ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCU 6th, 1969 See Millson Insurance Agency for Al classes of personal and Commercial Coverages Office: Main St, Orono 983-5032 Res. 983-5754 IGord Simunm I-Phonie Orone 993-5S' CARPENTRYg GENERAL &EPAIRS Interior Exterior CHARLES RLÎID1 Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuatoi Specialize jin Farm. and Furnilire "Sales ConsuIt guefoi te-rnis and dates ,pBi.NE ORONO 983-5914' Monuments aund Our quality and service lealves nothing to be desired Ask the person'who bought fromn is, a n.eighbowr, friend or relative The RIJTTER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE «'Largest dlsplay iu Southeru WATÎSON'S Marine and Cycle Orono Phone 983-5343, -MCCULLOCH BOATS & MOTOIIS CHAIN SAWS lepairs te ail aes of Lawn M.wem .and 2 and 4 cycle OTACO pLOW POINTS AND MACHINERT LYCETT SPlumbing & H-eating PHONE 983-5407 IBornes & Byam jPLUMB1NG andilIEATING * Saits and Servie j j4 IIOUR BURNER SERIVICE - R-A FIN ANCING Lew Interest Rate$ Phou<-6: Tyrone 263-2650 Hampton 263-2288 Orville Chatterton Electrical ,Contracting Electric Heating and Service jPHIONE 983-5546 or 983-5940 Oronio, Ontario I ORONO ELECTRIC H erb and Gerry Duval 983-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELIECTRIC HEATING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES TV. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO - HI-FI FRIGIDAIRE - R.C.A. DOMINION ELEtCTROHOME INGLIS - THOR -GUARANTEED SERVICE- Hiamltons Insuranice Service fi Package Policies Fldelity Bond, Llabmlty LiUe S First Miertgage Loans oSadie Hamilton'ý Phone 883-5115 1Box 133 Phone 668-35521 Stafford Brothers Limited Manufacturers of Cemietery'Memorials 318 Dundas Street East WHITrBY, ONTARIO Buflding a Ilouse? «r remo*eflng y.ur preseui eme, thon contact Floyd Nicholson F01R SALE FOR RflNT Dried shelled Corn for sale. Snowmoble storage for nent 'Ir pick- up or delivery ealu from March 15 to December 15. Bob Carruthers, RR 1, Bowman- For more information phone ville. Phone 623-5485. t-f 983-5530. a-c FOR SALE Registered Labrador Retriever Pups, seven weeks old. Field Trial Stock. Phone 983-5670. a-p VISIT FRED'S FRUIT MARKET We specialize in quality apples, Red Delicious, Spys, Russets and many other varieties, at whole- sale prices. Fresh Apple Cider, Ice Cream. .79e hall gallon. t-f AUCTION SALE Farm Sold. SelliUg by public aucion on Saturday,. March 15 at 12 o'clock, the i3atile, pouitry, .mnachinery, feed and furniture of Mr. Otto CoatJim, Lot 20, Concession 5, 1 mîle direct1y east of Orono. L. Harris, elerk. Charles Reid and Ciff Pethick, Aucioneers. JACK RICARD REALTOR 9.9 King. St., E. BOWMAN VILLE wben Buaying Pr Selli.ug cal] WILF HAWKE YOUR ORONfO AREA REPRESENTATIVE 983-5274 &embers of ishawa and DL, triet Real rïstate Bard Oxford BRICKLAYERS STONEMASON S ïV. Sehiuahl 983-5606 Specialziug in ail klids of- STONEWORK andl FIEEPLACES We aiso do Chfinney Repaira D, ROGERSON ORONO, ONTARIO ANTIQUES WB BUY AND BELL- 01<1 Glas, China, Pi»e Artles« Toys aud Oddl"e IF IT'S OL» ... C A LL US WB PAT CASH! Phoues 983~-5210 or W-.3128 NOTICE Due to the Juvenile Play-( game tonight, the Orono Hod Mothers> Annual meeting will cancelled until furthen notice. off key be NOTICE Mrs. Ralph Ellis, Belleville, formerly Loreen Lorriman of Orono, will- be guest speakeër at a Luncheon Meeting of the U.C. W. on Thursday, February 2th at 1 p.m. ln the Main Hall. The menu is Pot Luck so bring your favorite casserole, salad pr des- sert. Ail ladies welcome. b-c NOTICE Fish and OhIps - ail you can eat every Saturday tight at "The Acres" for 99 cents. t-f WORMS A PROBLENY? Use PAMO VIN Tablets or Liquid. The single dose treatment for pinworms. Available, at Stutt's Pharmaty. m-l6-p WANTED Waitnesses wanted for full and part time; also female short order cook. Phone 983-5771. a-c REAL ESTATE CA2REER We 'have openings, for c4reen minded people. Intenested inseli- ing Real Estate properties, ful or part time. If you are living, in Crono, Bowmanviile, Newcastle, Ponty- pool, Millbrook, Port Hope or aneas. Phone John F. DeWith for a personal interview,, froin: John F. UazWflth Real Estate -Lid. Bowmanville, 623-3950.. f-14-c -i W. FRANK REAL ESiATE L IMITED - Realtor 21 Kig St. W. Bowmantville 623-3393 Toronto 923-91741 Port Hope Offie 885-4548 For prompt, courteous, effici- eut service when buying osr selling and for the largest sel- ection of properties lu the area Contact Orono Area Repr«eetatives Roy Foster Ross Gilhart Andy Sutch 983-5801 983-55M3 983-9119 Roy Strong 52 r il Bethanyj HELP WANTED Milk delivery salesman for buit ,up route in rural area. Pre- vious sales experienCe essential. Apply - in person, Glen Rae Dairy, 1 p.m. t 4 p.m a-e WANTED Stenographer - Clerk Shorthand, dictation and Ac- counts receivable. Experience .de- sirable. Excellent working condi- tions and fringe benefits. For appointment caîl Mr. K. llealy, Curvply Wood Produets, prone Orono 983-9171. EUCHRE PARTY At Kirby Centennial School, sponsored by Kirby Home and, School, Saturday, March l5th at 8 p.m. Admission 50c, Ladies' bring lunch. b-p ATTENTION Freâwezer Owners; Custom meat, cutting for all meats., Phone: 983-5201. ATTENTION LADIES and GENTLEMEN Something new, has happened to depilatories. Re solve your UN- WANTED HAIR or, BRISTLY BEARD problem the SACAPELO CREAM way.,Selîd'for your free literature to-day,...Lor-Beer Labor- atonies Ltd., 5-679 Granville St., Vancouver 2, B.C..ý WORLD DAY 0F FRAYER The theme,, seriptures and prayers were pîroposed by women in Africa.ý This service is for al denominations and is especially vital to ail condcertied in the nieed for. oî unîty. The Hi-C grôgp' are bringing special music. Let's 'see everyone at Orono United Church this Friday, March 7, at seven o'clock.' Theme "Growing together in Christ." a-c BIRTH STACEY-Norm and Ruth (nee Bcllock) are - happy to, annocnce the arrivai' of thein dacghter Christine Winona, 9 lbs. 51/2nzs., at Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville on Monday, February 24th, 1969, A sister for Kathy and Su- san. Sîpecial th anks to Dr. Syl- vester and staff. a-p BIRTH REID-Bonnie, and Rolibie wish to announce the arrivai. of a baby boy, Randy Alan, 8 lb. 7 oz., on February 28th, 1969., Proud gnandparents ýare Myr. and Mrs. Everette Couvien oôf Orono, and Mr. and Mr. .William' Reid of Kirby. .a-p DEATH COBBLEDICK, Lina Maud- At the Bowmanville Mwnorial Hs- pital, Tluesday, Manch 4th, 1969 Lina Maud Cobbledick, beloved wife of the late William Cobbie- dick, dean mother of Gladys (Mns. Lorne Thompson) of Black- stock and Hubert of Leamington. Age 81 years. Resting at the Bar- low Funenal Home, Park St., Or- ono, until Friday morning, then to Orono United Chunch for se>~ vice at 2 p.m. Interment 0rono Cemetery. IN MEMORIAM MARTYN-In loving memony of my dean Dad, Mothen and Sister. Peacefully sleepfing, resting at last, Ahl tribulations and trials now passed. With patiene their worldly canes they bore, Till God cailed them home To wonry no, more. Sadly missed and aiways re- membered by daughten Greta and Orme Falls.a- PUMINOOUT SEPTC TANKS Bort T@makim., P"»ne781-385 _do_