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Orono Weekly Times, 20 Mar 1969, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIIURSDAY, MARCH 2th, 1969 Taken from a sermon by Rcv. B. E. Long. Sripturc Readings: St. John 4: 1-15; 7: 37-39., Last Sunday we considered the views of some wbo give little cre- dence to traditional Christian be- lief s such as - man in the -image of God, Jesus as the Son of God and lifte beyond this 1f e. During the weck someone comn- mented, "If wc could look into the infiermost part of the miuds and hearts, of most pcaplc, we would find that very few would differ very much from the opinions of these people who so openly spcak of their unbelief., If this is truc, that people do flot rcally believe these things, then I cannot help but feel how useless it is to speak as I do -at funeral services, how shallow our expressions of Enster as it pro- claims the resurrection, how pit- iful the bopes and teaching of the Christian Churcb. But is this the way we really think? So often we state our opinions and then without realiz- ing contradiet them by our action. In so doing, we seem to prove that our faith is much greater than our thcology. Nevertheless, wc cannot easily deny that Christian faitb seems to be on the wane, or that in- volvement lu Christian worship is gradually dropping off. Many fear that the Church will dis- appear and Sunday Chureh Sehool be lost, but if they are, it wil only be that too many took them too much for grantcd. Such per- sons will then be losing oniy what they did not really value. Hlf bearted commtmnent and support will neyer win decisive victories, nor are we likely to ap- preciate what we could have un- tii we lose what littie we aow have. The same is truc lu most as- pects of life. We do not value time when we are young because of it spreading out before us. But we fe41 that there is an ocean when we have passcd the haîf way mark and perhaps a littie more, 'time becomes infinitely more preclous. Many squander health wbhen the body 'is young ýWedding Stationery When planning your wedding be sure to view the beautiful and complete line of Wedding Station- ery handled at the Orono Weekly Times. .A complete line of Invitations, Announcements, Thank -you cards Se&rviettes, Matches, Place. Card, Recption Cards. Orono Weekly Times Phone 983-530Y1 Orono, Ont. Searching Our Heurts Albert's Texaco GENEBAL REPAIES Phone 933-M Orono and strong only tco find that tne latter years bring ailments and limitations which 'restriet and an- noy. It is then that we begin to long for the health which once we knew and which we could stili have if we had valued it more high]y at the fit st. Mar- niage bappiness is another area in which we often find a lack of ,appreciation and respect. The happy days change to troubled days ns littie by littie the act of taking life aId- people for grant- ed smothers the joy and creates a chasm too wide to be bridged. At this point many look back and long for thajt which once they had but now is lost... ln a large segment of our so- ciety it is fashionable to rule out worship as a regular experience, to scoff at God and to revel in un- belief. But the natural resuit of such an expression is just what we have at the present time - an age of violence in which presi- dents and leaders are assassinat- cd, cities burned, university fac- ilities destroycd, rmurder-, com- mitted for k, -ks and bomls dis- covercd almost anywhere. In an- other area of our society prest- ige, symbols are to be f ound in stealing, exploitation of sex and abnormal use of drugs. Another reason for unbelief seems to lie in the fact that man can now launcli out into space fliglits to such distant goals as the moon. Hie can predict his fliglit with remarkable accuracy. (t secms to some that Goul bas belief been left behind. If such is man's helief, then hîs ultra so- phistication has placed hlm in a vastly infecior place of under- stan ding to that of the ancicut writer who said of God, "1Whither shaîl L go from thy spirit? Or whither shall I fiee from thy presence? If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: If I make my bcd in bell, be- hold, thou arc there. If I take the wings of the :morn- ing, And dwell in the uttcrmost parts of the sea; 1Even there shahl thy hand lead me, 'an~d thy riglit hand hold me" One of the proud boast s of many, who seek the life of unre- straint, is that they are helping to free man in îoiety, and that we are now discoveripIý great new expressions of libcrty. A careful look at history, howevcr, soon re- veals that these things are notý n ew, nor do tbey bring man free- dom. Through them he becomes a slave whose real hope lies in the influence of those who tbink of life in terms of a trust which has been p1acid in our lbands, and whlch must bc used to bring about the things which are up- lifting rathcr than destructive. Man gets bis truer. bearing when he takes time to lift up his mind and cars, and eyes above the level of everyday groping for power, possessions and prest- ige. Hie cannot afford to reject the challenge and inspiratio)n broughbt through worship . The percentage of poorly adjusted lives seems to be vcry h,*gh, for- unhappincss, dissatisfaction and strif e is found on every side a- mong communities, familles and nations. The Eastcr scason reminds us of the man who came to reveal God. He was a whoic man, a man PRE-EASTER AT THE Oron515C to $1,00 Store Easter Novelties from 10e to $3.45- Candies, Baskets, Bunnies, Smiles 'n Chuckles. See our Steele Briggs Flower and Veg-- etable Seed Display Scatter Rugs 17"x26" for.............. $1.29 Dusty Tweed 27"x 72".............. $5.59 Hybrid Amaryllis Kits complete with 'pot .89e Ten large peat Pots in a package priced at .88e Begonia Bulbs................... 4 for 59e Starter Kits, various Colours............ 39ce Odds 'n ends Candy reduced to 25c IL while last ý'learan ce of Scotia P aint 7 25e 'pt.. - 50c. quart Wome's.Men's and Kids Slippers from $1.00 Broadcloth - -plains and prints 56e - 84e sq. yd.. Personna Super stainless steel blades reg 75c, Now only..................... 5 for 31c Arrid Extra Dry Spray Deodorant 6 oz. - 94c Lady's 4 jpdece Boudoir set, blue onfly .... $9.98 Four-piece Mixing Bowl set, reg. $1.49 now .88e Stashý any of these Goodies as a lay-away with a small dfeposit. Family Allowance Cheques cashed wi'th a smile PHlON E 983-5401 "TilE STORE WITil MORE" laM HOCKE TUNMnTl Teams f romt Newcastle, Orono, Bowmanviile, and Fenelon Fails First Game: 6:30 p.m. DXDX DX DX DX DX DX DX DX DX DX DX DX w- Be Wise .... ECONOMIZE! 4 WITH FUEL OIL PHONE 668-3341 - 4 DX DX DX DX DIX DX DX DXDX DX DX IDX D tx-lrnse life made sense, a man \vho un1ockc;Ji the dor of truth and life. His name was Jesus. We cali bim Christ. He spoke, wonderful words of wisdom and demonstrated them in his life. Hle said, "Blessed are tbosc who hunger and thirst for rigbteous- ness, for they shall be satisfied." Hian neyer does find la9ting sat- isfaction in the things which can be so easily taken from hlm, but he can find it la spiritual fulfil- ment which makes hlm an instru- ment of God's creative power. Jesus saîd to the woman of Sam- aria, "Every onqe wbo drinks of the watcr (of this well) will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I, shahl give bim will neyer thirst; the water that I shaîl give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life." On another oc- casion Jesus said, -If any one 'birst, let hini come to me and drink. Hie who believes in me, as the scripture bas said, Out of bis heart shall flow rivers of living (Continued page 5) Ail Vour EASTER CANDIES are 110W available BUNNIES, EGGS, BASKETS etc., etc., etc. MATS BILLIARDS ami Burber shop William C, Hall, B, Comm. Chartered Accountant Phone Newcastle 987-4240 Ail day Wednesday and Saturday --9eeee MA R(à

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