the Orono Arena by a score of 2-1. Orono opened the scoring in the first period with 'Fenelon Fàlls add- ing a goal in both the second and third period. The second game*of the series is to, be played in Fen- elon Falls tonight, Thursday. Close, checking by Fenelon Falls kept Orono formulating any plays with the local club at times finding it difficut to clear the puck from their own end. Donnie Todd, a wandering goal tender for the Orono club, came up with some good saves. for his team- mates. Orono is .going to have to hus- tle to make a .come-back in the series. Oftawa Report- Russell C. Honey, M.P. Northumberland - Durham This week Parliament' started te deal with the government re- org anization legisiatiori, This Bill relates to, five government de- partments. It establishes the new Department of Regional Economic Expansioli. The* Honourable Jean Marchand, under whom I serve as Parliamentary Secretary, is the Minister responsible for this new Department. The significance of the. legisla- tion was undeihlined by the f act that it was initroduced to the House by the Prime Minister. Traditionally the Prime 'Minister dues neot speak in debate uniess the legislation is a matter of sig- nificant national importance. As the Prime Minister said in his speech, government agencies, as well as al -ocial institutions, are subject to constant changes te which we must adapt ourselves from time to time. He described the new legislation as setting up a 'Wast programn of reform and reorganiizationi of ail the govern- miental. appai-atus." It is the third stell in MIr. Trudeaus program of governimenit reorganization. ShortIy after the election . the Prime iniister restructured the Cabinet system which enables it te function more' effectively. Im- proved metheds in cabinet re- organization and procedure were paralleied by improvements in Ij Albert's Texaco GENERAL REPAIRS Phone 983-5249 Oreno Letter To Editor 31 Speers Ave., Weston, Ont. Orono Weekly Times, Orono, Ontario. Dear Sir: .- have fond memories of Orone and many friends1 there and I1 amn writing thisý letter te ask their help., The Government has proposed two acts of. egisiation against the Humane Societies. The effect of Mr. Wishart's Bibi te amend the Society's Ac t will be te remove the authority of the Inspectors te such a point that they wiil be completeby ineffective in pre- venting crueIty ,te animais. The effeet of. the Medicai Re- search Bibi wibi be te force the Society to close al our animal sheiters. It will give speciai pro- tection te dealers in. animaIs and wilb preoteet them against ordinary police offîcers. Will you please write or phone your M.P.P, at Queen's Park, cir- cubate a petition. Act promptly, the bis may soon be law. Yours sincereiy, Mary Fisher (Sisson) the legislative proceduresý of the House of Commons when drain- atic changes in thep ruies of pro-' cedure (the first major revisions since Confederat 'pin) ow make it possible for JParliament te han- die more systèxhatically the great- iy increased volume of iegisiation and othef business wl.ikh has heen before it ini recent years. The new rubes enable Parlia- m~ent te, add a large number of iaws teo the statute books at each session, and, as the Prime Min- ister pointed eut, "We must as- sure ourseives that the public ser-' vice is organized te administer those laws as effectively and ec- onom icaliy as possible!" That ,is the purpose of the many chang- es proposed" by the present Bill. Kendal News Sorry to report that Mrs. Ralpht Beach fell on the ice of Kendal Street on Monday afternoon and broke her arm. She was taken tc, Bowmanville Hospital where it was set. Mr. G. A. MacLeod, superinten- dent of instruction of the New Northumberland - Durham Board of Education. was in Kendal on Monday afternoon to find out if a suitable building could b Io-' cated to accommodate a Kinder- garten class. He stressed that this was only in the planning stage and might easily be turned down by the Board of Education due t&~ the very high cost of busing the children. The wonderful weather of this past February is stili with us. Long. ago we woubd have heard the ringing of sleigh belis and the sound of the. saw loggers going to the mibl. To-day it's the whine of the ski doos. They love to race in the big field east of the vil- lage. We hear of some of them getting lost, back in the Ganar- aska. DRY., CLEANING Pick-up, and Delivery iOrono Tuesday, Thïnrsday and Friday Glen Rae. JUG MILK Buttetimilk, Choelate Mllk Orange Juice Pipes, Cigars, Cigarettes Tobacco -Candy MATIS, BILLIARDS and Bo'rbershop DONT MISS iT!. Orono Amateur Athletic Associations' HOCKEY BOOSTER BANQUET ,$100.00 CASH' SATURDAY MARCH 8 Dinner z- ýv, d in Orono ec urch AT 6:30 p.m. in Town Hall TIC.. ~S$5.00 Tickets Available f romt any Association Member or Cail Russ Major: 983-5858 UX Y, DX DX DX DX DX DX DX DX DX DX DX D Be Wise .... ECONOMIZE! WITH IveDXFUEL POE668-3341 DX DX X D X DX DX DXDXDX DX DX 1~ -- - -- .- ~