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Orono Weekly Times, 20 Mar 1969, p. 1

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ORONO WEEKLY TIME:qS, THURSDAY, MARCH 2th, 196.) Tlaxpayers Questi ion Board 0fEducatioi 1For the first time since its formation the newiy formed County 'Board of Education was questioned by two Cobourg tax- payers who sat in on last night's regular meeting. J. M. Roipli, chairman of the board, said he and the board were pieased to see that some in- terested people came to the meet- ing.'1He also saîd that it is the poiicy of the board to allow a certain period of time at the con- clusion of the night's business for any questions from either the press corps or any other interest- ed porson present at the meeting. The questions put to the board pertained to the hiring of varjous officiais and the wages allotted to them. Explanatiens came from both the chairman and some mem- bers' of the board who were ac- tive in hiring people for the new On the question of how mucli more money is being spent by the new board or how much is being saved, Mr. Roipli said it Would be difficuit to say at the present moment as the auditors' resuits for 1968 were not in as yet. A motion was passed last niglit by the hoard tii make an appli- cation to the Ontarlo Municipal Board for final approval of is- suanco of debenturos in the. sumn of $987,000. These debentures are for the construction of an addi- tion and 'alterations to the Port ~Hope High School.1 Another motion was also to apply to the Ontario Education Capital Aid Corporation to seli debentures ln the amotint stated a bove. The board approved for Mrs. A. E. Cowan to take a sabbatical leave for the 1969-70 school year. Mrs. Cowan,:the present head ,f the classics department in the Port Hope Higli Sehool, wil at- tend the University of Victoria, the Graduate Faculty, in the Fine Arts (theatre) division. While at- tending the university she is hop- ing to acquire her Master of Fine Arts degree. 1At t he present time the new board lias'four teachers who are Pontypool Boy KîiIed Gun Confiscated A .22 calibre rifle was seized by the Newcatle Detacliment of ,.he OPP foliowing the death in Pontypool on Monday affernoon of a l6year-old youth. Brian Glen Armstrong, Lot 8, Con. 2, Manvers Township, was found dead when police arrived, at the scene shortly after receiv- ing a caîl at 3:15 p.m. Inspecter Raymond Williams, Criminal Investigations Brandi of the OPP, Toronto 'is la charge of the investigation. No charges have been laid. Orono Residenis, Craduates VOLUME 32, NUMBER il N.OP. Woààea The Durham N.D.P. Women's Organization held its' March l8th meeting at the home of Mrs. G. Olthof, Courtice. The Secretary reported that tickets had been printed by the Cobourg Retarded Chldren's Workshop for the dance sched- uled for Port Hope on April l9th. Members were, asked to bring hIneh. It is hoped that many of the Nicholson File Workers in Port Hope will be able te attend the dance.' Plans were finaiized for the rummago and bake sale and tea tii b held in Mllbrook Orange Hall on Saturday afternoon, Mardi 29th. Mis. E. Eaton reported on the Riding Association Executive meeting and advised that William &umpsty was the 110W N.D.P. Reg-, ional Organizer and that ho vvouid lie working eut of Oshawa. The P pril l5th meeting' wil liec held at the home of Mrs. E. Eaton, Millhrook. Planning Study Appraisal Approved Ini Peterhor' Thirty-two hous of study the OAPDS executive crammed into three days lias te schedule an .2xecutii 1' -ougit agreement on the terms tee meeting within the of the study appraisal for the te consider the revised Oshawa Area Planning and. De- The executive cer velopment Study. aise lie prescnted wil Robert Richardson, Oshawa's brief on the purpose,( deputy commissioner of works, schedulipca. and ohjecti and 'executive secrefary of the Oshawa *\ a Planning Study Opratiens Committee 'of velopment Study. the OAPDS, said the meetings last W,- lncosday, Thursday and Fri- If diie executive day la Peterborough between gives its approval,' bot consultants and SOC members praisal and the briefv b -ought total agreement on the sented. te the Provinci details of the1 two-volime, 130- ment at a March 27 nm page appraisal. Darcy McKeougli, n municipal affairs, Geor Mr. Richiardson hopes 'te ar- Minister of Hiighways, range with Desmond Newman, MacNaughton, Previnc: Whitby mayor and cliairman of urer. on a sabliaticai beave. The County Board of Educa- tion approved the appoîntments of W. B. Dawson, Dr. J. F. Lee- son and Mrs. H. Delanty to, the Cobourg Library Board.% Mr. Richardson said be up to the executive to decide how mucli d lease at its upcoming H1e revealed that the erations Committee ai ants made a number tions in'the P,)praisal. 0 fRd Cross Nursingtý Course Port Hope Hospital Receives Legacy The announcement of what was described as a "breathtaking dis- ciosure," a legacy of approximat- ely $300,000 for Port Hope and District Hospital, was madle by the chairmlan9 of the Hospital Trust, J. S.« Laurie, at the annuai meeting held recently. Mr. Laurie said the trust was the recipient of a substantial lie- quest from the estate of the late Mrs. Gertrude M. Wickett. While the final figures were mot available, the trust expected the legacy to be approximately $300,000. Expressing the deep apprecia- tion of the trust and of the' cem- munityý for the "thoughtfulness of Mrs. Wickett," Mr. Laurie stated that the trust would os- tablish suitable recognition te the memory of Mrs. Wickett at the appropriate time. It was intended, ho said. te pro- serve the funds basically for fu- ture hospital expansion, t1jiereby reducing the amount te. lie raised by public suliscription. ough Tax Rebute System committee, vo commit- next week dappraisai. mittee wiiI itb a draft costs, area, tives of the ig and De- committee )h the ap- wiii be pro- lail Govera- .eeting with ilaister of -go Gomme, ,and Cha5. cial Treas- Iit would ,committee letail to re- Smeeting. ýStudy Op- and consuit- rof altera- To Continue Ontarios syVtem of property tax reduction for home-owners and tenants will continue in 1969 with few changes, Municipal Af- fairs Minister Darcifý McKeough annonuced in the Legilature re- cently. H1e proposed two main amend- ments: 1. The reduction will ameunt te ne more, than 50 per cent of the' local :taxes on oaci eligibbe property. ,2. Crown-owned precerties, both Federal ýand Provincial, are con- firmed as being eligible for tax roduction te tenants. Mr. MeKeougli said tlio systemn had provec in practice te be "the best available metliod" of rebiev- ing the pressure of bo cal taxation on the individual heusehold. It provides more than $100 million last year te some twe million househoids. Hoý deserihed the system as a practical short-rua measure that will ikeiy bo replaced at some time la the future by the inclus- ion of property tax relief in aà Provincial income tax system. -The same equalization factor will lie used in 1969 as in 1968, lie said, with certain exceptions sucli as municipalities whicli have just been reassessed. "In other words, if a municipal- ity were te have the same mibi rate in 1969 as it had iast year, the amount of tax reduction ap- plying te an individual houseliold will lie the same. If the Niill rate goes up, the amount of tax re- Three local residents were a- rnong those honoured at a speciai a.vards r'-ht held by the Bow- manville and District Branch, Canadian Red ross Society for the graduating ciass of the Home Nursing Course. Mr. Fred Grifffin, Brandi Pres- ident, welcomed the ladies, their families and friends and congrat- ulated them on successfully com- pleting this thirteen week course. Mrs. E. VwlOostenbrugge, instrue- tor, introduced the graduates who were then presented wîth their pins' and certificates. Mrs. Dianne Cowling, Mrs. Margaret Suther- land and Miss Doretta Chailice of Orono received their pins. Oth- ors in the ciass were: Mrs. Karen Adams, Miss Florrie Barreli, Mrs, Kay Forsey, Mrs. Lenna Froates, Mi-s. Mabel Giliner, Mrs. Elva Kinnoar, Mrs. Eleanor Murdock, Mrs. Betty Richardsi, Mrs. Ger- aid Shackleton, Miss Bonnie Sm ith, Miss Franees Stacey, Miss Lynn Tompkins, Mrs. Iva Twist, Mrs. Evelyn Woolner. Presentations were made to the two instructors, Miss M. Crows and Mrs. E. VanOostehbrugge, by Mrs. E. Kinnear .on behaîf of the class. Mrs. R. Spry, Past Prosi- dent thanked the instructors on behaif . of the Branch Executive and presented them with a token of appreciation. 1Mrs. Betty Dugan, Ontario Div- ision 'Director of Public Rela- tions then made a special presen- tation to Mrs. R. Spry of a Certi- ficate of Menit in recognition of her service as a Red, Cross vol- unteer. A furtiier surprise for Mrs. Spry was the awarding of a Badge of Service or her outstand- ing contribution to the work of the Red Cross'Society. Mrs. Spry's deep feelings were obvieus in lier words of thanks for this un- expected honour. Two films were shown 'The Choiee is Yours', an excellent Water Safety film and 'No Red Tape', which covered ail the vital services of Red Cross.. 1 The evening closed with a soc- ial hour during which a'delicious lunch was served by the members. of the Branch. duction wîll also go up." The 50 per cent minimum is beîi introduced to enisure that no properties are totaily exempt- ed from local taxes by this re- duction, 'lie said. This is in keep- ing with the prin@iple of partici- pation by every household in paying for local services. Summer cottages are an example of the low-taxation preperties that will bce effected by th.e change; some of these were totally exempted last year. H1e said the change encerning Crown properties foiiowed con- sultation with the Minister of Trade and Development and the Federal Minister of, Finance. It covers eligibiity for 1968 as well as for 1969. The Province owns about 20,000 rentai housing un- its throughout Ontario, and the Federal Government owns 'about 10,000. $79,OOO Turned Over By ClarkelchoDl Twp. Board Last Friday and Saturd,ý,y the ho'd future cornu titions for boys J'ri "- G th? trophy for Anti- ,Saracens Car Club, Orono, con- 14 -eais 'and inder. cu-. Th w-cra-' of model1 cavs ducted a Model Car Show and d -cw considerable interest from Competition which was lodged la In last weeksý copt;tton-there many in the area. the McKenzie Store iný the Orono were 20 entries. Ken Cowling on Business section. This was the the ieft won the trophy for Cern- The Saracens Car Club lias a first adventure of this nature by petition group. Alan Pears the membershlp of twenty-five. aute- the Car Club. They, intend to trophy for the Rod group and motive buffs. The Clarke Township Public School Board, which ceased existance as of the first of the year when the New County Board of Education was eiected, recent- ly turned over to the new board a sum of $79,000.00. This amount closed out the account of the de- funct Clarke Township Board. The past Boards were asked to suppiy a certain percentage of monies for the new Board but the sum turned over by the, Clarke Board is somnewhat in excess of this amount, from our informa- tion, by some $40,000. te $50,000. There is a provision in the new Act whereby adjustments can be made and for this purpose the new Board lias set up a committee to deai with adjustments. It is surprising that this- am- ount of money was ieft over by the Clarke Board as during the past few months they were dlaim- ing the iack of funds and even cut back on some projects such as the General Purpose room in Orono. If the Board liad been a- ware of sucli funds there is no doulit- that a tax rate cut could have been instituted or more work carried out. Aloi

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