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Orono Weekly Times, 20 Mar 1969, p. 5

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIWURSDAY, MARCH 20th, 1969 Russell C. Honey, M.P.', Northumberland - Durham One of the first items on the agenda of t he new Prime Min- ister when h. took office last summer was a full review of Canada's foreigu policy. Mr. Tru- deau indicated that this study would be in depth and would not be hampered by old traditions or concepts. The Standing Committee of the flouse of Commons on Foreign Affairs and National Defence is presently in Europe as part of this study. Shortly after the Com- mittee returns to Ottawa this week it will report to Par liament and the Prime Minister lias in- Seairchinlg (Continued from Page -4) water." When society is eventually sick- ened with itself, and begins to ask the question "where can we find meaning and- fulness of life," the invitation of Christ will stili be the ansjer, for in Him man can be delivered out of the slavery of bis own making into the true freedom of God's intended pur- pose. larke Public LI BRAR Y HOURS OPEN: Tuesday 6:30- 8:30 Thursday 6:30 8:30 Friday 2:30 - 5; 6:30 - 8:30 Saturday 10 - 12 Callyour licensed Plumbing & Mecha,nlcal Contractor who selis, instails 'i jOd guarantees 1 CAIRM AN PLUMBING AND HEATING Phione 983-5207 Orono dicated that shortly thereafter the goverament will make an an- Aspects of our foreign policy now u'iýr review are sucli items as our place if any, in the North At!antic Treaty Organization (NA TO), whether or not Canada should join the Association of American States (OAS), and the question of recognition' of Red CWna and the- Vatican. The NATO question is by f ar the most important and difficuit. There are a number of options open. We would stay in NATO more or less as we are. On the other, hand we could decide to re- main in NATO as a signator, but d -aqtically reducing our forces in Europe. We could remain in NATO and remove ail our forces and keep them in Canada as an auxilliary force to be dispatched to Europe if and when required, or, lastly, we could get out of NATO altogether. Insofar as the OAS is concern- ed there are two main arguments. The OAS is comprised of western hemispheric nations with the ex- ception of Canada. Tfraditionally the group has boan dominated by the United States and one_ argu- ment lias been that Canada can have more influence on décisions affecting this ,haïnispheî-e if it does nlot encumber itself within this alliance . The counter-argu- ment is that we can bc more ef» fective as a member of the OAS. Other items in tlv%- review are the que stions of diplomatic re- lations with Communist China and the Vatic an. Arguments in support of these movs indicate that Ca~nada ýhould recogn ize the facts of the situations. The Comn- munist government of China is the de facto and legal goveril- ment of over 600,000,000 people. We have growing, trade with China and flic arguments in fav- eur of recognition seemns to be weighty. If may be fime we got rid of the pretence that Chiang Kai Shek and bis government on Taiwan have any legal or moral riglit to dlaimi to represent main- land (China.' *,Arguments wlth respect fo recognition of flie Vatican should be viewed in its context free from emotional consîderations on one side or the other. Those in favour of recognizing the Vatican point out advantages fromn the. diplomatic standpoint of having a Canadian representative in foucli with other representatives from the approximately 70 coun- tries who have representation 's in Home. Counter-arguments on this point are along the lines of main- taining 'a separation between churcli andstate. On ail questions of foreign pol- icy Canadians will have to weigh the arguments, for and against ecdi item lin a manner character- istic of our stature as a mature nationi, free from lexternal pres- 'Sures andf old prejudices. Durham Farmers County Coop PHONE 983-5102 FENCING ORONO, ONT.. FERTILIZERS GRASS SEEDS - SEED GRAINS - In Stock Order early and'avoid the Spring Rush Our Ausual Meeting wiil bce held on Friday., March 21st, at 8:00 o'clock ini the Oddfellow's Hall, Orono Draw prizes, Entertainment, Dancing and Luncheon after Come and bring your neighbour Report Fr îm Ottawa UNITED CHUItCH Oronte Pastoral Charge Minister Rev. B. E. Long SUNDAY, MARCH l8th, Orono United Churcli Sunday School at 10:00 Service at 11:15 a.m. Kirby- Morning Service at 9:45 Sunday School at 11:00 H os~~ pta1R2on l en LSe Mr. and Mrs. R, E. Logan were in Peterborougli on Monday at- tending the funeral of her cousin Mr. Ed. Sargent. Visitors with Mrs. Ken Gamsby over the weekend were Cipt. and Mrs. George Griham. Rexdale and Mrs. Ron Gi-aham, Scarboro. The visitors, aloi1g with Mrs. Gamsby attended the marriage of their nephew John Flegg, Osh- awa to Lynda'Welbanks at Picton on Saturday. Mr. Wm. Armstrong, Sr. is a patient in Oshawa Hospital. Mr. Les McGee also is in the Oshawa Hospital after several weeks la Bowmanville Memorial Hospital. Miss Sharon Allun, Peterboro, is spending this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Allin. At a recent Annual Meeting of the Progressive Conservafive Party of Canada held at Ottawa, Ron Patterson, a former resident of Orono, was elected one of tic three National Vice Presidents of the Party. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kimmett spent fie weekend with bis par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Manly Kim- mett, Napanee. Mr. and Mrs. R, Sawyer, 'son Steven and Paul Staples are in Colorado for thc hulidays. Mrs. Donald Staples, Sally, Jane and Jonathon, Mrs. E. Sam- uel and firee daugliters, Lisa, Cathy and Irene are spending the holidays in Vermont, U.S.A. Mr. Jack Bunting of Wa> Wa visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bunting and family hast wcekend. The banquet hall of the Orono Oddfcllows Hall has been corn- plctely redecorated this past week. Administi-ators- and purchasing agents had met.,to discuss tie- possibilities of, bulk purchasing for groups of hospitals and hos- pitals were being encouraged ta, esta~blish dialogue witi their- neigliboirs to co-operate in tlie planning of future health care facilities to avoid duplication. "It is not improbable fiat in the near future we may be drawn- into this regional organization and become a member of a hos~- pital group, functioning under a group board of management, de-~ signed to afford the best special- ist care and the most sophisticat-. ed equipment toahal patients of' the region," he snid. Th ret significant swing in ~inlath' o:rga-)>zation -. ~agcment of hospitals is LD- ards regionalization in an ef- 9o to prune costs, John Davis, aJ.nnwstrator of Port Hope and District Hospital, said at the an- nual meeting of tlic hospital trust recently. The administrator said he and the trust chaîrman had attended meetings to examine the feasibil- ity of establishing a central hos- pital laundry to serve the hospit- ais in Lindsay, Peterboroughi, Campbellford, Cobourg and Port Hope. Funeral Arrangements Weddling Arrangements Hlospital Arrangements FRLEE DELIVEEY! Drop in and browse around our Large Greenihouse Showroom for tropical plants, seeds, potting soils, pots, rooting hormones etc. CALL COLLECT DAY or NIGHT 623-5757 'VAN BELLE. GARDENS LT1D. Flower Shop Between Bowmanville and Oshawa on llighway No. 2 NOW AT VOUR DX Service Station Highway 35 and 115, just north of Newcastle Featuring ... Premium Quality Products -AT THE MOST REASONABLE PRICES - Stove 011 may bce picked up in any quantity 19.9c. per gallon ATTENTION FARMERS and TRUCKERS - Special discount on gasoline and diesel fuel. PHONE 987-4215 Ladies' Dresses More Spring Dresses have just arrived! The newest in styles and colours. Lots of Crimp-Knits and other easy-care fabries. Be sure to see them. Sizes range from 5 to 2212 Priced front $12.95 to $29.95 AII-Wea"ther Coats A good selection of ladies' coats for "Shine and Shower"ï. Up-to-the-minute styles in ail of the popular shades for Spring. Sizes 9 to 16. Priced from $22.50 to $32.00 Handbags New handbags for Spring and Summer. Attractive styles in bone, beige and gold. Priced froni $6.95 to $8.95 Ladies Blouses More new blouses including Fortrel and cotton in tailored styles to wear with slimis. Pastel shades as weil as white. Sizes 10 to 20, Priced from $5.50 to $8.95 New Spring Faishions for Boys and Girls 1.SROG

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